Top 10 Metal Songs About Historical Figures

Songs about kings, writers, philosophers, composers, scientists, and so on.
The Top Ten
1 Alexander the Great - Iron Maiden
2 Black Prophecies - Dark Angel

It's about Nostradamus and his prophecies. One of the best underground thrash songs.

3 Nostradamus - Judas Priest

The entire Nostradamus album (2008) can be on this list - a double concept album with 23 songs about Nostradamus. This was the band's first concept album with Rob Halford.

4 Age of False Innocence - Blind Guardian

A very beautiful song about Galileo Galilei.

5 Mr. Crowley - Ozzy Osbourne
6 Sacrifice Unto Sebek - Nile
7 Banish from Sanctuary - Blind Guardian

It's about the life of John the Baptist.

8 Countess Bathory - Venom
9 The Rise of Hannibal - Ex Deo
10 A Past and Future Secret - Blind Guardian

A very sad ballad about King Arthur and his death.

The Contenders
11 Ghost Division - Sabaton

It's about Erwin Rommel and the 7th Panzer Division.

12 I, Caligvla - Ex Deo
13 Tutankhamen - Nightwish
14 Im-Ho-Tep (Pharaoh's Curse) - Iced Earth
15 Romulus - Ex Deo
16 Carolus Rex - Sabaton

It's about Charles XII of Sweden - about the crowning and his policies.

17 Nero - Vanilla Ninja
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