Top 10 Best Places to Land in Fortnite Battle Royale

The Top Ten
1 Paradise Palms

This was my personal landing spot. The desert biome is my favorite. I don't really know why. It had a pretty good amount of people but just enough so you could wipe them. Amazing landing spot - so underrated.

Really nice place, and it is a good place to get loot and kills with a few supply drops.

It's like Tilted Towers but less crowded.

2 Tilted Towers

Although Tilted Towers is probably the most popular POI in the game, so it has many people, the nostalgia is amazing and it stayed longer than all the other POIs from OG Fortnite.

Two types of players drop here: pros who only drop here for free kills from inexperienced players, and nooby Fortnite players who make up the majority of the players, which is why the player count halves in 1 to 2 minutes. The noobs get killed easily and often rage if they are toxic, but the pros love Tilted Towers.

I'm really sad they vaulted it. But Chapter 2: Season 2 is starting in two days. I hope they bring it back.

3 Pleasant Park

Just like what I said with Greasy, Epic did a great job making this POI look like a real-life place. It's a good drop.

4 Greasy Grove

Greasy Grove is another one that is really nice. It doesn't have that many people. It is a cool POI that truly looks like something from the real world. This is what I like about OG Fortnite. At least half of the POIs look like something out of the real world.

If you're looking for easy kills, this is the place to go. It's not overcrowded like Tilted Towers, but there are still people going there. Nice loot, but not that much loot. Don't expect to find a Legendary.

5 Moisty Mire

Underrated, and since it was changed, it became an amazing landing spot.

I WON in solos coming out of Moisty with a SCAR, RPG, and a decent shotgun.

Bro, this place is great! Not many people go here, and there's lots of loot and wood, so you can just build over the swamp and still have wood left over! I LOVE IT!

6 Loot Lake

Loot Lake was a good drop. It was a small POI if you're just counting the island, but it had pretty good loot. It also basically had a free rift to rotate to Tilted, where you could wipe out the few other squads remaining.

The new Season 7 Loot Lake is the best incarnation. It's an open bowl that I snipe into.

7 Retail Row

Just like Greasy Grove, if you're looking for easy kills, this is another place to go. It's not overcrowded like Tilted Towers, but there are still people going there. Nice loot, but not that much loot. Don't expect to find a Legendary.

I went here a little while back and ended up getting back-to-back-to-back chug jugs. I later got a thermal scoped AR and a purple heavy. This place always has a vending machine, whether it's gray, green, or gold. Retail is one of my favorite places to land.

Retail Row is another POI that Epic did a great job making look like a real-life place.

8 Lonely Lodge

I love Lonely! I go to the mansion on the outskirts all the time and have won solos coming out of it. It gives great loot!

This, along with Pleasant Park and Dusty Divot, are the best places to go to.

Lonely, but full of loot and wood.

9 Salty Springs

Out of Retail, Pleasant, and Greasy, Salty is my favorite. I like all of them because of the real-life factor they all have. Salty has a free rift, though, and for some reason, I just like it better than the other POIs mentioned. I don't know what it is.

This is where you'll get the Fortnite experience more than Tilted Towers.

This place deserves love. Good location, good loot, just get ready for a fight.

10 Tomato Town

Not Tomato Town itself, but a little north up there, you can find two houses that can contain good loot. Then you can go to Tomato Town and into the tunnel, where there's sometimes a chest or two hidden. It's overall a very good place to go. There's not that many people.

Underrated, but it's usually in or near the storm eye. The tunnel gives awesome loot.

I got my first 5 solos and first 2 duos landing here. It was an awesome spot.

The Contenders
11 Snobby Shores

Snobby has good loot. I always find a Scar just laying around in a house when I go. The Scar is legendary too. Not a bad location - once you go, you can clear out Tilted. Plus, nobody goes here, so you have the loot to yourself. There's also a secret base here. I love Snobby Shores. I also love Risky, Lonely, Moisty, and Haunted.

There are so many chests, but no one goes there because of the storm. There are only four buildings, so looting two buildings already sounds like a good start. It's probably my favorite.

Snobby should 100% be at least 3rd. It has incredible loot, and it probably has close to two groups of people landing there. The storm can be brutal, but you should make it on time if you know what you are doing.

12 Haunted Hills

Quick to loot, 6-8 chests, and you can come out with absolute god loot. I'm talking Famas, RPG, and Drum Gun.

This place is really underrated.

13 Risky Reels

Just a quick place to get kills and has enough chests for at least trios.

14 Dusty Depot

It's an alright place to go, but expect to have lots of people there. I would recommend the mountains near it.

15 Shifty Shafts

If you're going to Shifty Shafts, make sure to get out before the first storm comes in. People will be coming from Tilted Towers with amazing loot, and they will probably kill you.

People will camp there the whole game if possible.

This is my favorite location because I can hide.

16 Lucky Landing

I can always count on Lucky to get me some guns at the start of the game.

17 Junk Junction

If you hate running away from the storm for 10 minutes, don't go there.

18 Prison

Pretty good loot most of the time, has good and amazing sniper spots. Go there if you're a noob, but it's super fun.

19 Anarchy Acres

Lazy Links should've replaced Fatal Fields instead of this pure gold.

20 Fatal Fields
21 Dusty Divot

Dusty was a good spot to land because of how big it is. You could either land at the building or the actual divot. If you landed at the divot, you had an ATK and some loot to go and push the main Dusty. Main Dusty was very cool to push, with everybody coming out of nowhere from all sides. The base had good loot and did a good job adding different stuff around the sides.

22 Wailing Woods

Low loot, but it's right next to Tomato Town. You can never have enough wood. 100% survivability rate.

23 Lazy Links

Lazy Links was definitely an underrated POI. I think people overlooked it because it was usually out of zone. Lazy had pretty good loot and lots of golf carts to get out if needed. The golf course was, of course, legendary, and you could actually play on it.

24 Race Track

Race Track was probably my second favorite drop. I love the desert biome and Paradise Palms. If the POI looked too crowded, you could always go to the Race Track or Westworld. Once you found some loot, you could get an ATK and rotate to Paradise to collect remaining loot and take out any players still there.

You can get some really nice loot here, even though it is not a named location.

Yep! I found a legendary SCAR and a llama here! Amazing!

25 Lazy Lagoon

The best place to land. There is good loot.

Decent place to land with cannons and not too many people landing there, making it a good spot for a few easy kills.

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