Top Ten Best Animated Disney Movies of the 21st Century

The Incredibles is cool. I don't have a favorite character from it, though.
I like the villain from it. The villain has a good backstory. His favorite superhero ignored him, so basically, he tried to kill him.
This and Up are my favorite Pixar movies.
This is my 10th favorite movie of all time.

This is the best Pixar movie of all time.
I don't accept this! It should be at the top!

Have you ever heard of anyone not loving Finding Nemo? No, you haven't. Beautiful movie.
Finding Nemo is my favorite movie ever! Alongside Zootopia and The Lion King.

It is literally the best movie of all time, and I demand it be number one.
It is the number one Disney movie of all time. At least it is in the top ten animated movies of all time.

Saddest animation ever! It is hard-hitting and brilliant. The first film I watched in the cinema was bloody G-Force. That was going to stop me from going to the cinema.
This was the second film I watched in the cinema. Loved it.

Inside Out is the first movie to ever make me cry without using death.
Inside Out is the best animated film of 2015, the best Pixar movie, frick, the best animated movie ever made.
Like Coco, this movie is flawless.
I didn't care about the human characters, but I love the emotions and Bing Bong.
This is my favorite Pixar movie. I was surprised it was good since it is Pixar.

This movie is better than the whole "Toy Story" trilogy for four reasons.
4: The best Disney villain ever is in this movie.
3: "Toy Story" and all of its sequels were terrifying!
2: It's about video games.
1: *drumroll please* Felix. Just Felix, no questions asked.
This is my personal favorite animated movie. The Incredibles and Big Hero 6 are close.

It's my second favorite movie, next only to Big Hero 6, but it's new, so I'm surprised it made the list.
I love this movie because it's so good. It needs to be much higher up on the list.
Pretty much everything about it is great.

Wall-E is and always will be the greatest movie of all time.
The Newcomers

Surprised this isn't ranked above Frozen.

While its portrayal of Incan culture may leave much to be desired, the characters and their interactions with one another are top-notch.
Do I even have to explain how funny the comedy is?
Why is this sacred Disney masterpiece so low?
Funniest animated comedy alongside Shrek 2 and South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.

Love this movie, especially the part where Miguel returns from the world of the dead and gets Mama Coco not to forget about her Papa.
Coco is just a masterpiece of cinema and deserves to go higher on the list!

It had all a movie can offer: comedy, romance, action.
It is countless.
Just an amazing movie.
This movie deserves a cute little boat ride at Epcot's Germany pavilion.

This is my favorite Disney film. Family fun and lots of catchy songs.
This should be in the top ten. You're welcome!

Much better alien movie than Chicken Little.

Still a better, more ambitious, and more engaging action-adventure flick than Strange World.
Also a much better alien movie than Chicken Little.

Almost as great as Beauty and the Beast and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, both of which were directed by the same two people as this movie.
These characters are fantastic, although they probably would've worked better in a TV show than in a feature-length movie.
No one likes Cars 2. Atlantis should be a lot higher!

WHY IS THIS NUMBER 22? It is my third favorite movie only after Zootopia and Big Hero 6! How dare they put it at number 22!
A personal course correction for Disney after the critical disaster that was Chicken Little.

This movie is kind of like The Aristocats if it had more plot and substance to it.
I really loved this movie as a kid mostly just because there were so many dogs.