Top 10 Worst IGN Ratings
IGN oh boy a rather imfamous site for the awful ratings they give to rating games because they are totally biased and unfair so here are their worst ratings please know that the rating can be low for a great game and vice versa
If this were called Call of Duty: Alien Isolation, it would be a solid 10/10.
Best horror game of all time. Deserves 9-10.
Really? This is one of the best horror games to come out over the years, showcasing more respect for the source material, and the atmosphere is fantastic. Prime proof that IGN is dimwitted.

This shows how biased IGN is with Call of Duty. They gave DOOM (2016) a lower rating than this awful game, and yet this game gets a 9.2. For what? This game is awful and is very undeserving of that rating because this game has loads of flaws that outweigh the positives. If I were to rate this game, I'd give it a 4.5.
Creativity? Screw that, we got guns! A lot of guns! Haha, give it a 9.
Looking back, this game was a bit underwhelming... at least Zombies was amazing. 7/10.

What?! This was an amazing game! I loved the Deadly Six, the themes of courage and sacrifice for the greater good, and saving the world at all costs. The only bad thing I can say is that Tails was written horribly. Other than that, I'd say it's a solid 8.9/10.
Green Hill again?! The first levels were pretty entertaining, but after that, it just gets boring. It looks like a recreation of Sonic Xtreme. The clips are the best though. 6.5/10
This game is fun, but there is no universe where it deserves a score of 9.6. Mario Galaxy scored only a single point higher and was ten times better than Fortnite.
I enjoyed the game, but it is definitely not a 9.6/10. The game's combat is mid and has many other flaws. I would give it a 6.5/10 at the very best.
Also, they gave masterpieces like The Witcher 3, Terraria, Titanfall 2, Horizon Forbidden West, Hollow Knight, and other fantastic games less than Fortnite.
Probably one of the most overrated games ever made. Lack of originality and too repetitive... and the dances... EWW. I would say this game does a 6/10 at its best.

Battlefield is the same stupid, hard shooter that it is. This deserves a like a 4!
Another example of IGN's heavy bias towards these types of games. I'd give this a much lower rating.
How is this 10/10 when the story and characters are trash! Typical IGN, giving Triple-A games good reviews.
The graphics are the only good thing. Other than that, it's so overrated!

They give this game a 7.1, and yet they give BO3 a 9.2 when this game is better in pretty much every way and wasn't a disappointment unlike BO3. I think this game deserves at least an 8.5.
It was an awesome game, and I can't wait for DOOM: Eternal! (I know I'm late.)

I like this game, but I don't think it deserves that rating at all. This game was disappointing but still decent in my opinion. This game should get a 7.5.

This game doesn't deserve an 8 at all. At launch, it deserved around a 6.5.

The Newcomers

This movie used the most source material out of all the movies and gave the fans what they wanted. To say that it deserved a lower score than an awful live-action cash grab is insane. They gave Mufasa an 8.

Naw man, you can't just pin "great game" on awful online cash grabs. That's not how reviewing works.

There is too much water, but counting it as a flaw is so stupid. You can take shortcuts in ORAS that make it less frustrating.
"Too much water"? Why is that worthy of appearing as a major con?
How is "Too much water" and "Too many HMs" worthy of a 2.2 point deduction!?

I know people think this game's good, but this definitely isn't PERFECT.
Undertale's a fine game, but is it 10/10 material? Hell no.
This game in NO way deserves a perfect 10 at all. It deserves around a 7.5.
Infinite Warfare is probably one of the worst shooters I have ever played. The multiplayer is just a breeding ground for whales as well as people who love to camp with the same overpowered nonsense on the daily. And don't get me started on the pay-to-win elements. Also, the zombies mode is just awful. The only reason why this game got any kind of praise is because of YouTubers like M3rkMusic who crank out the same content every time and defend the supply drops.
Lol, this was one of the worst shooting games I've played. The gameplay is weak, and there are so many bugs here and there. Also, lobbies take FOREVER!
You're saying this is as bad as Sonic '06? A game that was beloved by many, including me, versus the dumpster fire that is Sonic '06. This is why no one trusts IGN.
This game deserves a way higher score than 4.8. Like a high 8 because it was one of the best in the franchise, and the mechanics, story, and music were all great.
Imagine only playing a 70+ hour RPG for only 2/3 hours. There's no conceivable way to get any kind of gist from a game that long with such little time.

This game in no way deserves a 9.0 because this game barely had any content at launch and, plus, this game was very disappointing. I'd give it a 6.0 at launch and a 7.0 with all the DLC.

This is one of the best games ever made. Maybe some people are just too stupid to understand its full potential.
Let me just remind you, Fortnite got a better score.
This game is what reshaped the indie game scene. It deserves a TEN.
When you look at who did the review, it turns out the said reviewer doesn't even like the simulation genre. This puts into question IGN's reviewing management. It goes to show how ill-experienced IGN could get.
Also, IGN gave JWE the lowest score the game has gotten. Everywhere else, it gets review scores of around 6 to 8.
IGN was really terrible with this rating. How come Sonic: Lost World got a higher score? Sonic Unleashed has magnificent graphics, entertaining levels, and wonderful music! This is totally my favorite modern Sonic game! 9/10.
A 4.5? Seriously! This game is as good as Colors and Generations. How can they give Lost World, Forces, and even Sonic '06 a higher score than this game? I'd give it a 10/10, but to be honest, it at least deserves 8/10.
This needs to be higher than Lost Worlds. How does such a great game get a lower rating than a mediocre, buggy game like Sonic 06?
What's even wrong with the game?

A perfect 10? While this is a great game, it's not deserving of a perfect 10 because they gave San Andreas a 9.6. San Andreas deserves the perfect 10, not this one.
The Grand Theft Auto that deserves 10 is San Andreas. This is weaker than most Grand Theft Auto games. I'd give Grand Theft Auto V a 9.5.
I think San Andreas is slightly better than this entry. Fun, but more an 8 or 9 because of its heavy flaws.
Eh, maybe a 6/10 at its best. Honestly, this game was just an extreme downgrade and lackluster compared to the masterful TTYD.
Honestly, it's an 8/10 game.
Not a mind-blowingly memorable storytelling experience like Undertale or even a remotely original game or storyline in general, sure, but the gameplay is easily just as good as it's ever been.

Again, a solid 9/10, and that's final.
It might have been the actually enjoyable gameplay experience that Bethesda games fail miserably at, but that's pretty much all I can say about it apart from it belonging to an extremely famous brand.
Just because it's a Nintendo game doesn't mean it's flawless.
A 10/10 is fine, but justify it better and don't treat it like a fact.