Top 10 Craziest Sleepwalking Incidents

When we think of sleepwalking, we usually think of waking up in your backyard, putting apple juice in your favourite cereal, or putting pillows in the oven. But these specific people have gone through terrifying or bizarre adventures overnight.
The Top Ten
1 Kenneth Parks kills his mother-in-law

Probably the most well-known story related to sleepwalking. Parks had been suffering from insomnia in his past, due to a gambling addiction. One day, Parks jumped out of bed, drove to his in-laws place (which was 15 miles away), killed his mother in law, and severely injured his father in-law with a tire iron and a knife. That day, he turned himself to the police station.

2 A 77-year old man falls into a lake full of crocodiles

77-year old man James Currens walked in to a lake and fell in. It wasn't just any lake, it was a crocodile lake. He eventually woke up, yelled for help and the police eventually came and used lights to scare the crocodiles off. He only received small cuts from the crocodiles.

3 A girl walks on a crane

In 2am Dulwich, a man spotted a girl curled up on top of a crane. The man called for help and a fireman climbed on the crane and decided to save her. The fireman decided to call her parents, who said that the girl was a sleepwalker, and then decided to ring the phone to wake her. The girl had climbed 130 feet up.

4 An 8 year old falls out of an apartment window

Stuart Millar was an 8-year-old who lived in the fourth floor of an apartment. On one night, he sleepwalked and fell out of the window. Stuart suffered serious injuries to the spine and is now in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

5 A man mows the lawn naked

In 2005, a woman known as Rebecca Armstrong woke up to the sound of a lawn mower. She went outside and found that her husband had been mowing the lawn, naked from head to toe. She knew that she couldn't wake him, so she decided to unplug the lawn mower, and his husband continued to mow the lawn without actually mowing it.

6 A woman has sex with strangers

An unnamed woman in Australia has had quite a few issues with sleepwalking, but one incident involved her engaging in sex with people she had never interacted with. This went on for months, and her, and her husband had no clue what was going on, since they're were quite a lot of condoms lying around in their house. One day, the husband woke up and saw that she wasn't there. He then saw that she had been having sex with a stranger fast asleep.

7 A woman sends emails in her sleep

In 2005, a 44-year-old woman started sending emails to close friends in her sleep, some of them making no sense at all. This incident popularised the term "Zzzzmailing".

8 18-year-old student falls down the window

In 2009, an 18-year old student known as Rachel Ward, woke up and just walked straight out of the window and fell 25 feet. Amazingly, after she went to see the doctor, she didn't even break a single bone in her body.

9 French detective kills the victim of a case

In the 19th century, French detective Robert Ledru was working on a case about a man called Andre Monet, who had been shot and killed in a beach. There were two clues to the case, one of them being the footprints left by the killer, who had been missing a toe. Robert Ledru was also missing a toe at the time. He also discovered that the bullet used to kill Monet was the same sort of bullet that he uses. He then discovered that he was the one who killed Monet. In the next 50 years of his life, he was exiled to a farm in the country side. Although not being guilty, he was still a threat.

10 51 year old man dies from hypothermia

In January 2009, a man known as Timothy Brueggeman from Wisconsin went out of his house in freezing temperatures, and walked in the night. He soon collapsed and his body was found 190 yards from where he lived, dying due to hypothermia.

The Contenders
11 Lee Hadwin and the Paintings

Lee Hadwin from Wales, is famous for his painting, however, the funny thing about them, is that he does them in his sleep (he can't paint well while awake). He has made over 600 paintings in his sleep, and Donald Trump even owns some of his artwork. His drawing of Marilyn Monroe was also sold to a museum.

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