Top 10 Most Violent Video Games

Video games have a reputation to be more of the violent genre of subculture, but usually within a limit. But, some games seem to go all out in being violent.
The Top Ten

I agree. I was honestly expecting this one to be at least in the top 3, but it definitely deserves the #1 spot. It's utterly ridiculous how violent it is, but not too surprising, given the name. They don't even have the regular version anymore. They banned the publishing of the game with uncensored killings. It's not quite as brutal anymore.

This is less violent than its sequel but still extremely bloody and gory. I swear if it wasn't for this, Hatred wouldn't even have existed. Torture scenes and grisly imagery are everywhere. In fact, even now, it's not tame.

God of War

The goriest series ever! Crushing heads with doors and hammers, gutting people, and ripping them apart. So much fun!

If you like to kill freaky things with your giant serrated knives, you'll love this.

Grand Theft Auto IV

This game is boring... and not only that, but it's so violent and offensive I can't even put it into words! I am truly sad to see such young people playing it! I will never let my kids play this game or any game in the franchise. Parents who let anyone under sixteen play this are idiots!

Violent, and I love it, but it has very inappropriate content for a 6-year-old to play. If I had a 6-year-old, he/she would not be playing this game, PERIOD.

Not for kids. Gore is rare, but when it appears, it's violent.

Manhunt 2

The only AO-rated game that got that rating strictly for violence and was actually released. The other was Thrill Kill, but it was never officially released.

This was one of the ONLY games to be rated AO because of violence and gore. The image should tell you just about everything you need to know. Please vote this to be No. 1.


It's one of the most violent video games ever, yet they gave it to the Wii.

It's so gory it's in black and white! No game has ever had to do that!

Happy Wheels

So many semi-randomly generated ways to die! It's amazing and shocking at the same time!

The game is just violent, but it's fun, by the way. Mortal Kombat should be on Top Tens.

I thought it was a kids' game, then...SPLAT! Somebody's head explodes.

The Warriors

The profanity in this game has absolutely no bounds. There's bloody violence, Manhunt-style stealth attacks, blood everywhere, beating people up, stabbing them on the ground, long-lasting gang brawls, throat-cutting, etc. This is a great game and should definitely be on the list!

Definitely should be on the list considering all the bloody fighting, murdering, and bludgeoning. The members walk around with bloodied, pulped faces. Not only that, but there's also a lot of swearing, robbing, drug use, and some sexual references.

Great game!

Universe Sandbox

There are lots of video games out there with violence, such as Call of Duty, Manhunt, God of War, Mortal Kombat, and Grand Theft Auto IV. These involve actions like shooting people and blowing up buildings, but they hold no candle to this.

In Universe Sandbox, you can make planets collide, blow them up, or even fling them into the outer reaches of space where it's too cold to sustain life. You can let them fall into black holes, alter their mass, diameter, radius, composition, rotation, axial tilt, and even their orbits. You can turn planets into stars, neutron stars, or black holes. You can even make them go supernova. And yes, you can even blow up entire galaxies!

Try blowing up Earth, and you'll see everyone on it, along with all the plants and animals, die from just one event.

Does Call of Duty let you do that? Does Manhunt? God of War? Mortal Kombat? Grand Theft Auto IV? No! Universe Sandbox is one-of-a-kind and the real king, allowing you to commit some of the most violent acts imaginable. None of the guns or bombs in any of those games - or any we've ever invented - are capable of blowing up a moon, planet, star, black hole, or galaxy! You can mess with planets and systems, and some of those planets or moons may harbor life. When you crash something into them, blow them up, or give them inhospitable conditions, all life on those worlds would perish in minutes or even instantly!

Universe Sandbox is officially the most violent video game (or simulator, if you prefer) ever made. It's far more violent than shooting a person with a rifle, blowing up buildings, or any of the other games on this list combined!

Dead Rising 2

The Newcomers

? Can Your Pet?
? Resident Evil 2 Remake
The Contenders
Grand Theft Auto V

The fact that the uncut version of San Andreas is rated AO while this is rated M is ridiculous. This has to be the most violent GTA game ever because of its frequent gang violence. Gore is VERY rare, though. Still, not for kids.

I mean, just... the fact this didn't get an AO rating and San Andreas did is ridiculous. There's lots of violence and intense gunfights and slashing. Gore is VERY rare, though. It's definitely not as graphic as your typical MK game. However, San Andreas should be rated M if this is rated M.

This game is so gory. It has a scene where you watch a person get chopped up in a plane engine.


With this commitment came the need for not only an excessive number of armaments (more than 20 weapons) but also for the brand of over-the-top murder seen in the pages of the comic book. The Punisher's great innovation is in its interrogations and special kills. These grandiose moments often make use of the environment to offer creative ways for the Punisher to force information from criminals or simply eliminate them with flair.

He's called The Punisher for a reason. To think Marvel, of all companies, made this gory hero (or anti-hero) is quite radical, especially since Marvel movies are usually rated PG-13, not R. But this game... Violence and gore appear throughout, and profanity is prevalent as well. The bloody violence is worse than Logan.

Fallout 3

There's mutilation, and there is no male/female difference. Unlike most games in the world where the enemies are men, this game is 50% male, 50% female. That's what I love about this series - it's close to reality.

Postal 2

This game is violent, great, amazing, funny, and weird (weird because you can pee everywhere). It doesn't have the best graphics, but it's the best damn game I ever had. (I just like peeing on people.)

God of War 2

Like Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat, or Manhunt, this game is brutally violent. It's a great game, but way too intense.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Awesome game with an impressive story and countless finishing moves. Real gore and brutality.

This should be at least in the top 10. The original Mortal Kombat started the ESRB ratings, considering the controversies it brought up.

Without it, we would only be playing kid-friendly games.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

I couldn't even watch the trailer for 15 seconds for this one. It's only on PC, and it's rated AO. The main objective of the game is killing people just for the sake of killing people.

I can't believe this isn't in AT LEAST the top 15. The point of this game is to kill as many innocent people as you possibly can.

It would be at the top if it hadn't been released so recently.

Red Dead Redemption
Mortal Kombat X

Not for kids. In the trailer, Scorpion uses his signature weapon for his catchphrase, "Get over here!" to pull Sub-Zero's head off and then stabs it with a tree. Utterly gory and violent. Get this in the top 10.

Way too gory for kids. To think that this was part of a game franchise that shaped the childhood of '90s kids is quite radical, although all Mortal Kombat games (except MK vs. DC) were rated M. One of Scorpion's fatalities involves the opponent burning in fire, which melts all their skin. One of Cassie Cage's fatalities involves shooting the opponent's legs and arms off, then putting a balloon on their face and popping it. Definitely not for kids at all.

Assassin's Creed
The Last of Us
Brutal Doom
Left 4 Dead

I've always been a big fan of Left 4 Dead, especially the 2nd one, which was a lot better.

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