Top Ten Reasons Why Studio Ghibli Films Are Better Than Disney Films
Very true. Disney has the same plot in almost every story.
Something bad happens in the main character's childhood.
There's a bad guy.
The bad guy almost defeats the good guy until friendship and teamwork save the day.
Happily Ever After.
Relationships are wholesome in Ghibli films and family-positive. Disney films focus on the American obsession with rebellion and breaking family bonds.
While some Disney movies have good morals, not all of them do, and it's hardly most of them. Therefore, Studio Ghibli is superior.
Cinderella is helpless without her helper mice, a fairy godmother, and a charming prince. Princess Mononoke can snipe a demonic giant boar with her bow. No contest.
They have badass female characters who aren't just good fighters, aren't sexy, and aren't necessarily tough - but are still the heroes. I love that they never sexualize badass female characters.
Yes, the protagonists are mainly girls around the age of eight to twelve. It has given me courage and pride as a girl.
True. In Disney films, we can basically guess what happens halfway through the movie, leaving not a lot of surprising elements that make us enjoy movies. Plus, there are lots of stereotypes.
Agreed, especially since The Lion King is nothing but stupid, false animal stereotypes.
All of Studio Ghibli's music is emotional and beautiful, but I especially love the ones from Spirited Away and Kiki's Delivery Service. Very beautiful and powerful music.
I think Princess Mononoke's soundtrack is amazing. I love many Disney soundtracks as well, though.
Amazing music for the movies, with emotional and beautiful soundtracks!
Umm, hello? This is anime! Who doesn't love anime?!
First off, let me say that Studio Ghibli is far superior compared to Disney, but Howl's Moving Castle is based on a book. BUT: It is an amazing story, and Studio Ghibli changed a lot of things to fit its own magic.
Their stories are so much better than Disney's. Even the princess stories (like Princess Mononoke and The Tale of Princess Kaguya) aren't as cheesy and predictable!
Yes! Totally agree. Especially in Tales From Earthsea, magic isn't just glowing hair or ice magically coming from your hands. It's something different. It's sorcerers and sorceresses with invisible magic (you can't see it happening like with Elsa or Rapunzel). This makes it so much more real than Disney, and it appeals more to teens than to small children. Even when they do show magic in Studio Ghibli films like Spirited Away and Tales From Earthsea, it is beautiful in itself.
Yeah! Disney just puts a trail of sparkles behind things that are magical. That's it.
The Newcomers
They say the more evil the villains are in movies, the more amazing the story is.
Thumbs up for classical, traditional hand-drawn animation.
Thumbs down for 3D CGI.
I prefer classic, traditional hand-drawn 2D animation as opposed to ugly-looking 3D CGI.
I hate people who waste their entire time relying on ugly-looking 3D CGI.
The plots are not cheesy or "trying to be edgy" - instead, they are usually rooted deep in traditional myths with a darker background, which I find fascinating.
Disney makes dark films like The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Black Cauldron.
This is the key reason why I love his films.
Disney movies are not actually made for children. The dialogue is just a series of jokes - adult pop culture references made in the context of a story seemingly for children. In Ghibli films, characters actually talk to each other on an emotional level.
Disney Channel should have remained without teenage stereotypes too.
Yeah, Disney Channel does that too.