Top Ten Biggest Worries

The Top Ten

Most of the problems on this list can be directed at America. I have lost all faith in my country.

It's funny because almost everything else on the list is because of the USA.

Main cause of death and evil in the world. Everybody hates you. $502 billion spent on the war on "terrorism". You're all the biggest terrorists in the world.

Getting to Heaven

Once, my teacher told me that anyone can go to heaven - even bad people - because they can be God's way of teaching a lesson to others.

By the way, did you ever hear the joke about how there was one more room in heaven, and then God wanted to know who was innocent to let them in or boot them to hell?

I believe in heaven, especially after reading "Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo. I really hope to get there. I love Jesus and God with all my heart.

I am a Christian, and I worried about going to Hell when I was younger. I still do. Hopefully, I can get to Heaven.


I'm just scared. Where is this world economy going? We're all doomed.

If you have this, all other problems can be taken care of.

What Comes After Death

Will you have another life and never know about your present life?
Will you go to heaven or hell and stay there forever?
Or maybe life is just a game for your soul, and everyone is just a character that God made?

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me because I don't want to die! Then everything will be over! But also, if I lived forever, there would be no end because everything has to end! I'm so confused!

I heard that after you die, your consciousness has out-of-body experiences and your consciousness is movable after death.

Your Health

When you get older, your health becomes one of the major issues in your life. The aches and pains you wake up with in the morning consume your thoughts for many hours. You worry that you will be like this until you die, and then worry even more about who will take care of you if you become disabled before you die.

As they always say, safety first!

Surely, one of the most important worries in life should be your health.


After 9/11, flying is never 100% safe. Anyone who hates Americans is just a jealous hater.

Good God, the thought terrifies me.

By the way, there is life after death. When you are close to people who have come back from the brink of death, the stories can bring tears to your eyes.

Relationship with Significant Other

I'm just going to put this out there. I have seriously bad luck with this.

Health of Family Member(s)

I care more about my family than myself. I love them so dearly. I don't know how people who have lost a close family member stand the pain in their heart. I would cry for the rest of my life and never feel better again. Good luck to all of you who have been through this, and I hope you feel better!

Who would want to lose someone they love?


This is actually a really big topic. People kill themselves because of this!

The Newcomers

? Younger Siblings

Ugh... those spoiled little brats!

? Sexual Intercourse
The Contenders

Choosing a job can be a worry. It is one of the hardest choices in life.

End of the World

I am pretty sure someday the earth is going to die out, but the entire world? Not that possible... you never know though!

Pretty scary, but will it happen?


You never know what might happen next.


Another world war would be a nuclear war. It is a big worry to some. It could cause catastrophic consequences for our planet.

My uncle is over there, and each night I pray he won't get hurt. It's so sad, and I'm scared he might get shot.

War is really scary. All kinds of explosions, lots of deaths - nobody is safe.


Crime is the biggest worry when living in a high-crime area.

Nuclear Annihilation
What People Think of You

I HATE nightmares. One day, I'm pretty sure I will get scared to death and never wake up again...

Reality TV

Unpredictable. It can happen at any time and in any part of the world.

There is still a chance that you will live.


Many people don't like going to school and would rather stay home and relax. The consequences of failing school are terrible. You won't be educated enough to find a job, which can lead to homelessness and starvation!

Finding Work
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