Worst Movies of 2020
Here are some of the worst movies of 2020, ranging from not very good blockbusters to universally panned films. Vote up the movies you think are among the worst films of 2020. You're entitled to add an item If there's a missing bad movie released in 2020. You're also entitled to share your opinion by leaving a comment. You can also remix this list, in which you can rank them in order.I hate this movie but for very different reasons than most people commenting here. If you actually watch more than just the trailer, only the girls themselves think of their overt sexuality in a positive light, while everyone else in the film is disgusted. Also, where's the same energy towards traditional Islam (the home culture of the protagonist), which is notorious for child marriage? This is a plot point in the movie and arguably equally as sexual as twerking.
Anyway, the major reason I hate this film is that the protagonist, Amy, is one of the most vile people I've ever seen. The person we're supposed to sympathize with acts out at school, starts a fight with a rival dance troupe, stabs a boy with a compass, causes a rift in her own dance group, and tries to drown a girl in a river. That is not a lead character I want anyone looking up to as a role model.
Arguably more problematic than Cuties, because at least Cuties didn't gloss over the sexualization of girls, let alone condone it. Meanwhile, this film featured the thanking of the same authorities who pretty much run a concentration camp where hundreds or even thousands of people are likely murdered every day. Even worse, this movie was filmed there, and the lead actress supported police brutality in Hong Kong. The film glosses over all that.
Not paying $35 on top of the $8 per month for Disney Plus to rent this lazy cash grab.
If you want to watch it, wait until December 4 so you can see it for no extra charge instead of $35.
If Black Widow goes straight to Disney Plus Premium for the same rental price or more, I will pirate the movie or wait another three months for it to become available to regular subscribers.

How is Mulan higher than this? People only hate on it because of nostalgia for the 1998 animated film and forget or ignore the fact that the live-action Mulan is closer to its source material (the ballad/poem of Fa Mulan) than its animated counterpart. Not only does Artemis Fowl betray the original books more than either Mulan movie did to its source material, but it also has poor production values, directing, and acting that make it unenjoyable whether you've read the books or not. Audiences hate it more than The Emoji Movie and Cats for a reason.
Horrible, unrealistic special effects for the animals.
It's just a poor man's 50 Shades of Grey, except worse. It was top trending in so many countries because people were too lazy and horny to choose a better movie.
Another movie objectively worse and more offensive than Cuties, yet this movie isn't criticized as often because of hypocritical moral guardians.
This movie celebrates sexual abuse and Stockholm syndrome. And you wonder why 95,000 people signed a petition for Netflix to get rid of it.

This movie was horrible woke trash. If you want a good DC movie, just watch Joker. The plot was horrible, the characters were forgettable, and this movie was awful. Harley Quinn is very annoying.
Why does everything have to be woke nowadays? Why can't we just make movies without having agendas being shoved down our throats?

Bad movie. The film is a poor adaptation of the TV show, and the acting was grating for most of the main cast, with one of the actors doing okay. Watch Sonic instead of this crap.
This movie had great suspense, and the twist at the end was great. But it's honestly one of those films that's only entertaining the first time you watch it.

This movie really treats every other genre (including the one I really love, which is rock) so negatively except for pop, a genre I don't really like. In this movie, rock is described as black/death metal (a horrible cutout of heavy metal that has really non-understandable voices) and nothing else. This movie is just a weird cartoony insult to music. Rock and hip-hop rule.
This movie sucks so monumentally badly that it makes Home on the Range look as good as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

The Newcomers

This actually looked pretty cool.
The only good things are the monster designs. The rest sucks and makes no sense.

What a creative title for a movie. I'm sure the people who made Go! seriously racked their brains for the title.
Also known as Go Karts everywhere else on Netflix.