Top 10 Most Annoying Things In DeviantArt
DeviantART is a really awesome website about pictures and so on. But there's also a dark side of the. Let's take a look at it.And that sucks. I hope that they'll give you that option as well as the option to disable profile comments, too.
Since Eclipse came in 2020, you can delete them... unless somebody replies to it, which is stupid.
Yeah, I wish you could delete comments. I hope they add that feature soon.

If you're searching for your favorite female video game character, you'll find some disturbing inflation pictures of her. Really awkward. And not only inflation pictures, but also pregnant, giant feet, the really horny snake Kaa hypnotizing her, vore, and so on. Disgusting.
Fetishes, and inflations in particular, have got to be the most disgraceful things on DeviantArt. I can't believe that every time I look for some cool pics, they're most likely inflation porn. Not just porn, but she's also shown barefoot, muscular, or naked. How unfortunate.
I remember searching for drawings about the concept of "final boss" two years ago. At the beginning, it showed many examples of iconic game final bosses, interpretations, and the iconic drawings of Final Boss Veigar skin from LoL.
Now, the more you search for final boss drawings, the deeper you go, encountering absurd and simply drawn deviations that have anything or nothing to do with the concept of final boss. There are also some stupid drawings depicted as weak jokes related to office bosses and not game bosses, not to mention fetishes.
Instead of showing results, I got this incredibly stupid error! Seriously, is this a dumb bug or is this meant to piss us off?
I got Error 404 after clicking on Tundran Territories fan art, and the site's creator(s) don't seem willing to remove it. What!?
The inability to disable comments is what got me harassed to the point of leaving DeviantArt. I hate this site.
Yeah, and this just sucks. I wish this feature would be added soon, along with deleting negative comments.
Oh yes. I had to write a notice to tell people not to post anything. So far, it's working.

It may be a new feature, but it's really annoying because it sometimes switches automatically to this mode. If you find a disgusting picture like inflation fanart, this 'cool' feature will show it to you in full resolution.
I think it's pretty good. Whenever you can't read the comics that people made that are long, you need to put full view on to understand.
I'm not trying to be rude if you are a DeviantArt user who comments that stuff to others. I know it's nice and I appreciate it, but it can get a bit annoying when you find comments that are all the same. Like 85% of your comment section being thank yous for the faves, llamas, and follows. If you were a very popular DeviantArt artist with a million followers, most of your notifications would be thank you's.
This actually deserves to be on this list. I get really irritated when people constantly spam me with these comments, as if I did it personally. At first, I would hide their comments and un-fave what I had faved from them, but then I just ignored it.
I don't collect fanart just to make the art creator happy. I fave it because I think it's an amazing artwork that I'd love to save in my collection of entertaining fanart. I don't want to forget it or have to search for it again. I do NOT always care about who drew the artwork. All I care about is that I love the picture. It's complicated and kind of hard to understand, but yeah, I'm smart like that! I'm so... Shut Up!
If you're fine with people thanking you for favoriting their stuff, that's great. However, not everyone will be tolerant of these kinds of reasons to be thankful. (Not) sorry to say this, but the favorers are honestly not even obligated to allow *Thanks for the Fave* comments on their page. Adios!
Self-explanatory. I think fetishes are mind-numbing, disgusting, and stupid. They get in the way of good stuff. Landscape artists and photographers are mostly safe, but everything else is a minefield, especially fanart concerning popular characters and franchises, such as Dragon Ball and other animes, Sonic, Five Nights at Freddy's, Frozen, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Dora, My Little Pony, Spyro the Dragon, and Zootopia. For franchises someone might like, that's sad.
Hence, I got bored and chose a few favorites and explore the website two or three times per year. And I usually regret it.
Imagine that a false rumor about you has spread all over DeviantArt and thousands of people become so rude and make fun of you. It would take only two days just to block one user.
What if you have problems with them again? Sorry, can't help you. You'll just have to wait.
That is why I have to be wise in blocking and unblocking on DA.
What if that user I blocked starts acting up again?
The Newcomers
For those unaware, it's basically porn of feral animals that walk on all fours, akin to real-life animals. This is basically drawn zoophilia.
One argument most of these artists try to use is that "they're capable of consent if they're talking animals." Yet that can't happen in real life, and it doesn't change the fact that they're still drawing porn of a character that looks like a real-world animal.
It sometimes, if not always, takes FOREVER for the site mods to receive your report.
I searched for Peach, and I found a picture of some hedgehog. I searched for Daisy, and I found a picture of some hedgehog again. I searched for Rosalina, and I still found a picture of some hedgehog.
Ah yes, the Sonic fandom is nuts. It's like they name their OCs after every fictional character you can think of.
I want art of ___, but then a picture of a potato appears...

Yep, this is one of the most cursed images. I don't want to explain it.

These are the most toxic and corrupting things on DeviantArt. I can't search for cats to see cool drawings without getting at least 18 furry "art" pictures.
Not all furries draw porn. Clean furries are fine, but the porn drawers are gross.
That is literally frustrating. Many people rudely say "NO" when I kindly ask them to give me Core. It makes me open commissions, which I can't stand at all.
No matter how many years pass in the DA world, I find users:
- Tracing screenshots and popular art/artists
- Recolors, butt loads of them
- Frankenstein-shops of other artists' work
- Outright lifts of artists' work from outside DA
There are even instances of thieves selling stolen art at conventions. The subject and medium don't matter. If you make it, they will steal it.
Lots of good artists have left DA because of this ongoing issue. I even left for three years because a friend had his 3D work stolen and the admins took months to respond. I didn't want the same happening to me.
I don't have anything against people who draw anime, but most of the time, a Western cartoon character is drawn in a bishie style just for the sake of eye candy. In this style, there is nothing unique about them as they all look the same.
I hate it when they turn manly characters into bishies. It makes them out of character for no reason. Why not accept them the way they are?
Some anime art is actually mind-blowing, but it seems that drawing in this kind of style is a shortcut to getting popular.
Please just make them invisible because all of the people I block are people I do not want to hear from again.

Everything from the franchise and fandom is annoying.

When you search for something without the tags "porn" or "rule34," you ALWAYS get porn instead of good fanart.
I was searching for "Operating System Designs," but what I got were porn pics of TTG Starfire. That is a mismatch and disgusting!
I was trying to find a Pokémon comic that was funny, but on a video, it showed a naked girl with a Charizard molesting her. I hate stuff like that.
This is ridiculous. "Oooh! I'm gonna make fan art of me and Sonic!" "Ooooh! I'm gonna make fan art of me and Light Yagami!" "Ooooh! I'm gonna make fan art of me with my reverse anime harem!" (In other words, with all the anime guys the girl likes.) And so on. Now, can I just look up the fanart I've been looking for? I wanted a badass fanart, not a shipping fanart.
This is just...creepy. If you're honestly desperate enough to ship yourself with Mario or something, you may have a problem!
Me on DeviantArt: I'm gonna look up some Sonic the Hedgehog pictures! Yeah! (2 minutes later) Me: Why is this on here? I am never using this site again.
Should be higher. Also, if you look up "Johnny Test" and "Teen Titans Go!" you expect to see a lot of those.

I hate vore. I was writing a story about inflation and weight gain on Quotev and I was searching for pics on Google Images from DeviantArt to use for my character. A pic of Zelda vore came up.
It's just too disgusting to watch, look at, and make art of. Have those artists really thought about what would happen if someone ate you?
It sucks that this and other fetish art show up when you're looking for something totally unrelated.

These aren't even memes. They're just characters reacting to stuff they like or hate.
They've probably watched Nickelodeon (AKA the meme channel!).

Self-explanatory. This is mind-numbing, disgusting, and stupid. It's even worse than usual porn (Yeah, that's possible!).
Porn is not just about showing intimate parts. It includes anything focused on intimate parts, hidden or not, positions implying flirting or worse sexual activity, or characters being shipped for someone's fetishes. Even characters being shy because of their body in a situation where there are no implications fall under this.
I've learned that almost every artist who focuses on gender shapes, especially women's, has links to NSFW content (so no need to check), as they write themselves in the description. If this behavior repeats itself, all hope for the artist is lost.
Porn is an extreme bastardization of humanity, likable characters, and real people in many behavioral aspects. It cretinizes both the viewer and the artist.
Landscape artists and photographers are mostly safe, but everything else is a minefield, especially fanart concerning popular characters and franchises, such as Dragon Ball and other animes, Sonic, Five Nights at Freddy's, Frozen, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Dora, My Little Pony, Spyro the Dragon, and Zootopia. For franchises someone might like, that's sad.
Hence, I got bored and chose a few favorites and explore the website two or three times per year. And I usually regret it.
For example, if you're looking for a picture of Wonder Woman, you'll come across a fat image of her that's very disturbing.
They should cease to exist, too.