Best Hero Factory Villains

The Top Ten
1 Fire Lord

I love his villain quotes! "Negligence made us this way... Twisted, dark, EVIL. But we LIKE it.", "When they said 'power corrupts, ' I didn't know they meant literally.", "The more power we cyphen, the stronger we get. But our bodies weren't BUILT for all this power. We OVERHEAT. Circuits are fused. CURRUPTED! WE, are CORRUPTED," "Once you taste the power, you CAN'T stop. What is EVIL, more than wanting something so much you'll do ANYTHING, hurt ANYONE, to GET IT? " I could go on all day, this is one nasty guy.

2 Meltdown
3 Von Nebula
4 Black Phantom
5 Dark Maker
6 Xplode
7 Rotor
8 Dragon Bolt
9 Pyrox
10 Thunder
The Contenders
11 Core Hunter
12 Voltix
13 The Witch Doctor

An incredibly strong villain and the main antagonist from savage planet.

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