Top 10 Misconceptions About Introverts
I'm an introvert, but I've grown out of the shy part. The only reason I've grown out of this is because I'm sarcastic with basically everyone. I only really open up to people who I'm close to, though.
I heard that the basic difference between introverts and extroverts was that introverts get tired from dealing with other people, whereas extroverts get tired by being alone.
Not always the case. I know a few introverts who will happily instigate and hold an intelligent conversation with many people.
I'll admit that I have no academic prowess, but I'm far from stupid.
I'm an introvert by nature. I'm known through my school to be incredibly smart, but socially rejected anyhow. I don't think I've seen this one.
I'm not a mean person, but the way I show my affection is through sarcasm and teasing.
I'd say they are the antithesis of this.
Boring?! Many of the most prolific writers are introverts. How can having an active and vivid imagination be "boring"?
I'm tired of hearing this cliché. Your personality or traits don't determine how smart you are, no matter what "scientific studies" tell you on some random site on the internet.
Being an introvert doesn't affect your intelligence.
Haha, I've never been accused of this.
I'm probably the most emotional person in my family and out of all my friends.
My family and friends would strongly disagree with this.
There's nothing wrong with being an introvert, and this is actually very insulting. People need to quit stomping on introverts.
Just because you enjoy keeping to yourself most of the time doesn't make you arrogant or self-centered. You just like being alone. When you do socialize, you prefer doing it in small doses and with people you're more familiar with.
I'd say that extroverts are more inclined to be self-centered. They like to be in the limelight and love attention directed only towards them.
I'm definitely not. I'd help people before myself any time or day.
Not at all. Introverts just have a quieter way of dealing with problematic issues, but the outcome is exactly the same.
I've been accused of this, even though I play several sports, including karate.
I have seen so many memes that talk about how introverts have no friends and don't like to be around people. This is partly true because if I don't have my alone time, I start to get stressed. But I do like to spend time with my friends.
Introverts actually do have friends. They just have fewer than extroverts. They prefer quality over quantity.
Not true. They just have a few close friends. They prefer quality over quantity.
The Newcomers
Good list. I'm not happy all the time (but then who is?), but I'm content most of the time. I enjoy life and the challenges it brings.
Not true! Bill Gates is an introvert, and he's one of the richest people in the world.
Introverts are actually some of the most successful people.
I love people and being around them until I don't. When the party is just getting started, I am super funny and social, but there's only so much "people time" I can take. When I've maxed out on my "people time," I'm pretty grumpy, ornery, and solitary.
Anti-social personality disorder is often linked to sociopathy, and most sociopaths are extreme versions of extroverts, so this is false.
Introverts actually can be outgoing around the right people and in certain situations.