Top 10 Best Video Games of the 21st Century
This is a collection of the most entertaining, amazing, and influential games of the new millennium. These games are the exact definition of a perfect video game.There is no possible way we could make a list that will please everybody, and we are not saying that this is the ultimate, definitive list. It is simply our personal take on the matter.
These games go beyond being just games. They have changed my life in so many ways. They are all works of art, hold a special place in our hearts, and will remain immortal.

Major decisions don't need to be made until you're already out in the world and can try out magic, sneaking, and weapon combat. This emphasizes first-hand experience over instruction manual study, letting you specialize only when you're ready. It contributes to the thrilling sense of freedom associated with life in Skyrim. Do a quest, kill a dragon, snatch torchbugs from the air, munch on butterfly wings, or simply wander while listening to one of the best game soundtracks in recent memory.
Full of things to do, a gripping story, brilliant creative and detailed graphics, and tons of content packed into one single disc, Skyrim is probably the best RPG, or even one of the best video games ever made. You could get so involved in this game, it becomes your life.

This game deserves to be at the top for the story, graphics, and characters that literally make me think they're real when I play. This game has inspired my whole life and how I choose and play games. It also introduced me to PewDiePie, a YouTuber who was funny and relatable. Although he is not the best now, I always stay loyal to what was once great.
Besides that, The Last of Us has changed me, and the best part was they made the game emotional for the player, yet it has killing and sometimes frustrating stealth. I think it's number one. Even if it is linear, I think that's the best way to have you play as Joel and Ellie and follow their story. It's not yours. You're just there to watch, understand, and feel their story. If you have anything to say about this, just say so.

This has got to be one of the best games of the twenty-first century, most definitely. Not only does it have an actual story, but it has a great one. The characters in this game are awesome, and you get so attached to them. You're going to wish Booker was protecting you from all the dangers that he and Elizabeth face.
Man, why is this game below Fallout 3 and Skyrim? Everything about this game is infinitely better than both those games.
This game had easily one of the best storylines ever, if not the best. It makes you think and will blow your mind.
That's how good this game is.

Easily the best game I have ever played. I honestly don't think a first-person shooter could get any more perfect.
11/10 "Like Skyrim with guns."
This was the first Halo game I played, and honestly, none of the rest can compare.
Awesomeness for life! Good at number 3.

Revolutionary RPG, showing that nearly any setting can be transformed into a gripping, free-roam RPG. Fallout 3 set the benchmark for other role-playing games and post-apocalyptic settings alike, with an involving story and massive environment which could take up to 80 hours to complete. This game is absolutely brilliant.
One of the best games I have ever played. It makes you think about the consequences of your actions and overall has a good storyline.
A childhood favorite that still holds up.

This game deserves #1. Super Mario Galaxy is my favorite game EVER! I love all the different galaxies. And the hub world is the best. I also love Rosalina's story. It really allows the player to get to know her. And you can always find something new to do after defeating Bowser. I still remember my first time playing this game. I felt like I was in a whole new galaxy. In my opinion, this is the best Nintendo game to date.
Why are there so many Nintendo haters? There's hardly any Nintendo games up there, but I know that this epic deserves 1st place!

Even though I love Skyrim like I love life, I still have to say that this one is totally original. Nothing like this was made before. Unlike Skyrim, many video games have dragons and defeating dragons, not to mention that it's set in the medieval time period, which is kind of old school. Bioshock was set in the mid-90s time period. I can honestly say that I rarely, if ever, see video games in that time period.
Even though many games have the lost world theme with giant things wanting to kill you, I don't think any of those have the same quality as this one. The game has an amazing storyline. In my opinion, it would make a 4-star movie if it came out with one. Even though it may not have the best graphics, I think everything else tops it all by a lot! Once again, the best storyline I have seen, fun to play, easy to obsess over, and a well-put-together game!

What makes this game so incredible is that your decisions ultimately affect the whole story. Even so, this game is so sad because almost none of the characters survive. Another thing that makes the game great is that it is such a realistic interpretation of what a real zombie apocalypse would be like. Not to mention how adorable Clementine is. It breaks my heart whenever she is forced to kill for survival.
This is the best game of the century. It has a great story, great endings, and a lot of suffering. I think the thing that makes the game most memorable is the characters and their short stories. Definitely above most of the top 10. Do it for Clem, Kenny, but most of all, remember Lee. Definitely above Super Smash Bros., Super Mario Galaxy, and in my opinion, even Skyrim.

I love this game. A classic and one of the best games ever. It will stick with you and make you feel like you've lost a member of your family by the end. If you don't like the storyline, which I couldn't imagine, you can just ride around on your horse and enjoy the beautiful landscape. I hope they make another one.
It's rare that a sequel improves upon the first in every way, but Red Dead Redemption did just that after Red Dead Revolver. An engaging and interesting story and cast of characters, fun multiplayer, and gorgeous music and landscapes make it one of the best games I've ever played.

Top 30? Really? This game is absolutely phenomenal. Beautifully crafted story and soundtrack.
It's also polished extremely well considering how massive and deep it is. Best game of all time. Period.
This game should be in the first place. It deserves it. I played Skyrim too (when I write this, Skyrim is in the 1st place).
But for me, The Witcher 3 is my all-time favorite. Not just from the games of the 21st century.
The Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild are tied for my number 1 games of all time! I've been playing video games since 1989.
The Newcomers

Intense horror game with many options and endings, similar to Heavy Rain.
It not being in the top 20 blows my mind.

Growing up with a GameCube controller in my hands and this game in the console, it was and forever will be an all-time classic for me.
10 out of 10 would play this again if given the choice of this vs the best game of the decade.

A really beautiful game with a tear-jerking ending. I recommend it.
One of my childhood favorites!

Possibly the best installment in the franchise, my favorite fighting game ever.

My personal favorite game. Stop hating on Nintendo, people.

Metroid Prime is one of the best games ever. Period.
An excellent game. Best first-person ever!
Excellent storyline, great shooter game. Never gets tiring to play.

Batman: Arkham City redefined Batman as a 13+ character. The story was amazing, there were lots of Easter eggs, and the way they made the Mr. Freeze boss fight was just mind-boggling. Rocksteady was never considered "one of the big guys" until they released this game. All the "problems" people had with Arkham Asylum were fixed, and it opened up gamers to a comic book world.
This was by far my favorite installment of the Arkham franchise. New villains, good story - you just can't go wrong.
Arkham Asylum was great, but this game is even better.

I love playing Minecraft with my siblings. You can create so many amazing things and go on adventures that never seemed possible. I enjoy playing multiplayer the best because then you can build collaboratively or have an archery competition. Minecraft should be at least in the top five.
This game never gets old. There is always something new to do whenever you play. You can download mods, such as Pixelmon, which basically makes a whole new game for you to play for 36 hours straight. I don't think this game will ever lose mainstream popularity. Overall, great game!

This is way better than that Grand Theft Auto 3 piece of crap, which is like five times smaller than the map in Grand Theft Auto V.
Man! This is the game of the century. Who put this at 239? It should be on top because this has more players than any other game.
Most sold game on PC/PS3-4/Xbox and also counting pirated users.
Not only the best Grand Theft Auto game, I vote this as the best video game ever!

God of War should be number 1. It's boss.

Made you feel like you were the Caped Crusader himself. Excellent voice acting, especially by Mr. Hamill. Great story and choice of villains, allowing you to fight some of the most well-known Batman villains along with some lesser-known ones. Great combat and gameplay, and it led to one of the best open-world games.
Batman: AA was an eye-opening experience. Before its release, the idea of even a decent superhero video game was laughable at best.
But not even The Dark Knight (movie) can compare to the epicness of this game.

Totally underrated. Should be higher. Unique visuals, good story, and badass gameplay.

The Last of Us is good, but not the best. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the greatest game of the greatest series.
I love this game. It has completely captivated me. It must be on top.
Best video game ever made! It must be number one!

I don't like it when people say something is the best ever. You have to have done everything to say that. However, I think AC2 is one of the best games ever. The beautiful cities and the sad yet amazing storyline produce a truly brilliant game. The story of Ezio Auditore da Firenze is a great work of fiction and should be remembered as one of the best game characters ever made.
Also, this game made me want to learn Italian, which I absolutely love. And anyone who says GTA 5 is better than this is very, very wrong.