Best Overwatch Ultimate Abilities

The Top Ten
1 Dragonstrike - Hanzo
2 Graviton Surge - Zarya

How is Zarya at 15? Her ultimate has so much potential to combo with other ultimates. One good Zarya ultimate that combos with another ultimate can win the game.

3 Self-Destruct - D.Va
4 RIP-Tire - Junkrat
5 Tactical Visor - Soldier: 76

I really like the tactical visor, because I can move around while still hitting the other team with my Helix Rockets!

If you stack tac visor with a damage boost or nanoboost, you're going to massacre the other team.

6 Dragonblade - Genji

Woah woah this this ult is probably the best in the game if you know how to use it so WHY IS THIS TOP 7 stupid people

Way better than spirit dragon

7 Death Blossom - Reaper
8 Barrage - Pharah
9 Transcendence - Zenyatta

This ultimate can stop a TEAM WIPE

This should be higher

10 Deadeye - McCree

Anyone have the time?

The Contenders
11 Nano Boost - Ana
12 EMP - Sombra
13 B.O.B - Ashe

Best Ultimate buddy you could have.

14 Blizzard - Mei
15 Sound Barrier - Lucio
16 Rally - Brigitte
17 Earthshatter - Reinhardt
18 Coalescence - Moira
19 Infra-Sight - Widowmaker
20 Pulse Bomb - Tracer
21 Whole Hog - Roadhog
22 Molten Core - Torbjörn
23 Supercharger - Orisa

This is a good ultimate, because it makes your whole team really powerful!

24 Valkyrie - Mercy
25 Configuration: Artillery - Bastion
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