Egnomac's Loud House Episode Review Season 3 Episode 4A Selfie Improvement

egnomac When Carol Pingrey selfie gets more like then Lori's she tries to one up her which leads to the two competing with one another.

Episode starts in the living room as Lori and Leni are looking at their phones as Lori gloats about her latest selfie reaching 100 likes when Leni brings up the fact that she almost got as many likes as Carol Pingrey's selfie which enrages Lori since she and Carol are sworn rivals as Lori goes on saying that perfect Carol Pingrey has always tried to one up her at everything she does as she recalls several past events in which Carol has beaten her at something from Carol selling more cookies then her when they were in the blue bell scouts, getting more votes then her to become homecoming queen to Carol even beating her at a golf tournament. Unwilling to take this lying down Lori vows to one up Carol by posting a better selfie but keeps getting interrupted by the her siblings first by Lana as she's trying to take a mirror selfie when Lana bursts out of the toilet messing Lori up then as she tries to take a "fun in the sun selfie" when Lynn's ball lands in her lemonade ruining the photo, she tries again as Lily shows up demanding for Lori to change her and when she tells ask someone else Lily gets angry and tosses her full diaper at her and later gets interrupted again when she gets hit with dirt as Lucy is digging a grave nearby and Lori trips and falls in one of the graves accidentally taking a photo of herself in the process. She tries again with another selfie pose a "Lost in thought selfie" where she stares out the window but Lincoln's flying helicopter gets in the way as she tells him to move his toy as Lincoln does so and accidentally cuts part of her hair leaving a bald spot as she screams in horror, realizing she won't be able to take a decent selfie with her siblings around she comes up with a perfect plan of getting rid of them by asking them to help her do some yard work as they immediately run off just like Lori expected.

With no more distractions Lori is prepared to take a selfie of her jumping into a pile of leaves when Bobby calls her wanting to talk to her to comfort him as he has an upcoming dentist appointment but Lori cuts him off so she can take her selfie as she jumps into the leaf pile but ends up landing on the rake she carelessly left in, she then tries a tire swing selfie but as she gets into the tire swing bees emerge from the inside the tire as she runs off screaming as she gets another bad photo, she then tries do a rainy day selfie which goes bad as well as the water from the hose doses her in the face, she then finally takes a good tractor selfie and gloats about not getting hurt in the process until she accidentally starts the tractor which causes it to move backwards knocking her into the grave hole from earlier. Lori gloats over finally having more likes on her selfie then Carol, Leni compliments her on her tractor selfie then mentions that she got almost as many likes as Carol's annoying Lori as Carol's tractor selfie has her with a corgi and she vows to one up her with a pet selfie of her own, and in a pretty funny scene Lori says a funny line "Will guess what Carol. cute lovable animals are my middle name" as Leni interrupts her saying she thought her middle name is Marie and Lori simply pets her.

Lori attempts to take a pet selfie with the pets while trying to put on matching sweaters on them which goes really badly as they pets are not willing to cooperate and end up mauling Lori, after taking a really bad photo of it she turns to Lola to help her fix her horrible selfie which she agrees to help for a tray of cupcakes and in literal seconds making the selfie more presentable making Lori happy as her new selfie has 103 likes but once again Leni tells her that Carol new coffee shop selfie has more likes then hers which again leads to Lori to do the same by setting up the kitchen to look like a coffee shop and getting Lori, Luan and Lincoln to participate. An like before Lori is happy with getting more likes on her selfie and again finds out from Leni that Carol just made a picnic selfie which prompts Lori to do the same as she calls Bobby who is in the middle of his dentist appointment and tells him to meet her at four. Later Lori sets up for their picnic as Bobby arrives and Lori noticing the swelling in his mouth but doesn't think much of it as she continues to set up when Bobby tells her that he got his wisdom teeth pulled out and that he told her weeks ago as Lori finally realize's the extend she has gone to in competing with Carol and apologizes to Bobby for being so inconsiderate towards what he's been through as Bobby forgives her stating he would drive to the moon for her as Lori decides to forget about the selfie and just make the best of their moment together as she realizes that maybe Carol Pingrey is better then her but she doesn't care about that anymore as she still has a lot of great things in her life including great boyfriend like Bobby.

Later Lori goes to the mall to return all the picnic stuff at one of the stores when she notices Carlo Pingrey shopping there and goes to confront her as she tells her that she wins while going on saying she's been better then her at everything ever since they were in kindergarten and that she's done with competing with her but to Lori's surprise Carol reveals that she always felt that it was the other way around and that she was jealous of her as she points out that Lori made the varsity golf team when they were freshman and has strong relationship with her 10 siblings who all look up to her as the two realize their whole rivalry was completely pointless as they are now on good terms and are now friends as they celebrate their new friendship by taking a selfie together. As the episode ends Leni congratulates Lori and Carol on their new selfie but then mentions that two girls Bianca and Sooyung have taken a selfie together and has already gotten more like then her and in typical "Here we go again" fashion Carol calls Lori and the two begin plotting to fight back against Bianca and Sooyug with a new bestie selfie as the episode ends.

To start things off I really liked the story line here as ever since the episode "Picture Perfect" Lori and Carol had been rivals as Carol beat her for homecoming queen, and while Lori's number of attempts to one up Carol does come off as petty and her behavior is a bit terrible especially when she ignores Bobby telling her that he's getting his wisdom teeth pulled yet still shows up so she can get that picnic selfie as she finally realizes how far she has gone in competing with Carol there were some pretty funny moments like Lori's attempts to take a good selfie but for things to go horribly wrong and it was really good bringing out Carol Pingrey and actually giving her more character development revealing that deep down she is just as insecure as Lori and that all their competing with one another was totally pointless, this is defiantly a GOOD EPISODE. Interesting fact this was the first episode of the series to be directed, written and story boarded entirely by woman instead of Chris Savino or Kyle Marshal.

Next Episode Review: No Place Like Homeschool
