Top 10 Reasons Why Protesting is Better Than Rioting

With of all the damn riots that have been going on lately. I feel like I'll go over why protesting is ultimately the better choice.
The Top Ten
Protesting is peaceful, rioting isn't

I'd rather do something peaceful for a cause than do something violent at all. It just doesn't seem right if you ask me. It's a very messed up and morbid thing to do, honestly. I just can't stand it in the slightest. It makes me feel sick.

People die in riots, protesting doesn't result in death

Lots of people have died during riots, some of whom were innocent bystanders. Protesting normally does not cause massive deaths. The deaths caused by rioting alone are just numerous.

Rioters destroy public property, protesters don't

Destroying public property is just a scummy thing to do. Protestors manage to deliver their message without resorting to that, which automatically makes them superior people in my book. I respect people that can spread a message without resorting to violence.

Think of the homeless! Imagine how hard it would be for them to find a safe place if properties get destroyed. What can we do to help them?

Rioters also destroyed some private property, I heard. Additionally, rioters create arrests for the rioters, whereas protesters do not.

Protesting resolves conflict, rioting doesn't

A protest is far more effective than a riot. The message is not only conveyed better but it also holds a lot more weight. Resolving conflict is much better than escalating conflict, which many riots tend to do. Escalating things, in general, is not a good thing.

Agreed. Also, rioting creates additional conflicts.

Both are trying to spread a message, but protesting spreads the message better

I think that this goes without saying, but protesting spreads whatever people want to convey better than just rioting. Rioting just spreads a wrong message that feels terrible. I think that alone makes protesting the better cause.

Protesting is a lot more effective, and actually does good

All that rioting causes is death and destruction. Protesting, while it might get ignored, at least touches on a vital subject respectfully without resorting to force. Making it far more effective and better in the long run.

Holding up a sign is a lot more effective than killing people

Not only that, but it just seems more reasonable. Holding up a sign seems more respectful than killing someone over an issue. Actions speak louder than words, so choose your actions carefully.

Rioting can lead to anarchy, protesting doesn't

Not the strongest reason, if anything, I'd consider it one of the weaker items here. It's still a point to an extent. I think it's a fairly obvious point though, which is why it's very low on this list.

Protestors are a lot more respectable than rioters

This goes without saying. People who can communicate a message or idea with words are more effective than those who resort to brute force. "A riot is the language of the unheard." - MLKJ. I consider this a very wise and excellent quote.

Rioting does more harm than good, protesting can actually help an issue

I think rioting puts even more people in danger than if the cause being protested gets ignored. After all, the reason people protest is to change an injustice. Rioting is just creating the future the protesters have been aiming to avoid.

BlueTelegraph, you have a point. However, to rebut your thoughts on how you don't think a single good thing came out of the riots, I think maybe that after this, the police will re-evaluate how they arrest people and create awareness for respecting differences. If only it could be done in a peaceful way.

The Contenders
Protesting is protected by the constitution, rioting isn't
Rioting is illegal
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