Top Ten Worst Things About Being Sick
Being sick? Ain’t nobody got time for that! The common cold, the flu, food poisoning, and all the other interesting things that get thrown our way, caused by cold and flu season, winter, poor hygiene, poor food handling practices, and our extra small world makes the sick go around, and there’s not much you can do to stop it. Getting sick is inevitable, it seems. Even the most cautious person can get the stray sneeze at a restaurant, or the pen that sickie used last at the bank. It’s almost enough to make one a hermit. Matter of fact, if this list doesn't seem very good, it's because I'm writing it sick!
I feel like we should get this out of the way right away. No one likes to feel bad, that's it. We spend our entire lives trying to avoid pain and discomfort - it's in our nature. No one wants a stuffy nose, a cough, diarrhea, a headache, or to throw up. It sucks to feel crappy!
Yeah, I agree. Nobody wants to catch the cold or flu, throw up, have high fevers, etc.

Nausea and vomiting are god-awful. No joke. You literally spend minutes trying to get rid of that nauseous feeling, and it just hurts.
Oh God, don't get me started on this! Last night, around 1:00 AM, I was feeling dizzy, really dizzy. My mouth tasted weird, my brain was turned off, and my stomach was cramping a lot! Then, it happened! I started vomiting when I least expected it. I called my mom and dad, and they came into my room. My sheets had to be washed, and I had to take a shower. Thank God it didn't come out of my nose because that would be really painful.

You need more sleep when you're sick, but so often, being sick and sleeping aren't friends. If you have a cold, your nose drains down your throat, and then you get a sore throat. Or you have a cough, and every time you lie down, your cough starts up again, but you can't fall asleep upright. Or you wake up every hour to throw up or pee if you're staying hydrated.
I feel like the list goes on and on, but really all you want to do is sleep until you're better.
It just feels like you're slowly dying.
I kept waking up at 4 AM, feeling like I was dying because I couldn't sleep since I couldn't breathe.
This is one of the harder parts about being sick, in my opinion. I already feel like crap. I'm not myself, but I really, really need to go to the gym so I don't lose my training sessions or to my lip waxing appointment before Christmas photos or whatever.
But there's the dilemma a lot of people face: lose my appointment slot, have to reschedule, or lose my money altogether, or just go to my appointment and hope for the best. Unfortunately, I think most people take the latter action, and then your lip waxer, trainer, or therapist gets sick. Then they either miss out on work and have to reschedule all of their clients or risk getting each and every one of their clients sick.
It's a tough decision to make, especially depending on the appointment, but people, please just cancel!

I dunno what it is, but I HATE sore throats. This is inconvenient considering the many ways you can get one: allergies, cold, flu, dry throat, air blowing on you at night, stress, spicy food, yelling too loudly, coughing too much, exercise - the list just goes on.
I have one right now, and it is annoying. You have to take a huge gulp to swallow your saliva, and it hurts your throat. It hurts even more to eat or drink anything.
When I get sore throats, I usually get sick and then end up losing my voice for a while.
I have to keep my head up to prevent my nose from leaking boogers! It's so annoying, and you can't even taste, which is worse! You have to wipe it constantly, and soon it will hurt like a cut. It's just plain terrible.
I had one a few days ago, and it SUCKED.

This happens a lot, way more than it should. These are the people spreading sickness to you, whether they mean to or not. Sometimes you have that boss who simply doesn't care that you're sick and doesn't care about who else will get sick. If you want to keep your job, you'll come in. And, of course, you do.
Then there are the few people who work voluntarily while sick because they either don't care about cross-contamination or simply can't lose a day's worth of pay. Unfortunately, these days, your boss doesn't care if you're sick. They care about their bottom line, even if it makes everyone sick.
All of that is aside from the fact that you have to do your job while not feeling like your usual self. It's hard to care about customers or the quality of work when your head is in a fuzz, you're having to blow your nose every three minutes, or whatever your particular ailment happens to be.
No sickness is pretty - it's just a given. Even if it's just a cold, you have a puffy, red nose and a gross, stuffed-up voice. Don't even get me started on the flu or food poisoning. Snotty noses and coughing up crap are the least of the grossness. Just hope you're sick around someone who loves you no matter what. I know if I don't love you and you're throwing up, you're going to be on your own.
Imagine being so sick that you can't play a video game, watch a movie, draw, play guitar, go wild, do homework to catch up, eat, or even sleep. You can't find any enjoyment in anything. You start to think about the things you would have been doing if you weren't sick. You might use your computer or phone in some cases, but all you can do is lay there and overthink. It just feels like you're on your deathbed.
Being sick already sucks, but if you are so sick that you can't even watch your favorite movie, can't even sleep, or can't even drink water without feeling sick, it's a bad day. Being sick is already a bummer, but when you can't get even the slightest relief or enjoyment, it's like life's giving you the short end of the stick.

Especially with the common cold, you literally spend days or weeks trying everything you can. From using cough drops, eating foods with Vitamin C, and taking DayQuil or NyQuil, nothing seems to work.
Now, all I have to do is wait through it?! Who hates hearing that? I've had a cold for about a week now, and my patience is at zero!
AKA, the common cold. You think you're patient zero and that you surely have dengue fever and should be put on antibiotics, but really, all you can do is wait. Let it "run its course." Who doesn't hate hearing that? I'm dying, I'm sure of it. I've been sick for a week and a half, and I just have to let it "run its course"?! Bah!
The Newcomers
Sometimes when your throat is all scratchy, it makes you have an uncontrollable coughing fit, and your eyes start watering.

Although it may be nice to just lay in bed, even that is tainted when the reason why is because you're too sick to go to work. That equates to lost paid time off, lost pay, potential backup of work, and more work when you get back. If you don't have a job that someone else can fill easily while you're gone, expect double the work when you're back. Even if someone could do your job, they won't.
It really sucks, especially right now because of Omicron. I had to stay home from school for two weeks, even though I did feel better shortly after the second week started. I found myself slowly falling behind and receiving a lot of work when I came back.

Chances are when you're sick, everybody is sick in waves. So often, that means crowded waiting rooms and long wait times to get into a doctor just to be told it's viral and has to work its way through your system. If it's not, you're looking at expensive and often uncomfortable tests, and then equally expensive and awful medications.
It sucks if you have to go to the doctor when you're sick. I've had to do it before.
People always mean well in this, but it's inevitable that when people find out you're sick, the friendly advice starts pouring in. Now, I've got to say that some of it is good advice, and sometimes a nugget we didn't know, but most of the time, it's stuff like, "stay hydrated" or "spray sea salt water up your nose." Not that staying hydrated is bad advice - it's not - but if you haven't figured out by now that water makes everything better, I'm not going to tell you.
But please don't tell me to chew on a raw cinnamon stick while drinking copious amounts of orange Tang. Thanks.

It is the worst that you can die from sicknesses. Hopefully, I won't die from any in the future.

It always happens to me at the worst times. Let's see some times I have gotten sick with a cold, sore throat, or another illness at the worst times possible.
Right before spring break in 2017. Fortunately, I got better quickly and was able to go on a trip to Florida.
At the beginning of summer break in 2017 and 2022.
During Thanksgiving break in 2017. I ended up going on a trip, but my illness emerged when we were driving down, and it was so severe that it made November 2017 the worst month of my life. It also canceled my December 2017 trip.
Before Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks in 2018. Both colds canceled trips.
Exactly! If I didn't have this stupid summer cold, I would be able to do more fun stuff!
I have bronchitis, and it's awful because you feel like you keep coughing your lungs out.
Mild ones are okay, but bigger ones feel like hell!
My dad knows I don't like soup, but one time when I was sick, he forced me to eat it. He doesn't normally make me eat things I don't like, but that time he did.
I had a time where I told someone I was sick, and they said, You're fine! You're not sick. I was for real, and it was annoying that they didn't believe me.
My mom never believed me when I complained that I felt sick. She would say, You're fine, don't worry about it. She didn't know how I felt.
Especially when it's coming out like a faucet. A box of tissues a day.