SirSkeletorThe3rd Ahahahahaha! I made the first post of the year MUAHHAHAHAHAA GOY GOY GOY GOY GOY HUEUHEUEHHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE!!!!!!

*brain malfunctions*

Anyways make predictions for this year. Bye 2015. Wonder what horrors await us in 2016...

This post was sponsored by Skelly's Dank Memes Cooperation and was made on January 1, 2016. At 12:00


Hopefully this year's better than last year. Don't get me wrong, 2015 is much better than 2014. - visitor

Both years were good but I kinda liked 2014 better cause that's were all the MLG memes came. The MLG is still alive. Hail the dank memes - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Music of 2015 was actually better. - visitor

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎊🎊🎉 - cosmo

Happy New Year too - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Less terrorist attacms this year I'm hoping for - FerrariDude64

That, I'm afraid probably won't happen. At the state in the Middel East and ISIS getting stronger, WW3 could happen cause of them. Or you know, you can just push the big red button and ISIS will be gone - SirSkeletorThe3rd

China could start a war. They're starting to invade the Philippines and Japan. - visitor

So you're telling me that I shouldn't have gotten Fallout 4 because ITS GONNA HAPPEN THIS YEAR?! - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Even World War Three is Made in China - Puga

Let's hope the music isn't terrible. - RiverClanRocks

Can't promise you that. Every year there is terrible music. Even in 1986 and 1969 - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Well, Sam Smith, 1D, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran are going on a hiatus this year. Let's hope JB and Nicki do the same. - visitor

Haha 69 - Puga

U have no sweg Puga. Onry Spodermon has the sweg - SirSkeletorThe3rd

I am the Terminator! - bobbythebrony

Naw I am :3 - FerrariDude64

Nyet M8, I am. You can be RoboCop - bobbythebrony