Top Ten Funniest YouTube Series
He should be #1! Smosh is for uneducated tweens, seriously. They aren't funny at all. No offense to all you Smosh fans, but it's true.
I honestly don't think anyone can watch Kendama or How to Sing Like Your Favorite Artists without laughing out loud at least twice.
Nigahiga is the funniest YouTuber out there. End of story. His jokes work really well, and his filmmaking is fresh and tasteful. I love all of his videos.
He is the best. I love all of his skits. I can't get enough of it. Watch his new video, Christmas Swag. It's too funny. He made my day.
Smosh is the best! I laughed so hard because their new videos are so, so funny.
It has a lot of parodies of TV shows, movies, and video games.
This is the best YouTube series ever!
This series is possibly one of the best on YouTube. RvB has character. It's deep and insightful. This isn't some bull comedy wrapped around puns or bad jokes, but intelligent setups that carry on through hours of entertainment.
It's also characterized by very emotional parts as you realize that this is no longer just some comedy. Each character is unique and consistent, except Caboose, but you know. Watch this series, or at least season six. Loved this so much.
It's amazing just how good this series is! Rooster Teeth has found a way to take a game that focuses mostly on shooting things and turn it into something three times as entertaining to watch by mostly focusing on dialogue!
I love every single character in this series, which is something Rooster Teeth is very talented at making happen. I love their anime-style series, RWBY, just as much.
However, since this list is focusing on humor-based YouTube series instead of overall or action, I definitely choose RvB. For those who doubt my decision, I leave you with one word: "Caboose." He is awesome, and those who disagree are probably the short-lived Jo-anus (season 6 premiere, for those who don't remember him).
- JohnOfArcades
I love you, ERB! I love you like Jacksepticeye loves saying "ticky bomb!" Yeah, Boss Army, you know what I am talking about.
It should be in the top ten. It is better than 90% of things on TV, never mind YouTube.
I binge-watch this like Bowser watching Charleyyy and Friends.
There are a lot of great videos, as long as you avoid the crappy ones.
Shadow of Israphel series is legendary! That series motivated me to play Minecraft. The "plot" was so good. The feeling when you rewatch it is so amazing, even though they haven't finished it. Still epic. 9/10.
I loved their Shadow of Israphel series! I would also have to say their Pick-a-Path series is pretty good too.
The Yogscast is love, the Yogscast is life. That's all I have to say, thank you.
This was a classic since 2007. Master Chief has Microsoft Sam. Arbiter with Microsoft Mike. They have a fight against online jerks. Master Chief is the funniest. I do like Arbiter, though.
This show is one of the few that still has its freshness, originality, and funniness after all these years.
Best show ever. So long, laugh out loud.
Tobuscus. For some reason, with spell check, it translates to "to sucks," but Toby doesn't suck. He is amazing and funny. If I was Merriam-Webster, I would add Tobuscus to the dictionary.
The Newcomers
Oh my god, this is so funny!
In case you didn't know, this is a hilarious Pokémon web series that is currently on its third season, created by MandJTV Pokevids.
Bad Creepypasta should be at number one. They take a very popular Creepypasta and show how awful it really is in the funniest of ways.
On Sonic.exe, every time red, blood, black, or hyper-realistic was mentioned, they sipped a beer.
Brilliant! Makes me think about going back to rewatch my old movies!
This needs to be at the top of the list! I keep getting this quote stuck in my mind today: "You stole my grandfather's card, so I stole your bodyguard's kidneys. I think that's a fair trade." - Yami from Season 0.
This series has to be one of the only things that I nearly died laughing at. I don't even know why Fred is on this list, but I think Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series should be swapped with that series.
In my opinion, YGOTAS is the most original, influential, and astounding internet series to date. It has single-handedly spawned an enormous cult of abridgers and set a new standard for online series.
Very well done. Puppets, 2D and 3D animation, live action. One of the scariest things I've seen on YouTube (along with Salad Fingers), but you can really enjoy it more with all the theories.
The attention to detail is brilliant. The songs are amazing, from the creativity to the dreams.
- Continuity
- Music
- Funny to scary turn in every episode
- Not a real ending (I didn't say a bad ending)
- This is not really a bad thing, but the fact that they said "every theory is correct" is kinda disappointing
Favorite quotes:
- Fish everywhere.
- Green is not a creative color!
- Too much yeast makes your teeth go grey!
Ah, the memories of being a freshman in college and spending my weekends with this on in the background while I did homework frantically.
Screw you, Annoying Orange haters! I'm sick of people saying they hate this series because the Annoying Orange is so annoying. Uh, hello? He's supposed to be annoying! This series is hilarious. Vote for it now and don't even think of giving a thumbs-down!
Many people have a lot of fun watching this. I am not forcing you to, but maybe watch one and see if you like it. If you don't, it's okay. Just try to be open, please.
Please vote for Annoying Orange! Once you watch it, you won't stop! You might even act as the characters in it! So annoying yet addicting!
DBZ Abridged is brilliant. Not brilliant in the "haha, this is kind of funny" way, but it's brilliant in the "holy crap, the writing in this show is on par with Seinfeld/Frasier/Silicon Valley" type of way. I have no doubt in my mind these guys will get picked up to do a real show on Netflix, CBS, or HBO with a major production budget one day. They're that good. Nothing else on YouTube even compares in terms of writing. Next level. Hilarious!
I actually prefer DBZ Abridged to the original show!
Best Dragon Ball Z parodies ever. They give you an understanding of the storyline and also give you a thrill ride that you will always want to watch.
Best, mind-boggling show ever made by any YouTube channel (besides Smosh).
He's hilarious. Love his reviews. The older stuff is better than the newer stuff in my opinion. The second they brought Mike Matei, or whatever his name is, in, the show went straight downhill.
In the earlier stuff, he's funny as hell but swears almost too much. You'll find yourself sitting there on more than one occasion going, "I don't entirely know if all of what he just said made any sense at all." But the parts that are funny are worth watching the parts that aren't.
It kind of makes me understand why all the old games were ridiculously difficult when I was a kid. Laugh out loud.
The first YouTube series to end, but thankfully got a sequel on that other channel that airs episodes rather occasionally.
Hate me all you want, but I think Fred is hilarious.
They need to bring this back and make more episodes of this with more subcultures like Goth Dad, Scene Dad, Rivethead Dad, and so on.
It's a show basically about sex, but in the weirdest ways possible, kind of like Dick Figures humor.
I love AntVenom! He is very funny and his videos are great. He never fails to make me happy.
It's an animated version of movies and TV shows, showing how they should have ended.