Top 10 Most Overused (and Annoying) Words Online
The use of certain words that we use unnecessarily. LOL. Especially on chats, MySpace comments, texting, etc.This word is just so dumb! I hate seeing this word.
In my opinion, it pretty much says that "I disagree with you, therefore you should like it less." It bothers me when someone uses it or any of the related words (underrated, overhated, and underhated (though very uncommon)). It bothers me even more when people call foods overrated because everybody has different taste buds!
Who cares if the majority likes something? One person personally thinks it's bad because of their personal tastes, so it obviously shouldn't be praised by anyone who personally likes said thing.
Seriously though, stop using this word. Also, 10,000 cats are hit by jumbo jets every time it's used.
This should easily be #1.
I remember those times when I used to hear someone calling something "cringe," "cringy," and "cringeworthy." I was fine at first, though I've always found it stupid. But then, as it noticeably got ridiculously overused, I just wanted to say, "Oh my god, just shut up!"
Like, seriously, if you want to say that you dislike something, don't use a word that's not synonymous with "bad." It literally should not be that difficult.
Cringe in the Past:
"To cower or shrink in fear or disgust."
Cringe in the Present Day:
"To define something that you dislike or do not understand. Internet trolls use this word as an insult towards people in fandoms, with bad grammar, or both combined. Trolls, edgelords, and children also use this word to describe memes on some occasions."
People see being gay as the most obscene thing in the world. You don't like it when you're persecuted for something about you. How would you feel if you were gay and you were seen as the lowest thing on earth?
It also sucks that religious books tell people to hate them and kill them simply for who they are. Especially Christianity. Just read Leviticus. People shouldn't be wasting so much effort on taking away gay rights and being nasty. If you're not gay, you have no rights over a gay person's life.
The lowest people on earth are pedophiles, not gays. At least taking away their rights will protect children.
Autism is a real thing. It doesn't mean "stupid" or "cringeworthy." Rather, it's a mental condition/disorder that acts as what I call a "tilt." One side is better than average at the cost of social skills and sensory issues.
Now, don't get me wrong. It can be a curse far more often than a blessing. This includes when people use it to insult random things. It's offensive at best and outright cruel at worst.
Not only is this overused, but it is morally wrong. It isn't their fault if someone is autistic. So don't use it as an insult.
If you highly believe autism just makes someone look dumb, then that disgusts me because I have high-functioning autism myself and I have an above-average IQ.
God, so annoying. And it's even worse when these comments are the top comments on YouTube videos and have over 1,000 likes.
My first YouTube video had no comments. One hundred days later, one comment on the video: First.
I hate YouTube comment sections sometimes, thanks to this.
ROFL sounds like someone pushing a guy eating a Subway sandwich off a cliff.
People use it all the time at the end of their comments, and they are unnecessary. It's very annoying!
I admit it. I do use this occasionally, but not in every single sentence!
Liberals call Trump this all the time, and it has lost its meaning.
Especially when it's used wrong.
Unlike the three words above, this actually deserves the spot.
"lol" or "rofl" or "lmao" is just a small string of letters to express laughter. "Overrated" is just horribly misused (it means that something is used way more than it should be, not that something is popular or bad). And "gay" is a meme due to the phrase "your mom gay," which means that most people on the internet accept it as just good fun.
"kys" or "kill yourself" is another story, though. First of all, you should never seriously tell people to kill themselves. Second, people use this to express hate on others, which begs the question, why should they kill themselves just because of something (most probably) small? That means this word is actually more overrated than "overrated" itself. Thirdly, most people who considered this a meme phrase have probably moved on to "go commit die," so there's little excuse to use "kys" for joke purposes.
Those are my reasons. Feel free to debunk me or whatever if you disagree or if something is wrong.
Type it, and it feels like your IQ is dropping logarithmically. Most people who say it put an apostrophe at the end too. Cringe!
Used by Republicans to take down any other candidate party, making themselves look professional. And so they protect Trump, even though Trump is a dumbass b racist narcissist xenophobic self-centered idiotic loser and is supported by brainwashed folks who don't understand the negativity of the disapproval of a human being Trump.
Ah, the insult. A rather stupid word to use as an insult. Remember when snowflake used to just mean snow.
I always see people use this word when they're trying to insult someone who is calling out someone for making a racist/sexist/ableist/homophobic joke or something, and it is so annoying.
People always think they automatically win the argument by calling someone a "snowflake," when, in reality, this "snowflake" is just being a decent human being.
The Newcomers
If this word is part of your everyday vocabulary, then you should be forced to retake school, beginning in kindergarten, and preferably also be placed in special education classes.
People who use this word unironically in everyday speech are even harder to take seriously than the very first line of The Rise of Skywalker's opening title crawl.
Everyone who uses this word in a non-joking manner after the age of four sounds severely mentally impaired.
This word is getting way too old now.
No, I am not a noob. I am new to the server/game. But I am not a noob overall.
Everyone was a noob once. No more noob-shaming.
Me when the ice cream machine is broken.
Whatever happened to cancer being defined as a serious health disease that people are suffering from rather than a stupid term to describe anything people hate?
This can actually be very disrespectful to people who are suffering from cancer and those who had to go through losing their loved ones who suffered from cancer.
I swear sometimes, but I never use words like cancer. It's not even funny to make fun of because it's a horrible disease. I'd rather drop f-bombs.
As a girl who had a friend that died from cancer, this being used as an insult just makes me depressed.
There is this one kid in my 4th grade who kept on calling me and my classmates "Daddy" and "Mommy." It was super weird. He called the boys "Daddy" and the girls "Mommy."
When we were lining up to go to the computer lab, he turned around and said to me, "Heya, Mommy." I was disgusted. This "Mommy" and "Daddy" thing is revolting!
I've been called "daddy" by my own classmates. It's creepy but funny at the same time. Oh, and it's always used in dumb fan fictions.
Nothing wrong with calling your dad this, but please stop calling fictional characters and school shooters "daddy."
Liberals, what cool people. Or at least better than conservatives. Honestly, many ignorant people think liberals and SJWs are the same, even though they are different.
Why is this an insult at all? Caring about people as a whole is bad? Why?
I don't think people these days know what this means anymore.
I don't have a problem with it, but admit it, it is by far the most overused word of all time.
Want proof? Try Reddit. Try walking in highly populated areas. You'll see or hear it more times than you think.
It's not that overused on childish sites. If you go on Reddit, though, expect some f-bombs. On Tumblr, it's a whole other level.
Should be #1. Bad words annoy me so much. Why can't everyone be nice and use nice words?
The most annoying one, particularly when used sarcastically, ever since it was introduced. It just won't die. I'm surprised it isn't ranked higher.
I hate it when people use this word in real conversations.
So overused they made freaking girl dolls with the name.
WARNING: If you can't handle an opinion, don't bother reading on and getting offended.
This word is so overused! I actually don't just hate the overuse of this word. It also makes no sense! If you have any intelligence whatsoever, you will recognize that 'phobia' is a suffix that strictly means 'a fear of something,' not 'something that you find nasty or unnecessary.' So if you think about it logically, this word is dumb.
As for another irritating and over-stated comment, 'Being gay isn't a choice.' Being gay is, in fact, a choice. An animal or human is designed to be physically able to reproduce with the opposite sex, not designed to reproduce with whatever gender they prefer at that time. No animal is 'born gay,' even if there are same-sex animals that care for abandoned babies. The animal chooses that life for itself, just as humans do. However, a person can decide to date among their own gender.
Also, before everyone calls me 'prejudiced' or a 'triggered hater,' know that I have nothing against anyone with these sexual preferences and believe strongly that everyone should be treated as equal regardless of differences. But homosexuality should be known for what it is: a choice. That is all I have to say.
I've actually never seen anyone use this word, both online and in real life.
Who actually uses this outdated word after 2013?
I hate the fact this word is losing its meaning thanks to people using it for things that aren't literal.
For example, if someone got a bad grade on their essay, saying my teacher literally took a dump on my essay is essentially saying their teacher pulled their pants down and pooped right on it. Just take literally out, and that statement would be fine.
This is literally the most annoying thing ever. I am literally dying inside reading this.
I only use this word in the correct way, and I'm a teenager.
"What does this even mean?"
I think you must be talking about "dank memes," which are yet more unfunny and not really dank versions of memes. Honestly, I think "wet" is a better word, but still, "dank" is mostly used just for memes.
Amazing, complex word. Only people with an IQ of 420 can understand the true meaning of it.
Maybe because people are butthurt about it.
Just no. Don't duh me. It seriously makes me want to hit you as hard as I possibly can.
People sound arrogant when they say this.
This should be number 1. Pronounce it right or don't even make it a thing.
It actually means poop in Danish.
Bae means Asian pear in Korean (I think).
When someone uses obviously, I just want to smash them - even though I use it myself.