AlphaQ's Chill & Review: XXXTENTACION's Look At Me

AlphaQ I'd rather listen to Look At Me Now than this and can't decide whether this is the best or worst song of all time *shoots his butt*

Sup, this is AlphaQ here and today I'm doing something all my friends like. Someone called BlueTopazIceVanilla (did I get it right? If no, spank me. If yes, give me your f()cking money...jk) requested me to review it. Good idea! This replaced Stimulated as my friends' favorite songs! COOL!

First of all, I love and hate this awesome stupidity with a burning passion. I think this song is fun and cool...and idiotic as well. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU....!!!!!! I can't frickin' decide. All I know is that I'm in PositronWildhawk's room attempting to steal his bacon sandwich. Ok, back to topic. The beat is awesome and funky which gives me a cool feeling in my brain, however, it is eerie at the same time and gives me a BIT of the creeps (spooky spooky skeletons). The lyrics are really awfully made especially that one line my friends' think are the best,"Can't keep my dick in my pants." The sounds effects are kinda cringey and weird, am example would be that after the first 4 lines there's a part where he says, "DAMN SON!" but in that meme voice. He's like one of these 12 year old rappers who enter stripclubs illegally AMD try took hook up with a hot lady, an example of these types of rappers is Rae Sremmurd. XXXTENTACION is no different but is better than Rae Sremmurd themselves. The 1st verse succeeds quite decently. It is the song's strongest point.

Now in the 2nd verse, his aggression increases, he sounds like someone took the last slice of pizza. His flow weakens and the lyrics get angrier. He says some $hit that sounds liek gibberish and misunderstandable. "-throw, F()CK!" He sounds like he's trying to sing rock. Stick to rap boi, rap is better, 0k? The lyrics are still on the same level but the main things that decline in quality are: his vocals and flow. It gets incredibly awful and it makes me think that why it declined so hard...oh well, this verse overall failed as a verse.

Overall, I am absolutely indecisive about this song. I'd give this a -infinity/5 or a infinity/5. Since, there's a number between 1 and 5, I'd go for a 3/5 and try not to regret it. This is AlphaQ leaving the building and playing iSpy with his friends from his hood.

P.S. Hey, wanna know what I, reviewing next? I gave you a hint, look at the last sentence VERY CLOSELY. Th ats all I can say for now. Alright, BYE e e E E e eiE.



3/5 - ProPanda

EDIT: 2.5/5 is more realistic so yaaas. - AlphaQ

Yuh, ayy - visitor