Best Ark Creatures for PVP

With multiple variations of the Wyvern - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Crystal, etc. - they are found on almost all the maps. Their different variations have different effects: Fire with a burn effect, Ice with a sort of ice "burn" effect, and Lightning with a long-range lightning strike from their mouth that deals a large amount of damage and has a chance to dismount players.
These two-legged dragons definitely deserve their spot at #1.
The ability to fly and shoot lightning, fire, or poison is a valuable skill for Scorched Earth players. While it is extremely hard to steal an egg and then hatch it, it will be well worth your time, as many enemy tribes will be screaming "WYVERN!" as you ride it into battle.
Watch out for enemy Wyverns, though, and learn to identify the different elements.

With an average of 80k wild health, but massively reduced health to approximately 20k when tamed, not to mention the fact that if this tame gets a rage effect when it gets too low on health, the Giga will turn on everything and everyone. On the official servers, there's really nothing you can do except run.
Apart from all of the cons this creature has when tamed, it is tanky with an average of 20-30k health when tamed, followed by surprisingly high melee. There's absolutely no question that this is the most feared land tame in ARK. This definitely deserves its spot at #2 on the list.

One of the best flying PVP mounts. Its platform saddle is large enough to build a house on or mount turrets. Be careful though, a big bird means a big target.

Scale a base wall and ambush attackers from the side! This beast is why people don't fly low in the Redwood anymore. The pouncing ability can hold medium animals, such as a Parasaur, in place while slowly killing it.
This makes it deadly for PVP.
Put them on aggressive near the sides of your base... OP!
This agile flying mount can carry three riders at once and maybe a fourth in its talons. The ability to land on the side of walls is valuable for raiding a Redwood forest base.
Watch that you don't hit its large sail on its head while shooting.
If you have the TEK saddle, it's game over for your enemies. It's like a very agile battle plane.
Don't forget the awesome turning radius.
One of the best tanks in ARK. They're all the way down here because it's a temporary tame. The Titan will not eat anything and will eventually starve to death. The platform saddle is expensive but has a lot of room.
If someone is using a Titan to attack you, they probably have a grudge against you, as taming a Titan is very hard and time-consuming. It is one of the only dinos that can break metal structures.
Warning! Only tame these if you have a serious grudge against another clan!

This beast is rather useful with a large pack, as the bleeding effect is devastating and slows the target.
Level up stamina, though. An Allo's stamina is almost always terrible after taming.
Very versatile. The Bleed effect is amazing, and the movement is impressive. If you know what you're doing, you can make a Rex rider look foolish.
They've killed one of my games before. They are bullies in the wild.
Most people think of them as a buffed Pteranodon. Only high levels are advised for PVP. You can carry a player in its talons to shoot.
I recommend a decent amount of speed, good melee, and a good amount of health. Not too much stamina needed though.
Mobile smithy and good for PVP, but do not leave them in the open, or other players will kill them.

The new king of the skies! Able to outfly Wyverns, making stealing eggs a lot easier. And don't forget the OP ground pound!
The utility of this creature is endless!
The Griffin is the counter to a Wyvern in PVP scenarios. The Griffin can pick players, swoop in, and swoop out. The speed and maneuverability of the Griffin is what makes this tame elite.
Great flying mounts, easy to maneuver.

An elite flyer. Many people use these to "pick" other players (grab them off their mounts). They can be really hard to shoot because most tamed ones have insane speed.
The Newcomers

Imagine this: you're walking through Aberration, and suddenly you're killed, but you can't see what killed you. OHH! You never saw it coming.
They can climb straight up and glide down mountains. Plus, the TEK saddle is sick.
A great mount that looks like a traditional Chinese dragon!

I always infect large numbers of these with disease and then drop them in during a raid. It makes the difference between victory and defeat!
Dodos are an amazing creature. They are fast to breed, meaning making armies is quick. They can lay eggs for food and cooking recipes, and you can use a Dodo with swamp fever to infect your enemies, making it easier to take them down.
One of the most basic battle mounts in the game. It mostly focuses on brute force rather than hit-and-run tactics.
Unless, of course, you have the Tek armor. Rexes are fairly easy to tame and can be deployed in large numbers for lots of damage.
I feel bad for the Rexes because they used to be at the top.
I've jumped into enemies' bases with my Reapers and killed dozens of their dinos while I was getting shot by turrets. Once, I killed about 30 to 40 tames, ranging from Rexes, Wyverns, and Griffins. I just jumped back out and still had most of my health.
They are crazy strong when imprinted by you.
They are very hard to get but are a game-changer when you finally raise one.
Very hard to tame, but worth it in the end for a great mount!
Great for getting around the map and destroying players. Be warned: if you go onto the Island PVP server, you might find people transferring these onto it.
Best at jumping. Easier to get to high bases and jumpscare people with frost breath too.
By far the best all-around mount. Bring them to the island!

Their ability to burrow and the poison shot are amazing, but they are way too hard to tame, unless your taming speed only requires 2 rock drake eggs. I would rank this at #9.
They can bury underground while you're riding them. Great for ambushes.
Best PVP dino. It's a pain to tame, but it can hit 250k damage at level 310.

The Spinosaurus is very similar to a Rex, but this creature has more resistance and speed. Its stamina recovery speed is also fast.
The ability to gain a boost from nearby water sources makes these dinos better than the Rex!
These things are great on land and water.

Great mount for PVP because it swipes multiple times in one swing.
Awesome! If separated from the pack, they can howl and are incredibly fast. They also jump far and high. Small and fast, so they are hard to target and scary!

Very good for land and sea attacks. It has a great ability to stun anything in the water for a short time, making enemy sea creatures easier to kill.
Great at swimming and a good weapon to take on players.
I would say that the Karkinos is one of the best due to their ability to pick up mounts, and most of them have high HP. Their ability to jump over most builds makes them perfect.

They are amazing. Their new DLC makes them one of the best early mounts. With the ability to pounce, I'd put this at #6, but I don't know how! ):

They are the best dino for raiding, and I know this from experience. PS: In the new patch notes, they can break tek now, so they are a little OP!
Best dino for raids. It melts through metal.

The ability to wield tools is neat!
So underrated. A jack of all trades. You want a killer? Put swords on it. Want a tamer? Clubs on it. Want a harvester? Put hatchets or pickaxes on it.
Other than it being a little squishy, it's a really good tame.