Top 10 Illegal Things that People Do Anyway

The Top Ten
Not Record Under the Table Earnings When Filing Taxes

So you decided to sell things on eBay or Amazon. That's fine, but beware that you should record your income on your taxes. You could probably let that birthday money slide, but if you're a babysitter or mow lawns and earn money off of it, especially cash, it can add up quickly. If you don't put it down on your taxes, the IRS might get suspicious.

My sisters do that. I heard it's actually really important.

Use Copyrighted Content

So users are breaking the law by adding images to items?

Even if I got copyrighted a lot on YouTube, I still think sharing copyrighted content is illegal unless you give credit to the owner.

Piggyback Public Wifi

Then why do McDonald's and Starbucks offer it to begin with?

Use a Fake Username Online

Merely using a fake name isn't illegal. It's only illegal if you're using it to pursue criminal activities.

Throw Away Old Cell Phones

I never do that. You're supposed to keep it or give it to a local phone store.

Sing Happy Birthday (Before 2016)
Eat Something Before Buying It

Some people may have a habit of testing their food before leaving. Just note that you're breaking the law every time. However, as long as you pay for it, you shouldn't run into too much trouble. Eating a single grape may not get you into trouble, but if you chug a bottle of Dr Pepper or Sprite, then you might be in trouble.

If you're referring to somewhere like a supermarket, then I've never done that nor have I ever seen anyone do that.

Play Poker with Friends

I'm pretty sure there's a limit, right? Like 2,000 dollars or something like that.

Oh well, crap, I do this all the time.

Share Passwords

Maybe you tried to save a friend who forgot their password by sharing your Netflix password with them, and in the process, you broke the law. It's actually considered a federal crime to share your passwords for subscription services - not that you haven't already done it at least once.

I did it in Club Penguin once and lost my account.

Wait, people still do this nowadays?


While the idea of walking to a crosswalk to cross the street when there's no traffic coming might seem silly, crossing without being in the crosswalk could lead to a fine as high as $250 in places like New York City and Los Angeles. It's up to cities and states to make their own laws, but yeah, don't do that.

In New Zealand, this is only illegal if you are fairly close to a pedestrian crossing or if you have a red light. Also, the fines are much lower. Personally, I don't agree with this rule at all. I think the driver should always be the one who takes responsibility.

The Newcomers

? Exceed Speed Limits
? Destroy Property
The Contenders

This one is pretty understandable. If you're a decent person, you hopefully don't do this often. Maybe think about that next time you get ready to throw your empty cup and burger wrapper from McDonald's out of the car window.

Littering is bad for the environment, so obviously it's illegal.

Scam People
Use Emulators to Play Games They Don't Own

I do it all the time, but most of the games I do that with aren't being sold anymore.

Swear in Public

Go to any middle school, people probably break this law at least 100 times a day.

Engage in Identity Theft
Smoke Outside Stores
Have Sex as a Minor
Text While Driving
Use Pirate Streaming Sites
Sell Pirated Media
Pirate Media
Record Movies in Theaters
Drink While Underage
Use Drugs While Underage
Vape While Underage
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