Best MultiVersus Characters
The best characters in the video game MultiVersus are listed below. If I forgot anyone, feel free to add them.
Her speed alone makes her a great addition. Her attacks are swift but powerful enough to work. She's one of the best new additions to the game.
She's got great recovery too, and her transformation makes her a force to be reckoned with. Her guitar attacks are very effective and potent as well.

Extremely overpowered if you know how to use her. Great stats, speed, and energy - she's one of the strongest fighters in the game.
I highly recommend giving her a try. If you do end up getting the game, once you get her, she proves to be a great addition to the roster.

Her speed makes her a swift but excellent character to choose. She is also one of the easiest characters to learn. Her moveset isn't too complicated, and her hammer can do some hefty damage. She's one of the best characters, period.
If you want a character that has a good balance between speed and strength, I recommend her.

One of the best fighters in the game, hands down. If you end up going against a good Joker main, chances are you already know how tricky he is to go up against.
That rocket launcher attack is something else, and his moves do seem fitting for him.

The most effective cartoon character in the game. He's got great counterattacks, and his safe, if timed correctly, can send opponents flying. Combine that with his missile attack, and he proves to be a strong contender.
He warrants a position in the top 10.

A lot stronger than Steven, also faster and more efficient, unsurprisingly. It kind of makes me wonder why Pearl or Amethyst haven't been included yet.
If you want a good bruiser character, Garnet's a good choice to consider. One of the best bruisers in the game, hands down.

Probably the fastest fighter in the game. The way he swings his sword so swiftly ensures that you have to be quick and think outside the box to defeat Samurai Jack.
He's one of the most overpowered characters in the game, bar none, and you're going to need a lot of luck to win a match against him.

The Ultra Instinct meme's a little played out, but he's a good choice for beginners who are starting the game. He's basically the Mario of the game.
Not a bad pick, but there are more interesting options to consider. Still, his move set is solid enough.

I'm a Finn main myself, and yeah, he's a pretty solid character. Some might argue that he needs to be nerfed more, but I couldn't disagree more. He's already been nerfed plenty and still proves to be one of the strongest characters in the game.
But I digress. A solid character with a lot of agility.
MultiVersus went downhill after the nerf of Finn because a lot of Zelda fans and Smash Bros players tried to main him.

His projectiles are pretty nifty, although trying to pull them off might take a while. He's a character that takes a lot to get adjusted to, but once you get the hang of using him, he proves to be very useful, I'd say.
The Newcomers