Top 10 Best Saw Traps

The Saw franchise is infamous for its terrifying and intricate traps, each one designed to push its victims to the edge, both physically and mentally. Over the years, these traps have become a defining feature of the series, making audiences squirm, gasp, and sometimes even cheer at their brutal ingenuity. But not all traps are created equal - some stand out for their complexity, creativity, or sheer horror.
The Top Ten
Reverse Bear Trap from Saw A mechanical device designed to rip open the wearer's jaw if not disarmed in time. It is triggered by a timed mechanism placed on the victim's head.

I think it's actually the camera work that makes this trap look so awesome. The bathroom trap shouldn't be first in my opinion. It's too simple.

By the way, the Reverse Bear Trap was better in Saw 1 than in Saw 6. Just thought I should add that.

The Reverse Bear Trap is the best. It's too bad that we don't see it in action until the second time, but it looked different then, especially how it opened at the end.

It's better than the rest because, even though it's simple, the shock value and how Amanda and Jill survived/died make it stand out.

The Angel Trap from Saw III A harness with sharp metal wings is attached to the victim's ribs. If the key isn't retrieved in time, the wings forcibly open, tearing the ribs apart.

A harness is connected to the rib cage, set to pull out all your ribs. The key is inside a beaker of acid capable of burning flesh.

Even if the key is obtained and used to unlock the device, you still can't get it out of your ribcage. So no matter what, you're screwed.

Looks like a beautiful trap, but very deadly as she is ripped apart in gory detail.

The Rack from Saw III This trap twists the limbs of the victim one by one until they are broken. The victim is restrained and positioned in a crucifix-like apparatus.

A trap that's too hard, brutal, painful, horrible, and just awful to watch, but also too gripping to look away from. Great film.

A rotating lock around the arms, legs, and head will turn 360 degrees, breaking the arms and legs, and eventually the neck.

Twisting, bone-shattering, Jesus-like cross causing the most pain possible on someone.

Pound of Flesh from Saw VI Two victims must cut off and weigh pieces of their own flesh to survive. The one who sacrifices more flesh in a set time wins their freedom.

Two subjects are forced to cut off as much of their flesh as possible to tip the scale, thus saving their lives. The one who donates the larger sum of flesh in under a minute wins.

Bloody horrible. If I were one of them, I wouldn't donate any flesh. I'd just take the two nails, or whatever they are, to the head, though I'd probably end up regretting it.

Two people compete against each other to donate the most flesh. The loser will have a device drill into their skull.

Death Mask from Saw II A metal mask filled with spikes is locked onto the victim's head. If the key is not used to unlock it, the mask will snap shut on the victim's face.

Cutting his own eye out was so dang disturbing.

Same as the Venus Fly Trap.

Snitch must cut out his eye or die brutally. (Who could cut out their eye?)

Bathroom Trap from Saw Two men are chained by their ankles in a decrepit bathroom, with a dead body lying between them. They must solve clues to find a way to escape or risk death.

Two men in a bathroom. What could be crueler?

The trap that started it all.

This is the classic Saw trap.

Carousel Trap from Saw VI Six individuals are chained to a rotating carousel with a shotgun aimed at them. The participant can only save two of the six by pressing buttons that inflict self-harm.

This trap is scary. William Easton is responsible for the lives of six of his employees. He can make a sacrifice to save someone, but he can only do it twice!

Probably the best trap besides the Reverse Bear Trap and Angel Trap.

For the people in the carousel, they went through mental torture.

Five Become One from Saw V Five participants are chained to separate stations and must work together to survive a series of traps. Failure to cooperate results in the death of one or more individuals.

Love this trap.

The Glass Coffin from Saw V A glass container serves as a protective enclosure for one person. If entered, it provides safety while a fatal mechanism activates outside.

If only Strahm had listened to the tape.

Venus Fly Trap from Saw II A spiked helmet is set to close on the victim's head unless a key is obtained. The key is hidden behind their eye, requiring self-mutilation to retrieve it.

A man must dig through his eye to retrieve a key to a machine that will put nails through his head if it's not retrieved fast enough.

Best trap ever. Both gruesome and doable.

He was too scared, so he died.

The Newcomers

? The Ice Block Trap from Saw IV Two large ice blocks are rigged to swing down and crush the victim. The trap is triggered by a timer or failure to perform specific actions.
? Breathing Room from Saw VI Two victims wear masks connected to a machine that punishes the one who inhales more air. Over-breathing results in suffocation for one participant.
The Contenders
Razor Wire Maze from Saw The victim must navigate a maze filled with razor wire to escape. Failure to do so within the time limit results in fatal blood loss.

With two hours to escape from a room, there's only one problem: a razor maze is in the way, capable of cutting deep into the skin.

Really good trap. Should be at least 8th.

Laser Collars from Saw VIII Collars equipped with laser cutters are placed around the victims' necks. The lasers activate and slice through the neck if the victim fails the test.

The laser collar is from Jigsaw, by the way.

Water Cube from Saw V The victim's head is encased in a glass box that fills with water. They must find a way to breathe or drown.
Acid Needles from Saw VI A victim must inject themselves with acid to retrieve a key. The acid causes extreme pain and disfigurement upon injection.

I almost puked when I saw this scene. It should be in the top ten.

Ivan's Game from Saw IV Ivan is restrained and must gouge out his own eyes to avoid being killed by the trap. Failure to comply triggers a fatal mechanism.

Rapist must destroy his eyes. Otherwise, his limbs would be pulled off.

The most treacherous I've ever seen...

A very sick and dark trap.

The Pendulum Trap from Saw V The victim is strapped to a table beneath a swinging blade. The blade descends incrementally unless the victim makes a brutal sacrifice.

Dude, it was so gnarly when it cut his guts out.

On a cold metal table, with a saw getting faster and working its way downward, you can either crush both your hands or let the saw cut you in two.

This one is bloody.

Magnum Eyehole from Saw II A loaded gun is rigged to fire through a peephole if triggered. The trap is designed to exploit the victim's curiosity or desperation.
Grain Silo from Saw VIII Victims are trapped in a silo that fills with grain and heavy objects. They risk suffocation or injury unless the trap is deactivated.
Flammable Jelly from Saw The victim is covered in a flammable substance and must navigate a room filled with lit candles to find a safe combination. A wrong move or misstep could ignite the jelly.

A man had flammable jelly smeared on his body, and the only source of light was a small candle. There was a slow-acting poison in his blood, and the antidote was in a safe. The combination was coded on the walls, but there was broken glass on the floor.

This should be number 1 because death by fire is painful.

This should be number 1. It was so painful.

The Knife Chair from Saw IV The victim is strapped to a chair with blades positioned at their face. They must push their face forward onto the knives to deactivate the trap.

Shows Jigsaw's true colors to a drug dealer.

This trap is scary.

Needle Pit from Saw II A victim is pushed into a pit filled with syringes to retrieve a key. The trap is designed to induce extreme physical pain and fear.

For some reason, at first, I thought they were nails, but then I realized what the pit was actually filled with.

Consuming poisonous gas, with the antidote in a locked room. The key is in a pit full of needles.

He pushed Amanda when he could have gone in himself.

The Scalping Seat from Saw IV The victim is strapped to a chair with their hair tied to a mechanical winch. The device pulls their scalp back if the test is not completed in time.

Why is no one voting for this one? It's amazing.

The Garage Trap from Saw 3D A car is rigged to trigger a chain reaction, killing multiple people if not stopped. The driver must make a sacrifice to halt the sequence.

Evan awakens in a car, glued to the seat as punishment for his racism. His girlfriend is under the tilted car, about to be crushed by the tire. One of his friends has a chain hooked to his jaw and arms, while another is in the path of the car, about to be splattered. Evan has 30 seconds to reach a lever that can stop the contraption. If he fails, the car will drop, crushing his girlfriend, pulling out his friend's jaw and arms, and then splattering his other friend. The car crashes through a door and slams into a wall, causing Evan to fly out and die. The end.

The Seeing Trap from Saw VII Two victims are strapped to a mechanical device where they must gouge out their eyes to survive. The mechanism activates if they fail to complete the task within the allotted time.

This trap is gruesome to watch but so amazing. Please vote for the Seeing Trap. Watch the trap wherever you can, and you'll see what I mean when I say that this trap is awful, evil, and hard to experience. Love Saw!

Three poles come at Suzanne: two aiming for her eyes and one for her mouth. She's strapped in and can't escape. It's horrible to watch, but it's worth it. Make sure you check it out!

How many flipping times do I have to say this needs to be higher, without a doubt? You wouldn't like it if you had three poles poking your eyes out.

Pig Vat from Saw III A victim is strapped beneath a chute that pours liquefied pig carcasses onto them. The weight and toxicity of the sludge pose a lethal threat.
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