Top Ten Signs You're Socially Awkward

The Top Ten
You have no friends in real life, but tons online

It's easier to make friends online because you don't have to talk face-to-face. Although, I do have a few friends outside of the Internet.

I have friends in real life, but I made more friends on this site for some reason. That's why I joined this site, to make some friends. Way more than I expected.

I probably have the same amount of friends online and in real life.

You've never dated someone for more than a week

I have never dated anyone before. I guess I am too shy to approach girls I'm attracted to. That, and the fact that I have no idea what to say without making it awkward.

I've never dated anyone in my life, though that's more because I thought dating as a teen is a waste of time and socially counterproductive.

I dated someone for like 4-5 months once. But the rest were definitely a week or so.

You don't laugh once watching an episode of Impractical Jokers

Believe me, I'm socially awkward, but this show is just too funny not to at least laugh all the way through.

I'm 14 and this show is ridiculously funny. I just laugh all through the episode.

You know all of the writers for a TV show, and the actors in a hit movie, but you don't know your neighbor's name
You never know when to join in a conversation

True, true. Or when my friends are talking about something that I don't know much about, I'm like, What am I supposed to contribute to the conversation?

Countless times I have joined a conversation just to get a "what the hell are you doing?" sort of response from everyone else.

That's me in a nutshell. Sometimes I'm really awkward. I'm honestly less awkward now than I was last year in school though.

You can name all of a YouTuber's videos, but not your aunt's name

Oh my goodness, the pure sadness. I actually don't know my aunt's name! I just refer to her as my aunt...

Unless you are out of touch with your relatives besides your immediate family, like me.

Yeah, I am not in contact with most of my family.

You have never talked to any of your co-workers outside of work.

There's an exception if your co-workers are a bunch of teenyboppers or just flat-out arses.

You know nothing about politics

It's so tedious, yet there's never a person in the world who will leave it alone.

Politics are a huge discussion between loyal adult friends.

You don't have a job

Well, you have to talk to other people in a job interview apparently. Who knew?

You still live with your parents at age 35

The Newcomers

? You cringe over everything you've ever said
? You talk to yourself in public
The Contenders
You're more silent than everyone around you
You're never sure how to start a conversation

Usually, I just sit quietly and ignore people who try to talk to me.
I have to survive somehow.

I always ask personal questions to begin with or just say hi. I simply don't know what to say.

That's why I don't start conversations! I probably end them by not knowing what to say...

You are always here in TheTopTens

Literally have been here less than a month and I freaking love it here.

You're a loner

Yep. I spend most of my life in my room surfing the web. Kind of sad, to be honest, but hey, at least I still take care of myself physically.

I sometimes find peace being alone and get sleepy all the way. Haha.

Sometimes I can be so, depending if I don't want to be around anyone.

The last time you've dated is when you farted on a date on accident in middle school

One traumatic experience can rip your love life to shreds.

You're the most silent partner in a group project
People ask you if you're shy

Same. Everyone who doesn't know me very well thinks I'm very quiet and I rarely speak. My friends, on the other hand, know I can be really crazy.

This happens all the time at my school. The sad thing is that it's true.

People try to hide their social plans from you when it includes other people you both know
You only said "Hi" to someone then walk away
You always have unpopular opinions
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