Top 10 Most Overpowered Clash Royale Cards

The Top Ten

Annoying as hell and takes very little skill to use. Just place it behind a tank and reinforce the push as you get elixir. The opponent will spend so much elixir just for Sparky to kill it super quick. Inherently, it's a bad idea to have a card do this much damage with one hit. It will either be way too strong or way too weak. There is no way to properly balance an ability that stupid.

I'm a level 7 player and I moved up from Arena 6 to Arena 9 (I swear to God!) after using a Witch-Sparky combo. Frankly, people don't use the Sparky properly. Sometimes, you have to save the card for the very end or counter-attack a push. I'm a level 7 player in Arena 9, and I will show you the deck I'm currently using: Sparky, Ice Spirit, Dark Prince, Witch, Inferno Tower, Archers, Skelly Army, and the Japanese.

Royal Giant

Either you succeed and deal nearly 50% (or in the best occasions near or exactly 100%) damage to a tower, or you fail and lose 6 Elixir and may lose your tower. The Royale Giant is very hard to stop from getting a single attack since it has a lot of health and a long range, so you will struggle to keep your tower alive if it has low HP left. If you are able to counter the Royale Giant though, then it's a big loss for the other player, but that's pretty rare, so I would say it's kind of overpowered.

Royal Giant is overpowered, and he only becomes more overpowered after you have destroyed one of your opponent's towers and he can be placed on your opponent's side of the arena. You could counter-push against it though.


I've been playing this game since release day, and to this day, I stand next to the PEKKA. From its very powerful hit to its beefy status, in my opinion, the PEKKA is the best card in the game. Yes, it can be countered relatively easily, but with the right cards supporting it, it is one of the most unstoppable cards. I have such an easy time stopping Hog Rider decks, Royal Giant decks, and Golem + Elixir Pump decks. The PEKKA is just too good.

Definitely more overpowered than Sparky is. It can be countered pretty easily, but people always put something like Witch and Wizard behind to make it non-counterable. I hate it when people use it against me. It makes me so mad.

Bomb Tower
Elixir Collector

Princess is dangerous, yes, but is pretty simple to kill. That, of course, depends on your deck, elixir, and if she is shielded upfront by a tank that may be attacked instead.


Barbarians are really good at defending the princess tower. I think their speed could be faster, though. It does lots of damage to non-splashes. (Love this card). Good for 2x elixir.

This card is a beast against P.E.K.K.A., Prince, and Witch. (Love this card.)


Should be the number one most overpowered card, in my opinion. Usage abilities: distract arena towers, it has a lot of health and is cheap, take out Elixir Collectors paired with Zap to zap defending troops, take out weak troops on the opponent's side of the arena.

Most people don't know how to use it and just send it at the tower alone. Really, it's OP, though, when you use it as a sponge for Goblin Barrel, Inferno Dragon, or Wizard.

I love Miner. Even paired with weak cards like Skeleton Army, it will take out a tower. You should all join the clan XxballinbrosxX.

Elite Barbarians

The Royale Giant has a 1.1% usage rate. The Elite Barbarians have a 13.6% usage rate. You see the Elite Barbarian about 13 times more. How do more people hate the Royal Giant? In my opinion, the Royale Giant is the second worst card in the game, after the Flying Machine. The Elite Barbs plus Prediction Arrows combo equals instant win. The key to being number 1 in the world is Elite Barbs Arrow. Royale Giant should be near last place. He needs a buff, making him out-range the tower and reducing his deploy time to 1 second (from 2 seconds) and damage by +10%, and he'll be balanced.


It's easy to counter, but if you prefire Log, then it may be devastating on the tower.

It's easy to counter, but it's OP if you don't have the right counter cards.

It's super OP if the P.E.K.K.A. and the Mini P.E.K.K.A. make it to the tower.

The Newcomers

? Electric Giant
? Ram Rider
The Contenders
Mega Knight

Mega Knight is stupid. Picture this: someone wants to fight you, so he walks up with 2-3 friends to jump you, and not only does he have a gun, but his friends all have guns too. My deck can handle most any deck on my good days, but even on my best days, Mega Knight is just too OP. They should take some damage away or shorten the jump range or something. It's just too easy to win with.

1. You can drop this card on an enemy push, destroying Elite Barbarians or a Witch in the blink of an eye.
2. It jumps on enemy cards, landing with the force of 1000 mustaches, which not only looks really cool but also does an insane amount of damage.
3. It has a high number of hit points for the cost of 7 elixir. It's like a Golem, but it's faster and can actually do damage.
4. Pair it with a Lumberjack or Mini Pekka, and say goodbye to your opponent's tower.

Electro Wizard

Electro Wizard is a very OP card to defend stuff with high attack speed. Electro Wizard can also easily counter Inferno Tower and Dragon. It can take out Skeleton Army and Goblin Gang if placed in the middle of it.

Biggest cheeseball card in the game. The only card that actually shuts down other cards. Like, totally shut down. Sparky never even gets a shot, and Bowler can be 100% shut down if the timing of shots is right. Needs the stun from his shots removed.

Can shut down multiple decks and is a direct counter to Inferno Dragon and Inferno Tower. Also, very strong at counter-pushing.


Prince is in itself quite easy to counter with the right card. However, the two most common support troops are now Double Prince (Prince and Dark Prince) and Prince Minion Horde.

Double Prince is difficult to stop because of the double charge, and Dark Prince's splash damage. However, if you deploy a tank and a Musketeer behind it, you may be fine.

The Prince Minion Horde is hard to stop with a tank combination, and the Minion Horde easily knocks out swarm troops. To stop this combination, you need to address the Minion Horde first and then take care of the Prince. This becomes easier with a good spell in hand.

With the right kind of card, it goes smoothly, but if you get a negative elixir deal, it is distressing to watch as these take out your Princess Tower in a few seconds.

Hog Rider

Best single card in the game since day one. Like 80% of decks in the top 200 almost always include the Hog Rider.

For me, this and the Electro Wizard are the most OP in the game. Runs too fast, too much damage. If it reaches your tower, until you kill it, you have probably been left with a half-life tower.

The fact that it goes for the towers and is so fast... it also has good health.

Giant Skeleton

It's so good, and the bomb or death damage is crazy at level 8! It's like 1300 something damage. Also, if it gets on a tower, the tower is in bad condition because of the damage! Unless you tornado it and pull it back. Finally, if you clone it and the two G Skellies are on the tower, all you need to do is zap the tower, and it might attack the clone one and do lots of damage plus the normal one.


LumberLoon is kinda broken. Lava Hound deserves a buff. Balloon and Lumberjack deserve nerfs.

If you place this with the Lumberjack, it is overpowered as hell.


What? This is one of those things that guarantees damage on your tower. Inferno Tower? No, too slow. Skeleton Army? Golem's splash damage upon death kills them all. The only way to counter is with Inferno Tower/building or a big push with a negative elixir trade.

I got a lot of stuff from my Magical Chest. This was my favorite! First, it has a lot of health. Second, it explodes and splits in two. Third, even the little Golemites explode. This guy is OP!

Golem is the most expensive single-unit card in the game, and for good reason. If you manage to follow it with suitable backup, a tower gift is pretty much guaranteed. The best thing is that even if it fails to reach the tower, the Golem blast still manages to get rid of most of the troops attacking it.


Any cards placed in the Poison's radius are going to lose health. You can basically rig an area.

Inferno Dragon

As a counter, it's lovely. If you know how to play it, it can win you games. Loads.

If your opponent isn't smart enough to counter it until it locks onto the tower, you've got a free crown.

Makes every single tank into a lava cake. Can three-crown in 51 seconds if ignored. Just so OP.


As the newest card in Clash Royale, it is the most favourite card of all the Arena 9/10 clashers. Even though it was weakened in the new balance change, it is still the most OP card in Clash Royale.

How it can hit ground and air units and pass through units is OP. It can take out large groups of enemies. Who needs Valkyrie? (Though Valkyrie is OP too).


Stupid Valkyrie, so much health! Once I placed Witch and Mirror, and that Valkyrie just spawned on top of the Witch, and boom, the Witch is gone. Wasted so much elixir.

It is very OP (overpowered), and I think that everyone should use it because it is a good defense against hordes.

It is the only troop that attacks enemies all around it. I use it, and it is very OP!


The Witch now spawns "3 more effing skeletons" when she dies? Are you serious? What about her wasn't already overpowered? The fact that she could release an unlimited pestering army of ravenous skeletons.

Ever since the July 2018 buff, the Witch has become OP as hell. In the lower arenas, it is insanely annoying. If the opponent's Witch is overleveled, you can kiss all your trophies goodbye.

Fly on your broomsticks. Don't spawn skeletons.

Night Witch

I am sorry, but if you don't think the Night Witch is the most OP card, you're wrong. Since she was released, the user rate has been incredibly high, and all meta decks include her or are specifically for countering those meta decks. In my opinion, she is a flawed concept and should be nerfed heavily.

Only OP if you put a heavy tank behind her. Otherwise, she is trash.

Goblin Barrel

I think Lumberjack is really OP because it does 200 damage every 0.7 seconds. If you have Zap or Arrows in your line of cards, you can counter-attack low-cost troops.

Beast and really good if you wanted a high-damage card and drops Rage when it dies. OP as hell.

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