Top 10 Don Bluth Characters
The top characters from Don Bluth's movies as well as the from video games like Dragon's Lair & Space Ace.
Unlike most animated princesses, Anya can handle herself pretty well. She goes toe-to-toe with Dimitri and even saves him during the train scene. Plus, she defeats Rasputin by breaking his green hourglass.
Now that Disney owns the rights to Anastasia, she can finally be inducted as a Disney princess!

Mrs. Brisby goes to great lengths to move her family to safety. She endures every challenge and danger that comes her way.

Though he starts as an unlikeable jerk, Charlie changes for the better after meeting and rescuing Anne-Marie. He even sacrifices himself to save her.
His character development is interesting as he gradually becomes a more moral person.

The main antagonist who constantly trolls you whenever you die.

Bartok is a funny and memorable character from Anastasia. He eventually got his own spinoff movie where he attempts to rescue a young prince/Czar.
Can we all agree Bartok is the best character?

Ducky and Anne-Marie were super cute characters. Rest in peace, Judith Barsi.
The Newcomers

Hopefully, she still possesses her gifted ability to talk to animals even as she grows older.
She's lucky to possess a gifted ability to speak to animals, isn't she?
If only we had known about what her birth parents were really like.

From Don Bluth's very first project, Banjo The Woodpile Cat, Crazy Legs befriends Banjo and helps him find his way home. He's voiced by the late Scatman Crothers, who also voiced another animated cat, Scat Cat, from The Aristocats.

Fievel is a protagonist you genuinely feel for, as he wants to return to his family.

Since Disney owns the rights to Anastasia, he can become a Disney hero!

This character has a beautiful voice! I suggest listening to her sing in any of the songs from the second film, especially the a cappella intro to "The Girl You Left Behind." It's truly lovely!
It's heartwarming how she never gives up hope of being reunited with her brother.

Ludmilla is a sexy, tall, and slender lady with yellow hair.
She is also a tyrannical magician with slaves.