Worst Horror Movies

The Top Ten
Seed of Chucky

Don't get me wrong, I love Child's Play 1, 2, and 3, but Seed of Chucky was definitely a piece of trash. And for all you people who like this movie, I have three questions for you:

1: Name more than one scene that is actually scary.
I would have more questions, but for this movie, that's all you need.

That part where Chucky's son does martial arts in front of Chucky made me feel like it's a parody of a horror movie rather than an actual horror movie. It's a horror-comedy like Courage the Cowardly Dog, but with more ridiculous humor and more kid-friendly looking.

Jason X

While I do like the set designs and the design of Uber Jason, I just think this is one of the stupidest ideas you can think of for a movie. A serial killer frozen and woken up in the future? Really?

I never cared for this one. For horror, it's not even the least bit scary, and the whole plot is kind of cheesy. I was disappointed with this one. But that's just me.

Jason X is the second worst horror film. For me, the overrated The Innkeepers is the worst - so dull, cliched, and the characters are dumb. Jason X is just stupid all around.

House of Wax (2005)

Terrible mess of a film... Paris Hilton is awful. The original House of Wax with Vincent Price is fantastic, so check it out if you haven't seen it. Also, this remake is such an insult to the legendary Mr. Price!

Terrible, a pile of dung. If you want to see a fantastic film, watch the original with Vincent Price. It is so good, and no Paris Hilton.

Paris Hilton destroys this movie with her skanky attitude and her terrible acting! Thanks a lot, Paris!

Jaws: The Revenge

It's only SLIGHTLY better than Jaws 3. The kills in this movie are good. Granted, there's only two kills. And the way the shark dies? Can someone please explain how being stabbed by a boat's bow would BLOW UP the shark?

The first one was amazing, the second was still good. The third was terrible but still fun to watch. This one was boring.

Oh hell yeah, this movie is crap.

Psycho (1998)

Why did Netflix replace the original with this pile of crap!?

Troll 2

This is probably the worst horror movie I've seen - stupid and unrealistic.

The only thing this movie was good for was the meme.

They're eating here, and they're going to eat me. OH MY GOD!

And the reward for best acting goes to... not this dumbass.

Paranormal Activity 1

The entire Paranormal Activity series is awful, not scary, and makes no sense. It's like a corny YouTube ghost video. "Oh man, I just saw my kid get dragged down the stairs. No, wait, she's in bed. Oh well, time to bust out the terrible filming equipment and record it INSTEAD of leaving my obviously messed-up house."

Extremely boring, not interesting, or scary at all.

Only that parody movie of it is better!

Human Centipede

This movie is stupid and just gross. The first half of the film is the cliché of pop girls getting kidnapped by a psycho killer, and then the other half just shows them wailing in agony because their mouths were sewn to each other's butts. Due to the lack of character development, we never really cared.

The writers were also too lazy to write an actual ending, so they resorted to the cliché "make it up yourself" ending, despite already having killed off the villain. It felt like everyone was in a rush, so they just quickly filmed this movie. The sequels it somehow spawned are even worse! Avoid this movie and its sequels at all costs!

Exorcist II: The Heretic

I can't even watch the first one without being horrifyingly scarred.

I wouldn't say it's one of the worst, but it's definitely not a good movie.

This is one of the worst movie sequels ever.


I don't hate the movie, but still, I have to say it's not scary at all. And to think it's considered horror... Who in their right mind would find this remotely scary? There's nothing horrifying about it. Nothing at all. Whoever came up with the idea must not know what "scary" means.

I was on the phone while my girlfriend was crying, watching this on some TV channel. She tells me to turn it on because she's scared, so I do. Some midget is bouncing off a dude's face with a pogo stick. I laughed, and she asked what was funny. I told her I liked the midget's costume. He looked like the Lucky Charms dude. I got dumped. Stupid movie.

The Newcomers

? Bride of Chucky

At least it's better than Seed of Chucky.

? Hannibal Rising

It's extremely slow-moving. I couldn't even sit through the first 20 minutes without already wanting to fall asleep.

The Contenders
Children of the Corn

Whoever watches this corny movie should get their eyes checked! This horror film is the lamest and most boring of all time! Plus, all of its sequels suck!

Don't let these movies lower your opinion of Stephen King. He still writes some very good books and movies. And I love Stephen King!

This movie was extremely slow-moving, very boring, and just plain disappointing. The story is 1,000 times better.

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

I love Friday the 13th, and I love Jason Voorhees, but this one isn't that great.

Very bad. The first eight were classics, but this has Jason Voorhees looking like the Toxic Avenger.

Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Wow, a movie about giant killer tomatoes. Isn't that horrifying? By the way, I'm saying this sarcastically.


Sharknado started off as a novelty, but CGI sequels really dragged this franchise down the toilet. Was it my imagination, or did several of the characters from Z Nation appear in at least one of them?

It was a funny, awful movie, but then the sequels came and sucked that away. It's officially now one of the worst films ever made.

It should be a crime that this is not number one. It shouldn't even be considered a movie. It's visual garbage.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

It sounds like they decided to mix The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Yeah, and they made Leatherface look like a woman or Michael Jackson.

Haunted House (2004)

Actually, *The Texas Chainsaw Massacre* came out before *Halloween*. Anyway, I keep hearing people say they don't like this movie because it's slow and outdated. I think those people are full of **it! The only reason people don't like it is because it's very creative, suspenseful, and unpredictable, especially the first time it's seen.

People want the same stereotypical plot every time they watch a horror movie: a bunch of dumb people running around like "a chicken with their head cut off," getting slaughtered. The whole thing makes me sick!

Jaws 4

Why is this movie listed twice? Jaws: The Revenge is Jaws 4 because it's called Jaws 4: The Revenge.

Child's Play 3

This one had bad Chucky attacks and atrocious acting. The child actor gave a poor performance - just listen to his scream. That scream is painful to hear!

Though it's the weakest of the first three, it's still a badass movie and deserves to be mentioned when someone talks about Chucky.

The only film in the series that does not include the deaths of girls.

Halloween: Resurrection

This movie is so bad, I can't even explain it. It ruins the absolutely beautiful ending of Halloween H20. Not to mention it has Busta Rhymes (yes, THAT Busta Rhymes) beating Michael Myers with Kung Fu. You just can't make this stuff up.

The Fly II
I Spit on Your Grave
The Hills Have Eyes II
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