Top 10 Best Smite Gods

The Top Ten

I actually hate playing against this god because it means that at any time, someone can pop up behind me, kill me within a second, and magically disappear before my teammates can do a thing. He or Anubis are by far the most OP gods because of their ridiculous single-target damage. Since I almost always play hunter, I get singled out by them 90% of the time.

Loki is by far the best assassin. He has the best single-target damage. He can go invisible, and when you come out of that, you do increased damage. So, if you activate the blade ability that does even more damage, then go invisible, and hit them from behind (which does more damage), you can kill anybody super quick.


Way too good in team fights. He can kill multiple people in one ult and does a ton of damage to any that get caught in the crossfire. As long as you aren't alone, he can kill almost anyone (as long as you hit your moves, at least). No escape is dangerous, but in a mid-lane 1v1, damage is key.

Very easy to do excessive amounts of damage to players or minions. He can clear a battlefield exceedingly fast if played correctly. 2, 1, and 3 is the order in which you should hit your abilities. Do it fast, and they'll literally melt right there on the battlefield.


He can kill really easily. You can smash the ground from the sky, then spin, and then you could just use normal attacks to finish them off.

Has a stun, a getaway, high damage with defense flexibility, and an almost global ult.

Thor is the most powerful and brave of them all.


He is really okay, but not my favorite. But hey, he has really powerful abilities, and his ultimate allows him to grow in size and bite one of his foes. Very SWEET!

He is fast and powerful, and if you use his power right, there's no stopping him.

Fenrir is good if you know how to use him.


This god has one of the best ultimates in the game, in my opinion. Considering that he heals off his kills, he can last a long time if built correctly and played right. The only downside is that the only way he can escape quickly is by using his ult, but by then he could have been silenced, rooted, or killed. But still, he is a really good god.

Dude's a beast. I was getting like 1-5 kills a game with Thor. He was all I was using at first. Then I used Thanatos and got 21 kills. Dude is strong and fast.

Apparently, he is literally a "GOD." He is strong! Don't second-guess Thanatos.

Ao Kuang

My best character by far. He can start a little weak, but mid to late game, he becomes unstoppable. His ult is a ridiculous auto-kill at 30 percent health, which is easy to get any character to with the right build. He heals a major amount afterward and can slam back down to get another kill.

He can easily get in and kill even if they are hiding by the tower. He has one of the best escapes in the game. The list goes on and on. Endless opportunity for an experienced player. He can take out Loki, Zeus, and Thor at once.

I recently picked up Ao Kuang and already love his play style. Very high damage output on top of attack speed if built right. I got 33 kills in one game using him.


With the right build, the build I use, I can drop my whirlpool, then the ultimate, and they're dead from full health. High defense gods are brought down enough so my tidal surge can kill them. Love Poseidon.

Ultimate needs to do more damage, but his basic attack buff is killer.

Great all-around character with long-ranged attacks and the perfect magic for me.


With a full damage build, you can nuke enemies and enjoy all your damage output. However, to do that, it requires full team participation. No teamwork, no fun with Hades.

Unless you played him so many times that you can do half of all the work just by yourself.

If there's a group of enemies with half health, basic attack, then ult, 2, 3, and then 1 for any escape, and they're all dead.


Remember when Smite was first released? I don't even play the game. I just want to vote for Anubis because he's cool. Screw the moveset and stats. Looks are everything in a game. Skill is a useless attribute.

Just please don't think I'm a furry. That's gross.

Anubis is the most powerful god in the game. He has the highest damage but is really low on everything else. I wish he had a little more healing, mobility, defense, and utility, though. That would be great.

His wraps with his 3 on the ground and then ult is probably the most powerful combo in the game.


If built properly, Arty can dominate. I feel like some of the noob Neith players pick Artemis after Neith to try "more difficult" gods and tend to feed a lot because she lacks an escape and is a bit slow.

By far my favorite god that I've played so far. I mostly play her in Arena.

She might be very low in the early game. The only thing you can do at first is support your mate with the traps, but in the late game, she is very strong with her ulti, fast shots, instant critical damage, and HP after every kill and extra damage.

With this sick combination, you are able to kill all opponents who are trying to gank or whatever.

The Newcomers

? Persephone

With a little bit of preparation and good aim, you can melt the opposing team and all of their minions. There's something so satisfying about erasing minion chains effortlessly as they advance, all in 0.2 seconds later in the game.

Her Field of Death plants can also be great for deterring enemies from advancing, even when they outnumber you. The developers did a great job combining her status as the Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Spring. Plus, her voice acting is really cool.

Massively underrated!

? Nox

My favorite mage to play, and I have been playing for several years.

She has great mobility, crowd control, and a powerful ultimate with crazy range and a damage-over-time (DOT) effect that basically ensures it kills late-game. She also has a shadow step ability that allows her to hide in one of her allies (mitigating damage) until dealing significant area-of-effect (AoE) damage when released. Nox can very easily kill 2 or 3 gods just by hiding in the right place at the right time.

Two of her abilities are essentially skill shots, which can be frustrating. However, I find her more enjoyable and satisfying to use because of this. Very strong god and highly underrated.

The Contenders

Ra is my second favorite god because he deals good damage, and the skills are great, but he shoots slow. Horus, in my opinion, is kind of better.

Able to poke enemy gods and make them retreat early.

Ra's line attacks are great for killing a lot of enemies at the same time.

Ah Muzen Cab

Very high damage, but no escape. Still, if he has support, he is really powerful. His attack speed with the hives is so OP.

I just recently permanently unlocked him, and I've only lost one round with him. Kills are at 120, deaths 4. Most epic of gods.

Very underrated god. Some say he is out of the meta, but I stay destroying people with him, especially late game!


Kali is also good at securing triple kills. Her passive allows her to become as powerful as Anubis. Ouch.

OP as hell in Arena late game, virtually unstoppable with the right build.

Fast attack. Ultimate is insane, and her 2 can help escape out of fights.


Apollo is one of the best boxers in the game, gaining 50 protections on his mez (which interrupts too). With his passive up and the right build, he melts people. His dash has a movement speed buff. Oh yeah, he also has a global, fast, CC-immune ult that can be used to chase, escape, get back in lane quickly, or split push. He is also impossible to gank. Just mez and ult out of there! Hint: get Odysseus' bow to help with your weak clear.

His high rate of fire, critical, and lifesteal really make it possible to dish out a lot of damage. He has trouble with 1v1, but if you know what you're doing, this shouldn't be too much of a problem.


Cooldown spec and they crumble. Tornados every 5 seconds. Serpent's swiftness every 3. Deadly combo!

Throw in a gem of isolation, and it's just evil!

Kukulkan is a beast. His abilities deal monstrous damage, and he can kill a champion in a matter of seconds.

Way too overpowered with damage and can get away way too easily with his abilities. All around, too overpowered.


The first goddess to learn about, even though I have never played the game before. Very easy but can be kind of hard to catch up to her as she escapes from a fight after using backflip.

#23? Whaaa? My best hunter! Every skill is so essential. I can self-heal and snipe through walls. If you're chasing someone with low health and out of range, you can quickly do a 180 and use backflip to catch up to them. I've killed multiple gods this way who thought I was out of attacks and/or range. ALWAYS bolster backflip until the end. It saves lives.


The first Mayan god to join the game, Xbalanque is a very unique hunter. Hoping he has some healing, though. As long as he stays in range, he should be okay, unless Artemis' ultimate stuns him.

Best god in the game for me. I dominate every time with this guy.

Runs in, runs out. 2-3 combo, people are dead or poisoned. Global ult that stuns.


Janus is a difficult god to play with. But once you know how to use him and time his abilities, there is no stopping him.

OP, very good in team fights.

Can kill very easily.

Easily able to escape.

Awesome clear.

Sun Wukong

A really good shapeshifter indeed. He is the most powerful warrior that I have ever seen. Seeing him use his ultimate is absolutely stunning and a really good way to fool others with that decoy.

After all, he is the Monkey King.

I love this guy and his weapon. It is cool and can grow into any size. It can shake the earth, and he can ride on the cloud. He is the Monkey King. He is the king of monkeys who can be blown out from his hair.

So far, he is the god I got the most kills with. I love the Chinese mythology, and he is just fun overall.


It's so beautiful to kill everything while building tanky. Also, his ultimate is amazing: you want to escape? No, come back here, muahahah!

Ares is a magical tank and has extremely high defense!


My first god I played, and I don't regret it. I carried many games with her.

Early game is hard, mostly due to missing mana.

Late game, she is a beast.


Although Anhur lacks defense, his variety of skills can be very useful when desperate. He has great attack and critical hits. He deserves to be in the top fifteen.

Ugh, look, I get you have your favorite myths, that's fine. But seriously? Thor at No. 2? Too many fanboys here. Anhur is by no means the best, but he, Ymir, and Thanatos deserve to be higher up.

Anhur is my favorite god in Smite! I would rank him as #1. He is so underrated. He is easily my best god with my build!


Hands down, top character in Smite. The attack speed, high mobility, and everything else make this character the top.

Easily one of the best due to his stun and his buff ability.


Chang'e is pretty good at dancing when she is on the battlefield, moving around. She and her rabbit really make a good team, and her rabbit does everything for her.

I love her because of her beauty and her nice-looking rabbit that talks with her.

I like her quietness too.

Great healing, pretty good attack, and her passive lets her use the shop without returning to spawn!

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