Top 10 Biggest Liars in Politics

As any casual observer of the political arena knows, politicians and the truth have often shared a tumultuous relationship. Sometimes, this relationship is so stretched that one has to wonder where the facts end and the fiction begins.

In the swirling maelstrom of political discourse, where promises are made and speeches are given, it's not uncommon to encounter the occasional (or not-so-occasional) deviation from the truth. In fact, some political figures seem to have turned this practice into an art form, weaving narratives that often seem disconnected from reality. Whether it's embellishing their achievements, downplaying their missteps, making unfeasible promises, or engaging in outright deception, these characters have raised eyebrows and sparked debates across dinner tables and social media platforms alike.

But who among these are the biggest culprits? Who has strayed furthest from the path of honesty and integrity?
The Top Ten
Narendra Modi Narendra Modi, in his campaigns, asserted that India was a global laughingstock before his term - a claim widely debunked as India has always had a significant role in international affairs. He made claims about building 100 smart cities across India by 2022, a promise that is far from being fulfilled. Another claim that the Indian public found deceiving was his assurance to create 20 million jobs a year if elected - a target that has not been met.

I did not vote for him, but I can narrate the biggest lie so far. In his election speech in 2014, he swore in the name of a revered Guru in India (Sikh Guru Govind Singh) that he would set up a special court to try alleged corrupt, criminal, and tainted politicians irrespective of party affiliations, put all accused in jail within one year, and cleanse Indian politics.

After the election, he has not only completely ignored his promise but did exactly the opposite. He put the most tainted people with allegations of murder in important ministerial posts. He is using official machinery to threaten all tainted politicians selectively, only targeting opposition parties, and removing all charges as soon as they join his party. His party is now full of criminals. Modi washing powder has become a popular phrase as all crimes are washed away and forgotten as soon as the criminals join his party.

We may have heard of people who do not keep promises, but never a person who does exactly the opposite of what he promised.

Donald Trump Donald Trump made several controversial assertions during his term as US President. He repeatedly claimed that the wall on the US-Mexico border was being built and paid for by Mexico, which was untrue. His declaration that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history was debunked by photos showing larger crowds at previous inaugurations. Another contentious statement was his claim that the US had "passed the peak" of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020, a statement contradicted by the subsequent devastating surge of the virus.

The biggest liar in the history of politics - Donald Trump. This guy is a clown. He's running for president and spends most of his time in a courtroom. When one trial is over, another begins.

It's not a "political witch hunt" or a "fraud" or "fake news". The facts are that this idiot has been allowed to run over people all of his life due to his financial stature. He disrespects everyone and even the ones he "likes", he only treats right when it's convenient or beneficial for him.

I get tired of all these incompetent people on Fox News and other outlets that always find an excuse for him or try to downplay his court cases. They are symbolic of him - defiant, irresponsible, racist, and immature people who point their fingers at everyone else.

The guy needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and realize what I've known for a long time...he's a terrible person. He's unfit, unprofessional, and unhinged. This guy has mental issues. He should never be president again. He is out for "revenge" and that is his main priority (outside of trying to stay out of jail). He does not care about the people of this country. Never has...

George W. Bush George W. Bush, during his presidency, stated that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, a claim that led to the Iraq War and was later proven incorrect. He also insisted that his tax cuts would not lead to budget deficits, yet the national debt grew significantly during his tenure. Additionally, he claimed his No Child Left Behind Act was a huge success, though many educational experts argue it had mixed results at best.

The Bush legacy is hopefully dying, as many are becoming wary of the global elite agenda and the stupidity and lies of this one in particular.

Lied about Iraq WMD. Led a fire which has still not been tamed in the Middle East.

Fool me once. The point is, you can't get fooled again.

Bill Clinton Bill Clinton, in the midst of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, declared on national television, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," a claim he later admitted was untrue. He also stated that he "did not inhale" when he tried marijuana in his youth, a comment that was met with skepticism. Additionally, his assertion that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would create a significant number of jobs was questioned when job growth did not meet expectations.

I did not have sexual relations with.

No better than his wife. Scum of the earth.

J. D. Vance
Richard Nixon Richard Nixon famously declared, "I am not a crook," in reference to the Watergate scandal, a claim that was later proven false with his resignation under threat of impeachment. He also promised an end to the Vietnam War during his election campaign but secretly expanded the war into Cambodia. Additionally, he claimed the US was winning the War on Drugs, a debatable point given the ongoing drug crisis.

It turns out Richard "I am not a crook" Nixon was actually a crook. Not much different than most politicians, but he had the bad luck of getting caught, which makes him stand out in the eyes of the public.

Mike Pence Mike Pence, while defending the Trump administration's record, stated that "President Trump and I have always supported coverage of pre-existing conditions," which contradicts numerous attempts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. He also claimed that ISIS had been defeated, a statement contradicted by continued ISIS attacks worldwide. Furthermore, he inaccurately stated that "more Americans are working today than ever before in the history of our country," a statement that didn't account for population growth.
Ivanka Trump Ivanka Trump, daughter of former President Donald Trump, made misleading statements about her father's commitment to women's rights. She also propagated false information about the success of the Trump administration's economic policies. Moreover, she has made unverified claims about her role and influence in the White House.
Ted Cruz Ted Cruz claimed that the Iran nuclear deal would "facilitate and accelerate" Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon, a point disputed by experts and contradicting the purpose of the deal. He also suggested that the majority of violent criminals are Democrats, a claim without concrete evidence. Furthermore, he stated Obamacare would be the nation's "biggest job-killer," a prediction that didn't come true.

He's not nicknamed "Lying Ted" for nothing.

Barack Obama Barack Obama famously promised, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," a pledge that did not hold true for all under the Affordable Care Act. He also stated that "Fast and Furious" began under President George W. Bush, when it actually began under his own administration. Moreover, he claimed that 90 percent of the budget deficit was due to President Bush's policies, a simplification of a more complex issue.

Division creator extraordinaire. Oh yes, he was also incompetent at governing but very capable of self-enrichment.

Way too divisive. Reckless spender. Flip-flops on too many issues.

And people voted for this liar to be president TWICE?!

The Newcomers

? Tucker Carlson
? Nick Fuentes
The Contenders
Gavin Newsom Gavin Christopher Newsom (born October 10, 1967) is an American politician and businessman. He has been serving as the 40th governor of California since 2019 as a member of the Democratic Party.
Chuck Schumer
Dick Cheney Dick Cheney infamously stated that the U.S. would be greeted as liberators in Iraq, a prediction that was far from the reality. His assertion that Guantanamo detainees were "the worst of the worst" has been contradicted by subsequent releases and exoneration of several detainees. Moreover, his insistence on the connection between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda was later debunked.

There's a reason they call him "Dick".

Joe Biden Joe Biden, during his 2020 presidential campaign, claimed that he was arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison in the 1970s, a statement he later retracted. He also insisted that he opposed the Iraq War from the very beginning, a claim contradicted by his initial vote in favor of it. Furthermore, he stated that 150 million Americans had been killed by gun violence since 2007, an incorrect figure that he corrected later.

Life-long liar, plagiarizer, dumb and delusional. Also, likely the most corrupt politician in American history. He's creepy, mean, and disrespectful, now senile and too frail to hold office.

Almost every word out of his mouth is a lie or some form of half-truth.

His handlers write the greatest lies. Unfortunately, he has no idea.

Amit Shah Amit Shah claimed that the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, is now riot-free, a statement that has been contradicted by several instances of communal violence. He also insisted that Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was a roadblock to the development of Jammu and Kashmir, despite data showing that the region was doing better than several other states on development parameters. He further stated that the opposition had no leader, which was misleading considering the presence of several prominent opposition figures.

The dream boy of Modi, who carries out all his secret operations. He is cruel, irresponsible, illogical, and ill-tempered, charged with the Investigation Administration of this huge country.

He's the most dangerous individual on earth. He spreads lies for Modi and promotes hatred and violence in various parts of India.

Criminal turned politician, he killed a judge who was appointed to a case of fake encounter which he arranged and was found guilty. He is the right hand of Mr. Modi and handles all types of criminal activities for Modi.

Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin has made several questionable statements, one being his constant denial of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections despite substantial evidence to the contrary. He's also claimed that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, despite clear indications of their presence. Furthermore, his assertion that the Russian economy is stable and growing is contradicted by numerous reports highlighting economic stagnation.

He says he's not doing things that everyone in the world knows he is actually doing. He continues lying about the reasons and the consequences of the genocide he's currently perpetrating in Ukraine.

His net worth is estimated to be between 40 and 100 billion, despite having worked a government job his entire life.

Kamala Harris Kamala Harris asserted that she was part of the second class to integrate her public school, but records show integrated classes several years before her enrollment. She also claimed that she didn't know about certain misconduct cases within her office during her tenure as San Francisco's district attorney, a claim contradicted by some reports. Additionally, she stated that all women must be believed in response to sexual misconduct allegations, a principle she seemed to depart from when allegations were leveled against a political ally.
Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders claimed that the United States has the highest rate of childhood poverty, which, while severe, isn't the highest compared to some other developed countries. He also stated that Americans work the longest hours in the world, a claim disputed by OECD data. Additionally, his assertion that Wall Street's business model is fraud is a generalization that's not universally true.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez incorrectly claimed that the Pentagon could have funded two-thirds of Medicare for all with the amount of money it wasted, a significant overestimation. She also suggested the world would end in 12 years if climate change was not addressed, a dramatization of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's findings. Additionally, she stated that the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world, which is correct for major nations but not if smaller nations are included.
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler, during his rise to power, alleged that Germany was stabbed in the back by its own leaders in World War I, a claim that historians widely dismiss. He frequently declared that Germany was under threat from international Jewry, a paranoid and racist lie that led to the horrors of the Holocaust. His assertion that the annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia was a defensive move rather than expansionist aggression was another falsehood that played a major role in the lead up to World War II.

He was the biggest liar in German politics, who knew he'd begin a mass genocide.

Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the U.S., lied about Native Americans being "savages" to justify their forced removal. He also claimed that the Second Bank of the United States was corrupt and benefited the rich, despite it stabilizing the economy. Furthermore, he falsely portrayed himself as a representative of the common man, while his policies often favored the wealthy plantation owners.
Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi made an erroneous claim that "Democrats have never lost a presidential election in the 20th century when voter turnout was high," overlooking the 1900, 1908, 1920, 1924, 1952, 1956, and 1984 elections. She also stated that 500 million Americans would lose their jobs every month until the economy improved, a statistical impossibility given the U.S. population. Additionally, she inaccurately stated that the wage stagnation was a result of the Trump administration policies, while it had been an ongoing issue for decades.

A typical lifetime politician who manages to become worth over 100 million on a government employee's salary. Well done, you corrupt person.

Nancy Let them eat ice cream Pelosi is simply one of the worst human beings on the planet. She deserves the same fate as Marie Antoinette.

Nothing to say about her except she is just plain evil.

Kellyanne Conway Kellyanne Conway referred to a non-existent "Bowling Green massacre" to justify a travel ban imposed by the Trump administration. She also claimed that Trump never mocked a disabled reporter, despite video evidence to the contrary. Furthermore, she insisted that Michael Flynn enjoyed the full confidence of the president hours before he was fired.
Sean Hannity Sean Hannity, a Fox News host, has perpetuated falsehoods about climate change being a hoax. He also championed the false "birther" conspiracy about Barack Obama. Moreover, he claimed that Trump's Ukraine call was "pitch perfect," despite its contribution to impeachment proceedings.
Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly asserted Iran was close to making a nuclear bomb, despite contradicting assessments from his own intelligence services. He also made a controversial claim that a Palestinian leader had convinced Hitler to conduct the Holocaust, a historical distortion rejected by historians. Furthermore, he promised to annex parts of the West Bank during his election campaign, a promise he later suspended.
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