Top 10 Best Vampire Movies of All Time

Twilight is an embarrassment to the genre with a very dull, unattractive leading lady and a horridly cliché storyline. The only thing that sets it apart from other vampire films is the "pussification" (yes, I said it) of a creature that should be considered seductive yet notably dangerous nonetheless.
Interview with the Vampire has more substance to it and is more complex than some teenage girl meeting some awkward boy who just so happens to be "unusual." The two are not even in the same league in terms of quality of story to be compared.
Twilight is new "pop" age trash geared toward hormonal teens, whereas Interview with the Vampire is for a more mature audience.

Definitely should be #1. This is by far the greatest vampire movie of all time. Interview with a Vampire was terrible, honestly. I've given it many chances.
Most of the time, I fell asleep because it was so boring. Even when I managed to get through it, I just felt like I wasted 2 hours of my life that I can never get back. Oh, and Tom Cruise is a douche!
Twilight was a great love story that just happened to have vampires in it. The fact that the vampires sparkle like big diamond-encrusted Ken dolls takes it down a notch. But Twilight was a good little movie, no disrespect, but that was disturbing.
Lost Boys, on the other hand, was just a badass vampire movie! Lost Boys #1, Blade #2, 30 Days Of Night #3, and I don't know if any of these even deserve to be on this list.

Twilight is the best vampire-based movie. It does not repeat the same boring vampire concepts. It brings something new to the vampire concept and presents it beautifully.
On the other hand, Interview with the Vampire is a good movie but has a very dark theme and direction, which I don't like.
Twilight! It does not get better than that. Other producers, actors, actresses, and writers should take notes. Not one movie I watched even compared to the love and action in this movie. Best movie ever, and Edward and Bella are perfect for each other.

I liked Twilight the book, but I'm afraid Robert Pattinson ruined the movie for me eternally. Of course, so did Kristen Stewart's emotionless expression throughout the three, possibly four movies.
I enjoy Underworld because of the sheer passion in the characters' acting. They actually tried acting in this movie, although Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett's actors were superb. And don't assume I said those people because they were my favorite characters, because they were not. I like them for their acting skills.

Vampires at their most vile and bloodthirsty nature? You don't see vampire movies that depict vampires as they really are? It's always sugar-coated.
But the upcoming Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie will follow this trend! And what a welcome sight. Vampires are a disease, just like AIDS or cancer, which has to be eradicated and wiped out before it infects another person. They are contagion.
Best vampire movie EVER! The vampires do not look like sparkling constipated models, nor like some gross wrinkly fetus.
Another great vampire movie is Daybreakers.

The first time I watched this, I hated it because of the nonstop pounding music. It was just too much. I know silent films had music throughout, but this was way over the top, pure distraction, and nausea-inducing.
Well, I watched it a second time, only this time I did so with the volume off. Let me tell you, it was fantastic, especially for 1922. Without the music, I was able to concentrate and realize how good this was. The vampire scared the poop out of me!
This is only a vampire movie on the surface. More than that, it is poetry, visual art, and pure emotion. It is like a feverish dream. It feels like it's from another world.
The 1922 silent version was frightening and dark, morbid and occult. This 1979 version is calm, meditative, beautiful, and philosophical. It ranks among the most fascinating movie experiences I have seen.
Just don't expect action, drama, and entertainment. More than anything, this is art.

If you value any other vampire film or TV series over this, you clearly don't know vampire lore at all. Dracula is the benchmark of what vampire lore is. Bram Stoker, the mastermind behind the creation of the Dracula lore (and hell, in my opinion, the writer of vampire lore itself), puts the final nail in the coffin as far as what vampires are really about.
Something that this film does not do is pander to what I call "candy vampires." This film focuses on the nitty-gritty of vampire lore and does so exquisitely. I like the harshness of it, the brutality, the absolute heart-wrenching emotions delivered through it.
I have to say that Gary Oldman's portrayal of Dracula was spot on. I highly recommend this film to vampire lore aficionados.

Probably one of the best superhero movies of all time. Yes, it's a superhero movie as well as a vampire movie, but it's definitely better than Twilight.
Anyone who thinks that Twilight was good is wasting our precious oxygen.
An underrated superhero movie, a rare vampire film that is actually entertaining to watch.
Now, if only we could get a Blade/Twilight crossover?
Blade has always been a kickass movie! It never gets old watching him destroy vampires in all three movies.

This is the master of all vampire movies! The Lost Boy is in the top 10, and Dracula? Don't make me cry (of blood tears, of course).
I first wanted to vote for Interview... But just because I'm a total fan of Rice!
This is very surprisingly not on here yet when it was one of the original vampire films. How come it isn't?
Twilight has number one, and THIS doesn't even get honorable mentions?
This should be in the top five. Yes, it may seem a bit campy for today, but it is another that started it all.
I still watch it every year in October, and I still love it!

Fantastic movie. I think this should be number one, or Lost Boys. Fright Night had some camp, but it worked. Fantastic actors all around.
Also, Dracula, starring Frank Langella and made in 1979, should be on this list. It's a must-see, really well done!
Twilight... I know it's good, but I think Fright Night should be number one! It was an amazing movie with great actors, especially Chris Sarandon.
I would go buy it when you have a chance. This movie is really awesome! And by Fright Night, I mean the 1985 one.
This movie also has some good vampires in it. One of them, if I remember correctly, was the main villain in the movie, and he also had a very famous scene.
The Newcomers

Come on! It started as action, then went all out vampire! George Clooney, Tarantino?! Come on!
Plus, I ended up with a girl crush on Salma.
Probably one of the greatest vampire movies ever! I could watch this over and over and never get tired.
This is the first vampire movie I've seen, back when I was so young. From then on, I loved vampire action movies.

I'm sorry, guys, but Van Helsing is the best vampire movie ever. Hugh Jackman at his best. It surely deserves a top five spot.
How is this not number 1? From the sexy brides of Dracula to the epic fight scenes and comedy, I loved it.
This movie is fun, has great special effects, and Hugh Jackman. Love it!

In my opinion, the best vampire movie made, by quite a long way too. If you want blood, guts, or glamour, don't bother with this one. You get atmosphere and good acting instead.
This should be at the top with Interview and Lost Boys.
Twilight? TWILIGHT? Really. This movie is amazing, and I couldn't sit through five minutes of Twilight.
I swear people these days don't know what a good movie is if it hit them in the face.
This list makes this website lose tons of credibility. There are only two great movies in the top ten, and Let The Right One In isn't even in the top 20!
What a joke!

Queen of the Damned is the best vampire movie ever. Aaliyah embodied the vamp Queen Akasha so well. Channel TV guides ranked Aaliyah number 18 on TV Guide's Sexiest Beasts of All Time.
She got into this character great, and she was beautiful. The green eyes were so beautiful on her face. Wow, and let's not forget Aaliyah's dance moves. She is one of the best dancers of all time. Love you, Aaliyah.
Amazing vampire movie if you like a twist between vampires and love. And the guy who plays Lestat is sexy!
The music in this movie is amazing, enough said.

The best Dracula movie hands down. Christopher Lee is the best Dracula ever, and Peter Cushing shines as Van Helsing. 10/10.

Awesome movie. Funny, romantic, and just what I wanted!

Why so low? Because people like the new sequel stuff to Twilight? Seriously, don't watch Twilight and say it's the best and most scary vampire movie, especially if it's the first vampire movie you've ever seen.
Don't limit your choices. Watch some other vampire movies (Let Me In, Lost Boys, Interview With a Vampire, etc.). With all the vampire movies out there, Twilight seriously should be like #40, not #2.
Let the Right One In is an amazing film, but the American remake is even better. Normally, American remakes butcher the foreign film (e.g., Vanilla Sky/Open Your Eyes), but this one manages to improve on the original.
I think the two leads give very strong performances, especially Moretz, and give this film real bite. So much better than the Twilight nonsense. If any of the Cullens ran into Abby, they would run for the hills.

It's awesome and so romantic! I can't believe that people choose Twilight over this!
We're talking about the movie here that came out before the series!
I love this show. It's an awesome show that demonstrates women have power too!

A modern vampire film done with a western motif. Strong performances by the cast, including James Woods and Alec Baldwin. Plenty of action, yet including many horror and suspense elements as well.
The soundtrack is very well done.

It is a perfect blend of romance and fantasy! Edward and Bella, love you both! Jacob, take care of Renesmee!
Wish the saga could continue...
Shocking? Yes! Worth watching? Definitely. This movie is what makes the Twilight series worthwhile.
I've never seen a film like Twilight. I've been staying in all day watching the five series. It's just amazing.
I started to watch this film again and again, and I am still so in love with it. I want new series of it. Don't miss Twilight!

This movie is my childhood. The last time I watched it was in 2021, but when the movie started, my best friend called me. She wanted to play video games with me, so I did.
It's one of the happiest memories I have of her.
I'm proud to say that this movie is awesome and much better than Twilight.

This film adds a layer to the original Nosferatu by using the idea of a film about the making of Nosferatu, where something is very wrong. There is a sense of dream-like panic as you realize the true nature of the characters. It is wonderful.
Check it out for Eddie Izzard's performance too.

Perhaps one of my favorite vampire movies, and definitely my favorite comedy. It got me into vampires and everything.
This movie is really funny, with lots of jokes. The accents also make it hilarious.