Top Ten Best Things to Say to Someone Who is Depressed

As someone who has been depressed throughout the years and knows what it's like to feel overwhelmed by this fog of sadness, this coat of dread, here are some encouraging words that I've gotten that have helped me out and taught me well. I may share some of my own words as well

Words can be very powerful, and it's a power we as people are often oblivious to. Being able to use your words to help the minds of others is a great thing we can do but we forget that we can also abuse it to harm others as well.

So let's try to use our words to help, to rebuild, and to encourage. Kindness is the best way to help the ones you care get through darker times and kind words speak loudest in times of silent sadness. They are much more clear to us in moments of grief and pain. And when a friend is in need of some kind words, don't be afraid to share yours. Give their grey lives a bit more color as they say.
The Top Ten
1 If you ever need just someone to talk to, I'm here for you.

If you really care for someone, then being there is a must. You don't know just how much a little conversation can help.

Be there for each other. Help those who are in need. Depression is weaker the more people stand against it.

I sure do wish that someone would turn around and say this to me. Instead, I just have to go it alone. I'm too scared to tell any of my friends that I'm depressed.

Wonderfully uplifting list, CjWriter1997. Even for those who aren't depressed but just down for a while and need a lift, a sincere, heartfelt, and kind word is a tonic. We all need someone at times.

I can truly feel the sincerity of this list.

2 If you ever feel like you don't mean anything, just know that's a lie. You mean a lot to me.

Meaning is an obscure concept, but it's also a very tangible one. To say you have meaning is to make meaning. We are only meaningless because we say we are.

So don't let that be the case. Give yourself your own meaning, as they say.

This is something I need to hear from people when I'm feeling worthless, like I'm not good enough for anyone. To feel like you matter to someone you know is to feel like you matter.

3 It's not wrong to feel depressed. It's just an emotion, one that we have all felt. Don't let the naysayers tell you otherwise.

We are all people, each with complex emotions. Just because you feel a certain way more often doesn't make you any less of a human being.

4 Distraction is key. Learn to outsmart your own mind by distracting it from it's own depression.

In high school, there was always one kid making me feel bad and angry. Almost every day, I came out of school feeling that way. On the bus, I listened to my favorite music (rock and metal), and it helped to get rid of all the hate.

When I got home, I spent 2 or 3 hours playing video games. It really helped me hold it together.

Whether it's listening to music, watching your favorite show, or playing video games, do whatever works for you.

The more you distract your mind with things you love, the less often your depression gets the best of you.

5 You're a good person, you may not realize it now but it's true.

It is said that the kindest people are often the ones who struggled the most. As unfortunate as it may sound, pain brings wisdom. We learn the best through the worst times.

6 Times are dark now, but I see a happy soul awaiting for you in the future.

Life has its ups and downs. Even through the darkest times, eventually light will appear at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong and keep going. You can make it!

That is true in a very inspiring way.

7 You have a great life ahead of you.

Sometimes I feel like there's no opportunity, like I blew everything or never had a chance to begin with. That's depression talking, and it only speaks in negatives. Rationality has gone out the window.

Looking at it with a clear mind, nothing is as black and white as it seems. There is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how convoluted that path is.

Everybody has a great life ahead of them. You make your own future.

8 Don't fear about what others think of you, most of the time they are more preoccupied with themselves.

Let's say you've done something you think is embarrassing. The people who saw it won't think about it for long. People have so much going on in their lives that they forget about stuff pretty fast.

To quote Eleanor Roosevelt: "You wouldn't worry so much about what other people think of you if you realized how seldom they do."

9 You are kind, smart, beautiful and everything good.

Simply giving compliments to someone who is feeling down can show them that you care enough to help them feel better. Yes, they're simple compliments, but they are nice to hear from someone else every now and then.

In the end, the simplest things tend to matter the most.

10 You can and WILL survive this. When it’s all over I’ll still be here and so will you.
The Contenders
11 I love it when you laugh, you should laugh more

They say laughter is often the most effective medicine. A good laugh can bring someone's mood up very well. If you don't know what to say sometimes, just tell them a joke.

Make them laugh. It's always a good option.

12 I love you, and I will always be by your side.
13 Give me a hug

Sometimes I just want a hug, and I'm even sadder when I don't receive it or have to ask for it.

14 You are smart
15 You are loving
16 I will get help for you
17 My apologies
18 Please stay alive
19 You Are Beautiful
20 I love you
21 You are still loved and I bet dinner is still waiting for you
22 How do you feel?
23 God loves you!
24 Sorry you feel that way
25 We are done having these suicidal thoughts
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