Top Ten R-Rated Comic Book Movies
To commemorate the release of what is quite likely the most anticipated R-rated comic book movie of all time (Deadpool, of course) I, with great pride, post this list... which compiles the greatest R-rated movies based off of comic books and/or graphic novels.Hitting the fan-boy sweet spot in practically every sense, Deadpool mixes raunchy comedy with glorious violence perfectly to make the ultimate R-rated mixed drink of awesomeness.
I'd strongly recommend (to those who are of age) that it be seen in theaters. P.S. Stay until the very end of the (noticeably short) end credits to see not one... but TWO worthy end credits scenes.
If you see any other movies that have a 4th wall break within a 4th wall break, and that's like 16 walls, then let me know.
Please, everyone, go out and watch it now. You're getting your money's worth.
With only 2004's Layer Cake and 2007's Stardust under his directorial belt, director Matthew Vaughn would go on to make a name for himself with 2010's Hit-Girl-filled hit film Kick-Ass.
It managed to give us the glorified violence and gratuitous profanity we were looking for, all while wrapped up neatly inside a bright and colorful costume-laden superhero movie. How lovely. Its underrated sequel, Kick-Ass 2, makes for a bloody fun adventure, also.
Awesome, fun, entertaining movie!
A landmark in Japanese animation, this 198
8 animated sci-fi/action film is largely considered to be the greatest anime of all time and one of the greatest science-fiction movies of all time. Bloody, energetic, and gorgeously animated - everything a good anime needs.
Notorious for bringing its main star's life to an early and tragic end during the production of the film, 1994's The Crow presents us with a haunting performance by the late Brandon Lee in what became known as his greatest film and remains one of the best action films of the 1990s.
It was also a breakthrough film for its director, Alex Proyas, who would go on to direct the films Dark City, I, Robot, Knowing, and the upcoming Gods of Egypt.
Many failed to realize that this 2002 crime thriller starring Tom Hanks was based on a graphic novel. Well... now YOU know, at least, if you didn't beforehand. Directed by Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Skyfall), Road to Perdition is notable for featuring the final live-action performance by Paul Newman (who died in 2008).
For a Great Depression-era thriller that features deeply rooted reflections on the consequences of violence and its effect on the relationship between a father and his son, all with Oscar-winning cinematography, look no further.
Such a brilliant film, and in my opinion, one of the most underrated films of the noughties. Gritty, complex, thought-provoking, great storytelling, and characters - this film has everything you could ever wish for in terms of a comic book movie and a Watchmen adaptation.
Move over, The Dark Knight and Avengers Assemble. Your throne as the best superhero movie has been snatched.
If you think that Deadpool or any Marvel movie is better than Watchmen, I feel sorry for you...
1. Watchmen
2. Deadpool
3. The Punisher (2004)... stop yelling, I know you hate it.
Directed by renowned Canadian director David Cronenberg, 2005's A History of Violence digs deep into the raw core of the human psyche (well, one type of human psyche, at least) and gives us one of the best (and most violent) character studies ever seen in modern filmmaking. Nominated for Best Writing and Best Supporting Actor (for William Hurt), this film won numerous awards and was nominated for countless more. It was considered by many critics to be one of the finest films of 2005 and the 2000s as a whole.
It was also reportedly the last major film to receive a home video release on VHS tape.
After the disaster that was 1995's Judge Dredd, many were turned off by the idea of seeing another movie featuring the character. Well, seventeen years later, thanks to writer/producer Alex Garland (writer of 28 Days Later and future writer/director of 2015's Ex Machina), and thanks to the spot-on performance from Karl Urban, the judge, jury, and executioner was redeemed on the big screen... in 3D!
This is the greatest comic book movie ever. Alex Garland is the most underrated man in movies today.
Black-and-white films might still be dead if it wasn't for the few modern filmmakers who appreciate the gritty color(less) palette that B&W movies create. Of course, while Schindler's List and The Artist remain the most celebrated black-and-white modern films, Sin City is a close third.
It's gorgeous, brutal, well-paced, well-directed, and superbly cast. Too bad its eventual follow-up film, 2014's A Dame to Kill For, hit a much sourer note with audiences and critics.
The Newcomers
I don't think many expected this film to be rated R after watching the trailers. It just looked so PG-13-ish and colorful to be so, well, mature. But then again, it was directed by Matthew Vaughn (of 'Kick-Ass' fame), so we should have known better. That's okay, though, since the movie is a joyride of action and fun. I'm definitely looking forward to a sequel.
This movie is at least partially responsible for the modern age of superhero movies (especially Marvel movies), so not thanking this film for that would be wrong.
Probably the most political of the lot, V for Vendetta features a terrific script, clever political overtones, and top-notch performances from Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving (who plays "V" if you didn't know), and John Hurt.
It's a pity that Alan Moore (co-writer of the graphic novel), after disliking the adaptations of his other works, From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, chose not to be credited for this film since, you know, it was actually awesome.
This masterpiece under the 5th wave?
It's a macho movie if there ever was one, that's for sure. It's pretty darn entertaining, too.
The director's cut of the film is far superior to the theatrical cut. To anyone who has not yet seen this film, I have two pieces of advice:
1. Watch the Netflix series instead.
2. If you MUST see it, watch the director's cut. It's the main cut available on Blu-ray.
Besides, it's the director's cut of the film that is rated R. The theatrical cut is PG-13.
Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy together in an action movie. That sure is an interesting mix.