Top Ten Worst Days In Human History

The thing about September 11th is it was so out of the blue and totally unexpected. It was very sick and extremely evil. Those terrorist murderers were twisted deranged monsters. There were babies and small kids on those planes who lost their lives for nothing. No one jumped from the building. They were pushed, or they jumped rather than slowly burn in horrific heat.
The reason why I believe 9/11 is the worst day in human history is because it came out of nowhere. Normally, people are able to see horrible events coming, but in the case of 9/11, it came out of absolutely nowhere. Most of America's major adversaries at the time were long gone, and no one knew who the perpetrators were. All they knew was that they were being attacked.

Truly a horrible day in history. Though I think June 28, 1914, could be considered worse. It marked the moment WW1 would be inevitable, which left millions dead. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand would allow Hitler to rise to power and then start WW2. Still, this day is one of the worst days humanity has seen.
This day signified the start of WWII, a tragic conflict that would kill millions. And it all started with a false-flag Polish massacre. All in all, not a great day.
Many innocent people died without a say or hesitation. Most died through horrific events. WWII is still the worst - and will be for a long time.

Horrible, horrible day. The day that Franz Ferdinand was shot, leading to World War I, World War II, the Cold War, the rise of communism and fascism, the indirect deaths of 50-100 million, the creation of the atomic bomb. Need I say more? This day sucked.
Directly caused World War One and Two. Arguably marked the end of the empire and monarchy that had been around since humans first started agriculture.
The day that started one of the longest wars ever and caused the loss of so many lives.

The Holocaust killed over 5 million innocent Jewish people - more deaths than some other events on this list. Not only that, but the torture inflicted was, in my opinion, the worst human torture ever created.
It was the start of the actual Holocaust!

Either we risked losing even more of our men, taking over island after island, or we got the ROC and the Communist Chinese to work together, or we ended the war in only a week. It was the best choice.
140,000 lost their lives in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Statistically, this is the number one worst single mass killing in history.
Considered to be the start of the Cold War, which terrorized civilians for over 40 years.

This started the worst decade in recent history that affected the world (although some were hit harder than others). Millions lost their jobs, and most who didn't lose theirs still had horrible jobs with low pay. Like somebody said, many had to give up everything just for food, with one woman being forced to sell her children.
This also led to Hitler's rise to power. If the economy hadn't dived down significantly, he wouldn't have blamed Judaism for the collapse of Germany's economy (along with their World War I defeat). So, this day led to the 1930s being the worst decade in recent memory and led to the deaths of more than 83 million.

It brought the United States of America into the war (which was a good thing), but we lost hundreds of people that day to people to whom we did nothing (severely) wrong.
Bad for the United States, but a good day for the rest of the free world.
The day Pearl Harbor was bombed. So many innocent people died...
For anyone wondering, the event referred to on this list is a series of Islamic terrorist attacks that happened all around the globe. Over 400 people died in a series of bombings and shootings. Unfortunately, June 26th, 2015, is also shared with groundbreaking civil rights laws that prevented the prohibiting of same-sex marriage. It's understandable why some people are confused and think people believe that same-sex marriage is a tragedy.

This was the day two teenagers shot up Columbine High School, killing 13 people and injuring many others before committing suicide inside the school's library.
Horrible event. I would go so far as to say this is worse than 9/11, but I can't explain why.
This happened nine days after I was born!
November 24, 1859, was one of the worst days in history because that was the day when the fairytale infamously known as Darwinian Evolution was created. The worst fictional book ever known as Origin of Species was released that day. Darwinian evolution has deceived a lot of people.
The Newcomers

I don't know who this Chris Crane guy is, but he must be pretty terrible.

I guess that was when Rosa Parks was arrested for sitting in the "white only" section of a bus.

The day the Titanic sank into the Atlantic Ocean after hitting an iceberg, causing thousands to die on board. I am pretty sure the designers of the Titanic didn't even care about how many lifeboats they should have put on the ship.
After learning about this in history, I decided never to go on a cruise ship in my entire life.
When the Titanic sank, shocking the whole world forever.

Armenian Genocide. It happened a century ago during which over 1.5 million Armenians were killed, and many countries still deny it. #StopTheDenial #We'llNeverForget

The day a 20-year-old burst into Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut and killed 20 first-grade children, 6 staff members, and even his own mother before killing himself inside a classroom.
I hate that this evil, evil man. He could've fixed HIS problems by getting help or going to therapy. Instead, he made everything worse. May those children rest in peace.
Adam Lanza got what was coming. Killing a whole classroom full of little kids is unforgivable, no matter how hard you apologize.