Top Ten Best Hogwarts School Subjects
AWESOME! I've always wanted to take Defense Against the Dark Arts!
Haha! Defense against the dark arts is the best!
This should be first and is the most important!
Charms is another word for "spells". What is wizardry without charms? I'd rather throw colorful beams of energy from the tip of my wand than mix ingredients to make a potion or transfigure someone.
The most useful subject for wizards and witches, if you ask me. You're most likely not going to use Defense Against the Dark Arts unless you intend to be an Auror.
I would love to excel in this subject. I think my brother could do with joining this class too.
Would very much enjoy this. I'd use it on my brother all too much.
Haha! I get to turn people into animals... Ugh, but I would have to wait until my 6th year.
Could take Moody's approach and turn him into a ferret!
This is #2, and Hermione dropped out of this class. How is that possible?
Who hasn't thought about seeing into the future?
It would be so cool to see into the future!
This is my favorite. I've always been fascinated with everything that has to do with potions. It's pretty much chemistry, cooking, and defense against the dark arts all in one go.
I actually would really like to take potions. It reminds me of cooking, and I love cooking.
I read The Half-Blood Prince. I think I could do pretty well in this class.
Who doesn't love plants and herbs?
I don't know how wizards will use this knowledge, considering how easily their magic breaks physical laws.
My favorite subject in real life! Not the best in the wizarding world though.
An interesting thing in both the muggle and wizarding worlds. Sorry, I had to put this in first. I'm a nerd.
The closest thing to math that they have.
With Hagrid as the professor, and lots of cute little animals that will bite your head off if you look at them wrong, I see no reason not to love it.
I think Care of Magical Creatures is the best and deserves to be in the top 3.
Who wouldn't want to ride on a hippogriff? Or pet a unicorn?
The Newcomers
I'd probably not get that far with it, but it would be a good class at first.
I think Harry should have taken it.
Dark Arts is not only my favorite, but I believe it is the most important! It is too likely that you will be attacked by some evil creature to not take this class! Especially for Harry and all associated with him. GRYFFINDOR!
I think xylomancy is very underrated. It is the harder version of divination, but I think I would like to take it.
Nicholas Flamel was a famous user of alchemy, and it made him live forever. COUNT ME IN!