Top Ten Stupidest Things to Do In a Horror Movie

I made this list for people watching bloody stupid people doing stupid stuff so enjoy.
The Top Ten

I hate all of those people in horror movies who know they're in a haunted house and act like even a bone in the corner of the room scares them senseless. Man up!

If you're hidden from a monster, screaming is the dumbest move. The monster will find you and a few minutes later, start pouring salt and pepper on you.

We don't have smart characters in these types of movies. That's why they don't realize that they should NOT scream like crazy psychos.

Hear a Noise and Go to See What It Is

Especially if you think something horrible is happening. Seriously, you're in the woods, a haunted house, or a basement. People have been disappearing left and right with no explanation. You hear a monster growl or footsteps. Common sense tells you to GET OUT OF THERE! What do you think this is, Scooby-Doo? Don't worry, you have NO obligation to investigate. No one's going to blame you for being unable to scare off an immortal demon. Leave that to the police. Unless you're packing some serious firepower, GET OUT.

Split Up

Especially in the dark, scary woods filled with werewolves, with thick fog everywhere, and no one around to hear you scream.

Go in the Basement

This has to be the dumbest thing you can ever do.

Have Sex

Anytime people have sex in horror movies, they die.

Who has time for this when there is a killer on the loose?

Banging and living are two different things. For instance, Friday the 13th, Scream, Leprechaun. Enjoying flesh isn't as important as saving it.

Hide in a Remote Location
Not Use Their Weapon

Many times I have seen horror movies where the killer gets knocked down or out, and the victim runs away screaming for help. If it were me, I would pick up anything I could find and bash his head in. There would be no chance for him to kill me or anyone else.

Scary Movie is the best example. She has a gun, a grenade, and she picks up the DAMN BANANA! #Pisstake of horror films.

Plead for Help

What the hell do you think begging for mercy will do to help you live?

Girl: Oh, there's a monster. Oh no, don't kill me. I want to live.

Monster: (swallow)

Kill Your Only Friend

Your friend could've been in the FBI! He could've been on the show Ghost Hunters! I don't know, but your friend could be really smart with that stuff and you kill him/her? YOU'RE A STUPID IDIOT.

Ask "Who's There?"

(WALKS in room) Hello, who's there?

Killer: I'm in the kitchen. Do you want me to make you a sandwich?

The Newcomers

? Approach an Unknown Figure
? Think It Was a Dream
The Contenders
Trust a Stranger

Guy: Um... I think we're lost.

Girl: Should we call someone? I have my phone.

Creepy dude: I can take you home.

Guy: Hey, he seems trustworthy.

Girl: Meh, he has a knife... It's probably nothing.

*Drives off*

(Person's car breaks down)

"Oh no, I should go walking in the woods and trust that guy that I saw walking when I was driving. Best idea ever!"

Stay There and Die
Trip and Fall

Like in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he's wearing a mask which already limits his vision, overalls, and he's carrying a chainsaw. Do you know how heavy a chainsaw is? Neither do I, but it probably weighs a ton.

Seriously, how many times do you guys ACTUALLY trip and fall while running?

I hate how people trip and fall and wait until the killer reaches them.

Hide Under the Bed

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if someone runs into a bedroom and you can't find them, they're OBVIOUSLY under the bed. Even a child would know they simply didn't disappear into thin air.

Why don't you hide under your coffee table while you're at it?

Oh yeah! I can't stand this one. So annoying.

Open the Creepy Door

Girl in a haunted house: HELLO! I'M LOST!

(Sees creepy door)

Girl: It looks creepy, and this could cost me my life, but I'll open it anyway.

(Monster pulls her in)

Girl: AH

This wouldn't happen if she just left the door alone. Did you expect diamonds in there?

I bet the person wants to die if he/she does this.

Run Upstairs Instead of Outside

You know what's outside? Lights, civilization, and policemen!

Hunt the Killer

If you're not a cop or someone who can fight, then don't do it.

Stay in the House
Look Into a Mirror
Curse the Killer
Live in an Old House

Yes, because I want to live in the 500-year-old Victorian house built on top of a cemetery instead of the nice, peaceful suburbs!

This has happened in many horror movies, from Poltergeist to The Grudge.

Forget Their Cell Phone
Invite Ghosts

Girl: to three ghosts You're invited to my slumber party!

Three hours later, she dies.

Stay in a Corner

They always stay in a corner even if the killer is far away!

Just Stand There When a Killer is Holding a Knife in His Hand

I hate it when they stand there for 10 seconds, screaming and looking at the killer.

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