Top 10 Best Ways to Feel Happier
This list needed to be made. Far too many people nowadays are trapped in their own minds, prisoners of themselves, and weighed down by unnecessary negative emotions. Life is what we make it. It can be as difficult or as simple as we choose to make it.Of course, there are unavoidable situations we must face, such as the death of a loved one or ill health. However, other times, we knowingly put ourselves into situations that contribute to our unhappiness. (By the way, I've written a list titled Top Ten Avoidable Situations We Voluntarily Put Ourselves In - it's worth a look!)
Life is complicated, but it can also be simpler if we learn to manage certain aspects of it. I'm not trying to preach (okay, maybe I am a little), but it's only because I've been around long enough to know what I'm talking about.
This list is designed to help you feel happier. Feel free to add anything I've missed that works for you, or vote for an existing item.
Social media is a good example. My niece's friend came to me in tears, and when I asked her what was wrong, she told me she felt pressured by social media - the pressure of competing with other girls her age to be "cool" - but she was still bombarded with negative comments. I asked her why she still uses Facebook, etc., when it clearly makes her unhappy. She replied, "Because I have to." Well, no, you don't! Isn't it better to seek out things you actually enjoy doing? This was nearly nine months ago. Thankfully, she took my advice and deleted her accounts. She has since joined an amateur dramatics club and is much happier expressing herself in a more positive way.
Those who are less fortunate: the homeless, elderly, lonely, sick, and vulnerable. A simple good deed not only makes those you are helping feel better, but you'll find it helps you feel better about yourself too.
I help others, but don't help those who give you an insult in return, as they don't deserve that help.
Making others feel happy makes me feel happy.

This is something that's saved my life.

This website is actually where I write my thoughts on things I like. I can't really talk in real life because I have a stutter and social awkwardness. I like to write and draw sometimes.
Someone from heaven did advise me, and ever since then, I've been finding myself ascending toward the seventh heaven. Great list, Britty. This will aid tons of depressed souls.
Whenever I write in my diary, it just makes me feel better. It's the only place I can truly express myself without anyone judging me.

No, you don't have to walk around wearing a fixed, inane grin. Just the act of a small smile makes you feel better. Try it! Smiling encourages others to smile, which makes you feel better. Not only that, but it also makes you feel more confident, which can only cause you to feel happier.
Don't tell me there is nothing good in your life because I won't believe you. There must be things you enjoy doing. Surround yourself with those things. Why waste time and energy on anything else?
If nothing seems to be going right today, think, "Maybe tomorrow." And if tomorrow isn't the day, then think, "Maybe tomorrow." Your tomorrow has to come. Maybe your tomorrow is tomorrow? Isn't that a good enough reason to stay hopeful today?
I think this is a problem for me. I spend so much time saying that I will do something later and that I should be hopeful, but I never get around to it.
I hope hopelessness changes over time.

My boyfriend, Adrian, really helps me through life.
I would love to have someone to love me.
For so many reasons, it can help.
The Newcomers
If there's a celebrity or a movie that you really love and someone says something bad about it, just ignore what they say and go on with your life. That's much better than getting triggered and upset over someone's opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. For example, I don't like Jennifer Lawrence or Forrest Gump, but that doesn't mean you can reply to me in all caps and call me stupid for not liking what you like. Do you think I call people who don't like Goodfellas or Natalie Portman stupid? Of course not. We can all get offended sometimes, but some things you just have to let go of in life. You can't live the rest of your life upset about somebody's negative statement towards something you really love.
I'll admit that I've always had trouble finding a good friend. However, on this site, I found the right people to become friends with, and they know how to cheer me up. The most important quality for friends is that they care about you. If they don't, they aren't real friends and probably only care about themselves.
Isn't that what friends are for? If you are sad and don't know how to feel better, just go to them, and they'll comfort you. If you want, you can hug them, and you'll feel happier. If they don't comfort you, then they are not friends.

Death, setbacks, health... Life goes on, and you HAVE to move with it. You can't stay still, sitting on your bed crying about things. If you will yourself to get up when you're at your lowest point, if you overcome your worst feelings, you WILL feel better and more quickly.

We can't live in the past. Life doesn't allow us this luxury. Change is inevitable. Life's waves pull us into its current, and we have to decide whether to sink or swim - and where's the fun in sinking? And if you can't swim, learn (it all adds to your list of achievements).
I like studying chemistry and grammar. And horology. And also astronomy.
No one likes losing. It's you against life. Face its challenges head-on and tell yourself you can't and won't be beaten. Believe me, you WILL feel better with everything you overcome. The feeling of power over life itself is euphoric. Don't you want to feel that?
You move forward when you make good and better decisions. You go backward when you have a setback. It's my favorite thing to do.