Top 10 Worst YouTubers of All Time
Ever found yourself doomscrolling through YouTube's dark underbelly, where cringe is king and views seem to reward the absolute worst behavior? We're talking about those channels that make you question humanity, the ones that leave you with a lingering sense of why did I just watch that?Maybe it's the prankster who takes things too far, the beauty guru whose scandals are more fascinating than their makeup tutorials, or the gamer whose toxic rants are legendary. Perhaps it's the vlogger who overshares every mundane detail of their life, the commentator whose hot takes are always lukewarm, or the family channel whose kids are clearly being exploited for views.
Whoever makes your skin crawl, your vote counts. This is your chance to call out the cringiest, the most obnoxious, the absolute worst of the worst.

Ah yes, the cringy abuser who has no place being on YouTube. Please, Onision, leave our sight. YouTube would be a better place without him. Anyone who even thinks or talks about Onision being the best? I'll state the facts, face-to-face, on what this man has done to humanity.
This lowlife scumbag deserves to be deplatformed and removed from society. He's a vile, sociopathic, pathetic excuse for a person. He is also notorious for being a groomer, as well as an abuser.
Why this individual hasn't been arrested yet is beyond me. His videos are not entertaining in the slightest. His opinions are garbage, yet he treats them like gospel. He acts like a child toward anyone who dares to criticize him. It seems his massive ego cannot handle the fact that he is a moronic waste of oxygen.

Bro is a scammer, and his 7-12 year-old viewers don't even know they've been scammed. The most annoying part is that this brat will dab and shout buy the merch! I went to a convention and saw Jake Paul. He was whining - whining - when he was told he had to leave. He's like Kim Jong Un on steroids but with a YouTube channel.
Listen up, whether you're a boy or a girl: if you haven't heard of this spoiled brat, you're lucky - very lucky. I've heard that he scammed his 7-12 viewers.
The worst part is that in every video he's going to dab and say, Buy the merch. Then kids get their parents' credit cards and buy the merch. It's just pathetic to me how he's fooling these kids on the internet to be just like him. His fans also change their tone when they watch his videos. The funny thing is, I'm 11 and I know he acts like this.

Does this even need an explanation? He's the worst YouTuber, having lost half of his brain cells while making anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic jokes. He's legit trash compared to other YouTubers. I'd rather watch Annoying Orange than him. Seriously, he's that bad.
PewDiePie is, in my opinion, the worst YouTuber who has ever existed. His Let's Play videos are filled with nonsense, and he frequently makes crude and unfunny jokes. Moreover, he has made or said things that are considered anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim.
What upsets me the most is that, despite all this, he still has a massive following. I can't understand why people like him. If every channel on YouTube were an object, PewDiePie's channel would be a soiled diaper drenched in urine and feces, because it's absolute garbage.

Get this disgrace off YouTube. I despise him more than anyone and hope he disappears forever. He should be banned from TikTok too. Literally, both platforms show the same thing: a Ninja rip-off and a r@pist.
How is PewDiePie worse than a sex offender? I despise Sam and hope he burns one day. He's even worse than Jake Paul - JAKE PAUL - because of how much of a scumbag he is.
How is PewDiePie worse than a rapist?!

Logan Paul is even more of a scumbag than his brother. He disrespected Japan and its culture, and he made fun of a dead body. Like, get over it. I also think his apology video was completely fake.
I really hope this piece of garbage gets his channel deleted after that dead body video he posted. It's probably not going to happen, seeing as how YouTube put it at #10 on Trending and his apology video was #1 on Trending. YouTube needs a serious overhaul of its guidelines after this.
What this speck of mucus did was unforgivable, and YouTube needs to stop supporting people who do things like this.

Allow me to tell you that this man almost became a serial killer. First, he reviewed plushies and toys (normal, right?). But then there were some... unpleasant videos. Some of them had gore, high-pitched screams, and blood.
He even killed his cat, Jason Krueger (I can't spell that last name because it's so confusing). Luckily, Evil Entertainment went to jail. Who knows what he's doing now - probably something bad, I guess. He tried to kill his mom and even tried to strangle his cousin to death. He should be sent to death row.

These parents really need to take a good look at themselves and realize how horrible their actions toward their children are. I feel really sorry for those kids for what they had to go through, especially Cody. I've tried watching their videos in their entirety, but I can't.
I'm shocked and appalled at what I just witnessed. There's no sign of any love or compassion between any of the family members, just fear, pain, distress, and complete and utter bullying. These people do not deserve to have children if they keep using them as punching bags. Absolutely disgusting.
I hope these kids are well and truly loved and cared for, like what all of us deserve.

He's a cancer. The term cancer is often thrown around loosely, but he has said and done things that could potentially make the people he's targeted want to harm themselves. That's not acceptable. He discloses people's personal information without their consent, as if it's not illegal, and discusses it openly.
He's been accused of racism and domestic violence. If you can think of something morally questionable, odds are he's done it or embodies it.
In my opinion, he should be ranked higher than Leafy. Leafy just makes fun of people and has a bad fanbase. Keemstar, on the other hand, harasses people, gives out personal information that gets people swatted, and tells lies. I also forgot to mention that he's rude!

I used to like him, but now he annoys me more than Annoying Orange. He's trying WAY too hard to be funny. Seriously, he says budder instead of gold - that's the stupidest thing ever.
He switches up EVERY. SINGLE. DYNAMIC. Isn't that annoying to you?
I don't know, I used to be a fan, but as time went on, you can obviously see how formulaic the whole channel has become. Not to mention, he changes who he plays with. We might enjoy their dynamics, but then he switches it up and doesn't give enough time for me to like the new people.
Additionally, it's such a big channel. Bigger channels annoy me because they don't listen to fans as much, and they may lower their quality and eventually lose their integrity. Ultimately, they become unfunny, which has happened to him.

Bro, he's obsessed with girls who have big breasts. I wouldn't even want to be around him. He always cries like a little girl, even though he's probably in his 30s. He even cried about his dead grandma.
I've seen all of his thumbnails and titles, and they're all the same. For example, HOW TO BE A PIMP features a thumbnail with a big-breasted woman and himself sporting a happy face. There's also an article about him on Encyclopedia Dramatica that mentions a video he made about his recently deceased grandmother, in which he wept openly.
My grandma is still alive and in her 60s, but if she were to die after I've created a YouTube account, I would just be sad. I wouldn't cry because that would probably embarrass me. If I did cry, I would likely edit it out.
Anyway, I can't even bring myself to watch a video on his vlog channel.
The Newcomers

He disgusts me. Don't even get me started on his videos. They are lame, poorly done, and very stupid. Need I say more?

I don't hate his channel that much, but he launched the bad trend of video essays about people getting canceled.

I like his gaming channel, but I hate his main channel. Every time he says KNIFE, a fruit or vegetable gets sliced into various foods, like pizza. There are just so many kills, and we already know all of them.
Oh no. I remember when they first started, I actually enjoyed their content. Keep in mind, this was 6-8 years ago. When they started getting so popular that they got their own TV show and then began making gaming videos, it was clear they were just trying to profit off annoying 8-12-year-olds.
At the beginning, I found them somewhat entertaining, but it all went downhill from there.

He acts like a twelve-year-old and tells people to get over it, saying they are cringe. But what's the only thing that's cringe, you ask? The only thing that's cringe is this emo twelve-year-old and his fanbase. I swear he'll never end up with a girl like this. Facts.
It's ironic how Leafy's videos focus on "cringe" when he has one of the most irritating fanbases on all of YouTube. He'll mock someone with autism to the point of almost driving them off the platform but will ignore his own fanbase, which consists of immature individuals telling others to "go drink bleach."
Leafy's videos themselves are dull. If I wanted to hear a reedy-voiced person play a video game and make inappropriate comments about autism and other sensitive topics, I'd attend a high school anime club meeting. His videos aren't bad because they're "not positive and offensive" (although that doesn't help). They're bad because they're just 20-minute rants.
He may have been bullied in high school, but when he starts editing with that trial version of Sony Vegas and churns out more trite content, he suddenly acts courageous online, despite likely being nervous in real-life situations, like ordering from a drive-thru at Burger King.

They ruin EVERY moment and don't let us see things for ourselves. They just keep making videos that spoil everything, so we don't have to find out on our own. What's the big idea, pal?
It's no surprise this channel is on here. If a channel makes all their videos opinionated lists, then people will get mad, saying things like, "This shouldn't be number one. How can these people be so dumb?" or "How was this on the list, but this wasn't? These people obviously aren't qualified to be on YouTube!" There's nothing wrong with the channel. It just suffers from the fact that it has opinions, so everyone with different opinions hates it.

My hatred for this waste of oxygen knows no bounds. He's more than your typical clickbait channel. He makes money off people's deaths, lies to children, and makes fun of gay people, among other things.
I can tolerate bandwagon videos on YouTube and even the cringey ones, but what Jay does is unforgivable. If there is any hope for the human race, his channel will get terminated, or at least get struck by COPPA. Perhaps COPPA could actually do something good for YouTube.
Don't look at his channel. He doesn't deserve any views. Unfortunately, it seems like his channel is still going strong. I'm done with this scumbag.

His voice was like an annoying chipmunk. Then he left and started an adult content channel and now uses profanity as frequently as Shane Dawson. He has pulled off a transformation similar to Miley Cyrus and has become highly unlikable.
He is a weirdo and a moron. I think I lost brain cells while watching his movie series.
Fred was born on April 11, 2001. He is very weird, but he does have more subs. However, he is annoying.

He uses sub-bots, pirates content, and attempted to sue PewDiePie over a diss track. I'm not the biggest fan of Pewds, and I've never watched his content, but T-Series just steals songs and uses sub-bots, so they definitely don't deserve the love they get.
T-Series just needs to stop. Here is a list of bad things they've done (not including sub bot because there is not enough evidence):
1. Stole people's songs and didn't give them credit
2. They actually sold pirated songs
3. Managed to get canceled
4. Actions taken in the PewDiePie vs T-Series rivalry
5. Called PewDiePie childish because he was trying to keep his record, which he had held for five years
6. Labeled the "Sub to PewDiePie" movement as "spam"
7. Relied on YouTuber CarryMinati to reply to PewDiePie's diss tracks for them, which is ironic considering they're a music channel (NGL, CarryMinati's diss was good)
8. Sued PewDiePie for making a diss track
9. Called PewDiePie a xenophobe and encouraged their fans to believe it.
So yeah, T-Series is pretty bad. - Unnamed Google User Remade

Smosh was good back then. Then it got acquired by a company, and things just went downhill. You go to watch a new Smosh video and you expect it to simply be Ian and Anthony. Then you see all these other people and NOT Ian and Anthony, and you're like, "WHAT IS THIS?!"
It's not even funny anymore. Anthony left, which made the channel take an even bigger dip. Soon, Ian is going to leave, and it's just going to be the company. Then, it'll be gone.
I know a lot of people have said this already, but it's the truth: They were great a few years ago. Now they are the equivalent of two 75-year-old men reflecting on their college party years.
Smosh was awesome back in 2013 and 2014. Now they fall flat, if you will. Every so often, I'll watch a couple of their old videos, but for the most part, it's time to hang it up, guys. You had your fun, Ian and Anthony. Move on.

He is not very good when it comes to "challenges." I hate the intro. It's just "OH, HEY GUYS." He isn't good with 24-hour challenges, and for some reason, he's rich or something.
He's so bad that his content is good at the same time. It's entertaining in a weird way. As long as my kids don't watch this guy, he can stay on YouTube.
Everyone should know why Morgz is bad by now. He literally makes such cringe content that only a 5-year-old would watch. Period.

There are a lot of bad child singers. In fact, all of them are bad, but Mr. Jacob is the worst. He is rude, annoying, and likely to grow up to be Quagmire. Don't get me started on his singing. His song Sweatshirt is the reason why Van Gogh cut his ear off.
Another young person who fell into a lot of money too early in his life without having to work for it. He's a terrible singer and his dance moves are poor.
I think this kid looks better with glasses - not because it makes him look smarter, but because his original appearance isn't great.

This is the stupidest channel on the platform. They have disrespected Asians and done dangerous things like putting glue and bleach on pizza, which falls under YouTube's Harmful and Dangerous Content policy. The hacks they promote are ridiculous, and they likely use bots to like their poorly done, unedited, and disrespectful videos.
I don't know why they haven't been terminated yet. Their "hacks" are often faked, dangerous, useless, painfully obvious, or a combination of those things. Just don't watch them. It gives them money if you watch them.

The Vegan Teacher thinks everybody should be vegan, but what this stupid teacher does not know is that she's harming the world.
Her songs are annoying, and she even tried to make people follow veganism. (Yes, she made that a religion.)
We are literally made out of meat. So you're telling people not to eat meat? It's how we get strong.
She contradicts herself all the time. She doesn't realize that the behavior she criticizes in others, in her opinion, is also how she acts herself. Essentially, she is saying that she should stop making YouTube videos, but she doesn't realize it.

A lolcow who made a bunch of homophobic and racist comments, then changed his gender solely to hook up with lesbians. After all that, he took advantage of his mother with dementia for his own sexual gratification. He's a despicable person in general.
I just keep laughing while looking at him because he looks so ugly and stupid.
I have autism, and this man (or woman, they say he's trans) just insults me.
This is the most overrated channel on all of YouTube, having recently hit 100 million subscribers. MrBeast should have reached that milestone long before Cocomelon.
It's overrated and for kids. Need I say more?
I am pretty sure they noted the channel.

Please, singer community, deport this man back to Canada permanently. He cannot sing, dance, or even exist with a reason. I'm surprised he has a child. He barely knows how to dance or function at all.
Deport him back to Canada permanently. He's a psychopath and talentless. Why is this Ellen DeGeneres doppelganger famous? He can't dance, sing, or simply exist well or worth a damn. He's a culture vulture who doesn't have an identity. Can he go where Vanilla Ice went, please?
Justin Bieber just isn't a good person. He's committed plenty of crimes but has never been punished for them. Plus, his music is bad.

The teenagers have some maturity, but the younger kids do not. They seem forced, and not all of them are screaming brats in the intro.
It's embarrassing for me as a kid myself.
Kids don't usually act like that. In Kids React, most of them are rude, annoying, and not cute. It was okay in 2011, but now it seems completely forced.
Also, their title for Kids React is awful. Not all of them are little 6-year-old brats screaming at a title intro. I mean, not all the kids are bad. The ones I'm fine with are the older ones, and the younger ones just seem completely forced.