Top 10 Best Harry Potter Movies

Every Harry Potter film brings something different to the table, from the whimsical wonder of Sorcerer's Stone to the darker, more intense tone of Deathly Hallows. It's not just about how closely each film follows the books, either. Maybe you love the way Prisoner of Azkaban switches up the visual style, or how Goblet of Fire brings the Triwizard Tournament to life. Perhaps it's the emotional punch of Half-Blood Prince that sticks with you, or the sheer epic scale of Order of the Phoenix.
The Top Ten
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry returns to Hogwarts for his third year, where he learns about Sirius Black, a notorious prisoner who has escaped from Azkaban. As Harry uncovers more about Black's connection to his past, he encounters Dementors and new threats. The truth about Sirius and a fateful night from Harry's childhood is revealed.

It introduces two of our most beloved characters, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black (who, I may add, were cast perfectly). To be honest, I don't really mind that some parts aren't true to the book because it is about overall movie talent and what it brings to us, the audience, and to the big screen.

This ranking is not, as many people keep implying, about 'Which Harry Potter film was the truest to the book.' It is plainly about which film is the best. And Prisoner of Azkaban brings it all to the table. The cinematography, storytelling, and character lines all bring the movie together beautifully.

Of course, I feel like Prisoner of Azkaban is the only movie that shows how Harry is supposed to look. The only negative I can think of is the final frame of the movie, which I think is a little cringe. Other than that, I can't think of any others! Five out of five for the best Harry Potter film, The Prisoner of Azkaban!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 Harry, Ron, and Hermione continue their quest to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes as the battle for Hogwarts begins. The final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort determines the fate of the wizarding world. Secrets about the Elder Wand and Harry's connection to Voldemort are unveiled.

My personal list:

8. Order of the Phoenix - Based on my favorite book, but this one is the one I watch the least. Not bad, though, with a great musical score.

7. Sorcerer's Stone - The lightest in the series and most kid-friendly.

6. Chamber of Secrets - Darker and more magical than the original.

5. Goblet of Fire - Now we're getting to the great movies. This one is complex, exciting, and shows the young cast's maturity.

4. Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Intense action and tension between characters save this one, despite taking out important parts from the book.

3. Half-Blood Prince - Best cinematography, best humor, and it also deals with teenage hormones.

2. Prisoner of Azkaban - It's all about the storytelling and direction. This one can tell a complex story in an easy-to-follow way and has a crowd-pleasing climax. This one is a worthy entry in Alfonso Cuaron's winning streak.

1. Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Intense action, acting, visual effects, score... this movie has everything. If you didn't cry in any of the other films, you might just shed a tear in this one.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire In his fourth year, Harry is unexpectedly chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, facing dangerous magical tasks. Alongside competitors from other wizarding schools, Harry navigates a series of life-threatening challenges. The return of Voldemort at the tournament's conclusion marks a turning point in the wizarding world.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: 6.4/10. Great movie, but it has many mistakes. However, I am fine with that. It could have been better, but it is still a good movie. What makes the movie good is that there was an unexpected villain (I don't remember his name), which made the movie interesting.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 4.5/10. Terrible movie! Not interesting at all! The only good part about the movie was the fight between the Basilisk and Harry Potter. But overall, this movie sucks.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 6.9/10. Great movie! It has many creatures, which made the movie great! But the beginning scene was extremely boring. However, it began to be great after that.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 8.8/10. Fantastic movie! Great action, interesting parts, and much more! I have no idea why it is so hated. That's why I voted for this!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 6/10. Fine movie. I enjoyed it a bit, but it was a bit boring. Didn't like it at all. But what made me enjoy the movie was Dolores (sorry if I'm saying her name wrong). She was the one who made the movie good.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 3/10. The world's most terrible movie ever. Not interesting. Extremely boring. Why does this movie exist!?! I couldn't even bother watching half of it! Worst movie!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: 5.3/10. Ehh, boring but at least a little bit fine. Didn't enjoy it at all, but at least it's better than Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, especially Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: 8.4/10. Perfectly made movie! My second favorite movie! Has good action, good magic, and it's interesting.

Keep in mind these are my opinions...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry begins his fifth year at Hogwarts while the Ministry of Magic refuses to acknowledge Voldemort's return. Forming "Dumbledore's Army," Harry teaches his friends to defend themselves against dark forces. The story culminates in a battle at the Ministry of Magic, where a significant loss deepens Harry's struggle against Voldemort.

I've watched this movie so many times! It's the best one. It's true to the book (unlike some parts of Prisoner of Azkaban) and very exciting. It introduces great characters and highlights the best in returning characters.

Harry's teaching his colleagues what he's learned from people like Dumbledore and Lupin. Ron is improving his skills as a wizard. Hermione's braver than ever and breaking Umbridge's rules. Ginny is finding her insane amount of talent, and Neville now has loads of courage racing through his veins! I love this movie!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry discovers on his eleventh birthday that he is a wizard and begins his first year at Hogwarts. At school, he learns about a magical stone capable of granting immortality, which Voldemort is seeking. Harry and his friends work together to stop Voldemort from acquiring the stone.

If your house doesn't have a strong base, no matter how beautiful it is, it will fall down. The same applies to this movie. If this movie (or book) wasn't so good, none of the other books or movies would have been read or watched by people.

It's basically a foundation upon which all other books depend. It did a great job introducing the magical wizarding world.

The first movie. The best movie. Harry meets his best friends and experiences life in Hogwarts (Quidditch).

I love this movie because the characters are so lovable and the screen is so colorful.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry uncovers more about Voldemort's past with Dumbledore's help, learning about Horcruxes and how they tie to Voldemort's immortality. As tensions rise, Harry also discovers a mysterious potion book owned by the "Half-Blood Prince." The climax reveals shocking betrayals and the loss of a key ally.

Why is this so low? The Half-Blood Prince is so awesome.

Though it doesn't have as much action as the other movies, it is definitely the funniest.

The fact that this film is ranked so low here (behind Order of the Phoenix, actually) and yet so high on the worst Potter film's list tells me that people may just expect an action film to be all about battles and fireworks (as in the two films before this one). However, that's NOT the measure of an action film's quality.

A great action film must have every action scene well justified with a backstory, plot, and coherence with each character's motivations.

When a film manages to balance thrilling action with these factors, you get a really impressive movie. This film, despite having only a few action scenes, managed this masterfully. Quality over quantity. And this is perhaps the highest-quality film of all the Potter series.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry returns to Hogwarts for his second year, where mysterious attacks on students lead to rumors of the Chamber of Secrets being opened. As students are petrified, Harry investigates the source of the attacks. The discovery of the true heir of Slytherin and the basilisk hidden in the Chamber are central to the plot.

Chamber of Secrets stays true to the book. It incorporates all the key storytelling elements with smooth pacing, ensuring that even someone who has never read the books can enjoy it.

We also get our first real sense of the lingering darkness in the wizarding world, and the new tone is noticeable and profound.

This is the Harry Potter movie in which the acting is the best, from the tense exchanges between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley/Albus Dumbledore to Professor McGonagall's explanation of the origin of the Chamber of Secrets. The dialogue is clear, direct, and powerful - unlike in subsequent films where everyone just yells and talks at an accelerated pace.

The film does suffer a bit from a few odd directing choices, notably the downplay of some of the more violent scenes and a poor representation of the Sword of Gryffindor. Still, the pluses outweigh the minuses more so than in any other film in the franchise (except maybe Order of the Phoenix).

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave Hogwarts to search for Voldemort's Horcruxes, critical objects that anchor his soul. As they face dangers from both Death Eaters and the Ministry, tensions rise within the trio. Their journey reveals important secrets while Voldemort closes in on an ultimate weapon.

This was by far the best movie of the eight. The first was about exploration, so everything was awesome and new. The second was meh, due to the mediocre book. The third film was well-balanced and well-written but lacked some wizard flavor and detail, in my opinion. The fourth and fifth were too compressed to be good. The sixth is a hidden gem, but this one, oh, is so full of impression and expression combined.

The toughness and pain, the loneliness, the search for the impossible, the brilliant scenes, making the best of the worst - all fit well in this one. The eighth movie was just a complete deception after this masterpiece. It felt too rushed, while the storytelling was lacking in the movie itself.

P.S. Nick Cave is always a +1!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them In 1926 New York, British wizard Newt Scamander arrives with a suitcase of magical creatures. When several creatures escape, Newt teams up with locals to recover them while uncovering a dark force threatening the city. The film introduces a growing threat tied to dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald.

It's really good, but it comes last behind Goblet of Fire for me. I love it like the rest, but there's just something off about this one, and it also feels more like fanfare than an actual necessary story.

The second one will seem more necessary since we will finally get to see the struggle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

It's actually really good and tells a really good story. Newt Scamander is a really realistic character, along with the setting.

It may not count, but it's my favorite.

Oh my God, I loved this movie so much! It is better than all of the Harry Potter movies combined and multiplied by ten!

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald As Grindelwald escapes from custody, he begins rallying followers to his cause, advocating for wizard dominance over non-magical people. Newt Scamander is enlisted by Dumbledore to help stop him. The film delves into the complicated relationships between key characters and sets the stage for larger conflicts.

It's the only Wizarding World movie that I have gotten to see in theaters because I'm so young. I loved the feeling of sitting there with my friend and going back to Hogwarts.

The Contenders
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore Dumbledore assembles a team, including Newt Scamander, to thwart Grindelwald's rise to power as the dark wizard sets his sights on seizing control of the wizarding world. Secrets about Dumbledore's past and Grindelwald's plans come to light. The battle between good and evil reaches new heights as alliances are tested.

Somewhat slow movie that takes time to unfold and show its greatness. The plot had many trials and errors in the characters' quest, but for some reason, those take up most of the film.

Though this is better than the second, the film's pace could be better.

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