Most Hated Big Nate Characters

The Top Ten
1 Gina

She brags about how smart she is, she a suck up, she like getting people in trouble, she has a big mouth and thanks to her there is more work for the rest of the class.

2 Mrs Godfrey
3 Nick
4 Randy

He's such a bully

5 Jenny
6 Dee Dee
7 Kim Cressley
8 Mr Galvin
9 Nolan
10 Coach John
The Contenders
11 Nate Wright The Big Nate comic strip's main character. Nate is 11 years old, he is an aspiring cartoonist, drummer, underachiever, and plays funny yet overdone pranks on Prank Day (the last day or 2nd last day of school). He is somewhat self-absorbed, believing himself to be irresistible to women despite repeated more.
12 Artur

Artur is such a gary stu.

13 Ellen
14 Marty Wright
15 Francis Pope
16 Mr. Staples
17 Teddy Ortiz
18 Angie
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