Top 10 Best Disney Foxes

Nick is one of my favorite Disney characters! His fast-talking personality was just really funny to watch. You gotta admit you at least smiled once during Zootopia while he talked.
He was a smart fox and a good friend. Just don't make him sad - I'll stand up for him.
He's really cool, that's why I like him, and he's street smart.

I know he probably won't be in the top for very long, but how could I not give the #1 spot to my all-time favorite Disney character? Like most people nowadays, I first got to know him from Splash Mountain, and even on my first ride-through many years ago, I was like, "I like that fox!"
Then, some years later, I watched animated Song of the South clips on YouTube and grew to like him even more. He's just got so much personality, has some of the best facial expressions, and some of the best character animation of any Disney character. In fact, several of Disney's top animators, such as Ollie Johnston, have said that he was one of their favorite characters to animate in their careers and that they had a blast working on the animated segments of Song of the South.
In my opinion, he is the most underrated Disney character by far, and I really wish he were given more attention.

Tod was part of my childhood. How I miss him. I hope they make the third sequel...
Hopefully, he'll swoop to number 1.
Hey Tod, how are ya? Good looking, you two (Vixey).

Such a character.
Cute and tough make for quite a combo. - ZootopiaFan
Character development for the win!
Character development! - AnimalsLover