Top Ten Ways You Know You're Addicted to TheTopTens
TheTopTens should come with a warning before you enter the dark world of making lists. I'm in for life now... Are you?Yes. Most of the time, even if I never actually post them.
I keep every single message as well.
I don't think many people have this. If you like TheTopTens, you must be cool!
I know what I'm doing every time I do this!
This doesn't happen to me either.
This item had me laughing so hard my family came into my room checking if I was OK.
If my mom tells me to get off any device that has an internet connection, I get bored immediately, and part of me dies inside.
Yes, I am THAT bored. My parents are boring, so I NEED the internet.
This applies to anything on the computer, not just TheTopTens.
This can be an addiction with any site.
No! Only the utterly insane would do this!
Yes, this shows a true obsession!
No one would seriously do this...?
Of course, I'm reading this list right now.
The Newcomers
I almost did this for my new Top Tens addiction and my tropes addiction. But hey, at least they're not as bad as my Jeremy Shada addiction. My friend tried to rehabilitate me for that, but it didn't work. Luckily, I'm done with my Quotev addiction. Do I get addicted too easily?
I probably should do this, but not until I'm done looking at more lists here.
Let's see...
1: Apples
They're delicious in almost anything!
2: Frozen Peas
Frozen? Like ice cream! I don't NEED more of that, I WANT more of that! Except with peas.
You would have to be seriously bored or have a pretty unhealthy obsession.
Ha! There's a list there somewhere.
Other than going on TheTopTens.
I often go on this website when I'm in class, even when I have lots of work to do.
It works with my school WiFi, unlike stuff like YouTube and Twitter.
I saw ten blue cars on a street recently. It was all down to coincidence, and it reminded me of a certain website. Or was I just going crazy?
I made my list Top 10 Things To Yell At The Top Of The Diving Board after playing truth or dare with my sister at a waterpark.
Some people like Justin Bieber, some don't.