Top Ten Ways to Show Respect Toward Others
Sometimes society can get the wrong message about who you are. You want to make people think you're the kind, caring person you are, but certain obstacles, no thanks to society itself can get in your way. We may try hard, but even sometimes the hardest you've got isn't enough. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just make sure you respect other people, and they will respect you back most of the time. But there are those people...These suggestions in the list are about 99.9% guaranteed to work. So sit back, relax take notes, yadda yadda. Anyway, let's get going with the list.
Usually, in society, bending rules can get you into deep trouble. Following rules can show you have dedication to the cause and prove you can be obedient. I wasn't exactly the rules-type person when I was younger. In 5th grade, I got into trouble for excessive lying and cheating. Since then, I have changed and realized who I am.
I try to do this... Most of the time.
Opinions are part of what makes us... us. I might have a different opinion on topics like religion, gay marriage, etc., but it is important to respect opinions. You don't want to know how many times I have seen people say things like "die in a pit" if they don't share the same opinion. It's a pet peeve of mine when people don't respect opinions.
Complaining gets people nowhere in life. I have had personal experience with this one. I used to complain about pretty much every little thing. My parents kept saying I needed to be more respectful. I stopped complaining. Bam. They stopped complaining about my disrespect.
In fact, I admit I still complain sometimes.
Annoyance. Damn annoyance. Basically, it's being a jerk on purpose, to put it one way. I remember when I was that annoying little brother everyone in the family hated. I wouldn't do chores, pick up after myself, and I even did a "bed replacement" prank on my brother (I'll explain later). But I've realized being annoying makes you look as likable as Miley Cyrus.
You don't really want to be that guy who sits in someone's bushes spying on them, or the person who is nosy enough to search someone's yard. I used to be a heavy eavesdropper, and I still am today. I can't count how many people find it annoying to eavesdrop at times.
There's no way you could show respect toward others when you are a jerkface. Or at least it would be hard. I remember when I used to be a jerkface to pretty much anyone, and I didn't really feel good about myself.
Since then, I have gotten my head back in the game and become nicer toward others, which is the same as being more respectful.
Does a classmate need help with homework? Does your mom need help with the dishes? Helping others is going beyond what people ask of you. This gives a good vibe about who you are to the person you are helping and the people around you.
If you're being friendly, other people will be friendly back to you. Simple as that. I wasn't that nice before, and I was a very hated person. But since I realized giving respect helps you to get respect, I have changed a lot.
Not making the team is not a good thing at all, but it helps teach you that you need to practice. Also, just going home and crying for three days straight is not beneficial, and it makes you look like a quitter. If you want to show you are respectful and determined, start to reflect and improve your weaker areas.
The Newcomers
This has happened to me. Poor me.
If you can't afford to buy gifts and hand them out, or give money to strangers, this isn't the best way. But, you can give away spare change that you know you won't spend, and the people you give the gifts to will know (or assume) you are a nice person.
A common way is to, at a drive-thru, ask what the next people's bill is, and offer to pay for them, too.
Don't say something you might regret later.
Ok, I will try and control my voice. Even if sometimes I make a mistake. But then if I talk repetitively, beware.