Most Overrated Metal Bands
I hate to do this. Metallica gets too much praise from too many people, but so many people put them too low. They're in the top 3 metal bands for sure. In my mind, they're battling it out with Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden and winning.
Also, how are Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Deep Purple overrated? That makes no sense. Even Slayer and Megadeth are kind of pushing it. These bands are all appropriately or maybe even underrated. Whatever. Point is, people rarely know what they are talking about. Slipknot are overrated in the same way Justin Bieber or Ke$ha are overrated. They're just bad and people like them anyway.
It is horrible that these guys are considered top of the pile in mainstream metal nowadays. I'm in my early twenties so these guys would be held in high regard by lots people my age but these guys are everything that's wrong with metal. They are posers they don't have that powerful aura that pantera, motorhead and slayer would have. My point being they seem more commercial emo than they do metal. I thought bat country was a good song in fairness but unfortunately that seems to be it. Everything else I've heard has been fairly awful. Nightmare is meant to be one of their best loved songs I don't even consider it metal and upon hearing it my face contorted into a grimace of disgust. Also Metallica shouldn't be number 1 even though their output for the last twenty years has been horrible at least they begun by giving us some of the best metal albums ever. And also even when they are bad now they still provide entertainment in the guise of unintentional comedy like the some kind of monster documentary and the lulu album. If I were to see Metallica live they would be able to put on a great show because they have a back catalog of amazing songs from kill em' all up to the black album. Avenged Sevenfold on the other hand have one good song and that's it.
Slipknot just suck in general, boring music that sounds the same. How the hell is a legendary band like Metallica and a slightly overrated but still good band like Avenged Sevenfold above these guys.
Slipknot in 10? next to Metallica, is the most overrated metal band!
many guys only know this band about metal, with other band which are also commercial; as Metallica (they are really good but every fan should admit that they turned very commercial)... I'm not saying they are bad, but at least I have to say that is stupid that the guy who made this list thinks that Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Megadeth, Slayer, Judas Priest and Deep Purple are most overrated than one of the most played bands in MTV!
I like slayer, but it's not like they're the single most amazing band in the world. Sure, they're influential, but that doesn't change the fact that they're incredibly overrated. They're talented, and their music is super fast and hard to play, but they do suffer from a huge case of "every song sounds the same." The drumbeat to pretty much all of their songs is just snare over and over, and the guitars get old pretty quickly. Also, let's be honest. Tom Araya is a terrible vocalist. The worst part about this all is that since I didn't say "Slayer is the most amazing band ever," this comment is going to get thumbs-downed all over the place. I like Slayer, but people need to grow up and realize that heaviness alone doesn't make a band good.
Incredibly overrated. How the hell is Dimebag Darrell ranked in the top ten greatest guitarists with HUGE heavyhitters like Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. Same goes for Vinnie Paul. My brother puts him in his top 5 favorite drummers, and I just don't see why. Pantera's songs are sloppy and dull. They don't deserve all the praise they get all the time.
Ok one very good album vdop, cfh okay, the other three are the same garbage, have like 2 good songs each album, they took advantage of the poor metal 90s! Good for anselmo that teamed with down! That's a good band. Dimebag was a very descent guitar player, but think if pantera still playing now, I think they fell off short of imagination, those three last albums are sinking and are very forgettable.
Linkin Park are like the One Direction of rock band, they suck but people like them anyway. Whenever I hear someone blasting this crappy band near my house, I feel the urge to blast awesome old school thrash metal bands like Voivod and Kreator!
I love Linkin Park, but let's be fair; they're not a Metal band, and even Chester stated that.
On an additional note, you can't escape being called overrated when you're incredibly successful with critics, fans and sales.
Why does Linkin Park have to receive such negativity? Yes, they may be overrated, and almost more than half of their stuff isn't metal, but I don't think those reasons are not valid for you to hate them.
So overrated! I could honestly tolerate them more if they just weren't so cheesy. Fury of the Storm is one of the cheesiest songs I've ever heard in my life.
And what makes this band worse is that from what I've heard, they speed up their music in the studio. That alone makes me lose a lot of respect for them because it's just like with singers who use auto-tune. They don't use their real voices.
DragonForce isn't a bad band. They do have interesting guitar solos, good production and the musicianship is commendable, but you can't deny one thing...
...DragonForce is pretty cheesy, especially in terms of their lyrics. And yeah, there are better Power Metal bands anyway.
I don't listen to the overrated Run to the Hills, I prefer The Nomad. Wait...
Oh no I can't listen to Iron Maiden anymore because the whole band is overrated. Shame, I have to switch to Judas Priest. Oh no, traditional heavy metal as a whole is overrated, why not search for some funeral doom metal? Ah, metal is overrated, if I want to shine from the crowd, I have to find something else.
Maybe I should listen to Oleg Lundstrem's Big Band. Hell no! Music as a whole is overrated, maybe I should read about medieval France. Um, free time is overrated, I will try to learn/work all the time. No, life is overrated, I have to kill myself. Suicide is also overrated, what should I do? Maybe I'll go back listening to Iron Maiden and don't care about what other people think of it.
Easily the most overrated Metal band going. If they weren't always compared favorably to Metallica, a band very much hated, people might realise just how overrate Megadeth really are. Even though Megadeth fans are blind to this, Megadeth sold out just like Metallica did, Cryptic Writings/Risk, except they were no where near as successful at "selling out" as Metallica were.
The problem is that Megadeth fans are so rabid and worshipping of Mustaine that it's frankly disturbing. Megadeth sold out, that's a fact. Look at most of their albums during the nineties, not to mention supercollider. The difference is that they failed to make a success of it like Metallica. Metallica are more overrated, but that doesn't mean Megadeth aren't.
Black Sabbath of the 70s with Ozzy is overrated mostly because everybody thinks they invented metal but they didn't - they invented doom metal and maybe goth metal but that's all, not the rest of the metal genre. Black Sabbath's stuff of the 70s wasn't metal - it was heavy blues rock and even Tony Iommi admitted that. That's why they radically changed their sound in 1980 - they just started play metal.
Judas Priest and Iron Maiden didn't sound like Black Sabbath (bluesy, slow and/or quite simple songs), they sounded like Rainbow and Deep Purple (non-bluesy, fast, complex, technical and classically inspired songs). Same for the current metal, which means that not Black Sabbath but Deep Purple and Rainbow invented metal as we know it now.
The Newcomers
I don't understand the praise for this band. I've tried to get into them multiple times but they just never click. I find the mixture of both Art Pop and Alternative Metal really frickin' weird, so maybe that's why I don't really like them. Maybe they're an acquired taste?
How can they be overrated in metal when most metalheads don't even consider them metal in the first place?
His lyrics are fantastic, but his style of singing isn't that good.
This should be way higher, and Metallica shouldn't be on this list.
This band ISN'T actually TERRIBLE, it's just that it gets way too much praise for mediocre guitar work, low quality locals, and poor lyrics. DM bands like: Death, Morbid Angel, COB, Opeth, Obituary, Decide, Etc. ARE MUCH better than this band. It also contributed to several negative stereotypes, contributing to a problem in metal. We're isolated enough already, no need to make it worse with bad lyrics. This band was too focused on shock value and making as much money from morbid curiosity, instead of making good music. Their "best" song, "Hammer Smashed Face" is mediocre at best.
Saying Motörhead isn't Metal just doesn't make sense. Metal isn't strictly defined as classical inspired music. It's just a louder/heavier version of Rock and Roll. Motörhead is one of the most influential Metal Bands ever. They were one of the first metal bands as well. I mean, just listen to them. If that isn't metal, then I must not know what Metal is. It's fast paced, bluesy speed metal. Lemmy said he didn't feel apart of the Metal community, but that doesn't mean they aren't metal.
Whats with Metallica haters get a life their the biggest metal band ever... And motorhead is the most underrated band ever I bet you don't even know who lemmy is...
Honestly, the guitarist is the highlight of the band, you'll get an awesome intro and then Andy's voice kicks in, along with a generic drum track... Andy's voice, despite sounding gritty, is just very weak, you don't get a sense of power behind it, and his harsh vocals are some of the worst I've heard where the accent goes all twangy. The Legacy had an awesome intro and then it just lost all its momentum, and the only songs I can say were good all the way through were In The End, Fallen Angels and I Am Bulletproof.
Heavier version of Nickelback - all their songs sound exactly the same. And Jekyll and Hyde is the worst I've heard over the airwaves since Coldplay was inescapably popular. The only reason they're "big" right now is because Wrong Side of Heaven's music video managed to whip the general populace into a circlejerk frenzy because of the military theme, and apparently nobody knows how to draw the line at "Yeah, that one thing they did was good but let's just let it die now."
Seriously. One decent song with a decent message does not make them good.
They may not be black metal, but at least they can be considered gothic metal, unlike Nightwish or WT.
Black metal? Seriously? More like wannabe metal!
Their recent stuff is pop metal!
To be honest, Anthrax is the least known and, thus, the most underrated out of the Big 4 of Thrash. Its surprising how people want to jump in on how Anthrax isn't as good as the other three, although in terms of 2010s material Anthrax has (so far) done the best.
Easily the worst of the "Big 4" and rides off the coat tails of the others.
One decent album (among the living) gets them grouped in with 3 of the most influential, genre defining bands of a generation.
So overrated, they should belong in the big 10 if such thing would exist. Only thing that got then famous is moshing and kept singing about it for years they always sound the same: silent hardcore-thrash with even more idiotic vocals. Stupid band
The most poseur band on the planet. The singer is in an orchestra! The lyrics have absolutely no meaning whatsoever in any shape or form. Terrible music!
Every song I listen too I hated and I think it is the vocals.
Lonely day is the only song I could listen too.
This is the kind of band you will like (as a guilty pleasure only).
I love this band and all, but they are honestly pretty overrated, a large portion of their songs while good seem to lack emotional appeal to me, it's impressive how they write their music but they all seem to focus too much on the technical talents more than emotional.
Pretentious garbage. It seems like all they do is hold circle jerks between who can write the least cohesive time signatures and melody changes.
They belong in the top ten. James LaBrie is one of the worst singers of all time.
So overrated! I have no idea why so many people are into them. They're just boring, uninteresting, and mediocre at best. Really terrible band in my eyes.
Their earlier albums (remission-Crack the skye) were beautiful but they dropped and then boom. Emperor of sand.they however moved from sluge to prog
Very overrated (Chuck worship) when there are countless bands that have put out better death metal records. They sold out after Spiritual Healing. Their music became more accessible and tailor made for mainstream pop metal fans. I hardly hear any Death fan talk about or appreciate their first three records because they're heavy, vile and aggressive which is how death metal should be and is the exact opposite of pop metal.
They're very overrated and one of the worst sell out bands and yet blinded pop fans will worship and glorify them as the God of death metal. They went from straight up Death Metal to lame Prog Metal in a matter of few albums. Since Chuck was itching to receive mainstream glory he quickly decided to turn his back on the genre. Their first three albums are essential for fans of 'death metal'. Their later stuffs are not death metal.
Legendary is unequal to great. Honestly, this is just mediocre black metal in its "prime." Terrible vocals that sound like some talentless drunk attempting to be evil at a karaoke bar. Blast beats all the way through, and mind bogglingly repetitive guitars that I can't stand. Its only atmospheric when you try to force yourself into thinking so. Crappy lyrics with no thought, combine with ear grading music and you've got a band that I will never be able to appreciate
I like black metal (Immortal, Gorgoroth and Bathory mostly) but their satanic fanboys worship them. They think their concerts are rituals for the devil. Also both the vocalists suck, that means you Dead. Also the guitar playing is very simple rarely playing any solos. The drummer always plays blast beats. There is nothing special about this band.
A pop rock band that plays heavy breakdown just to make it sound brutal.
Play a random lick, just to show that they can play technical.
Deathmetal growls to show that they are deathmetal.
Sang cheesy pop vocals, to prove the the young girls that they are emotional and can sound feminine like Justin beiber.
Great musicians with bad music taste of writing songs. and a horrible combination.
Pop rock with deathmetal growls, 5 breakdowns in one song, girlyman pop singing, annoying licks, boring lyrics. these combination is too cheesy.
I gave them too many chances I listen and gave them a fair review.
And all I have to say. their style is horrible.
They're not a metal band, why are they on this list? Same for Zeppelin.
I love kiss! And there not even metal. But anyway there the best band ever!