Top Ten Biggest Problems with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
So yes! THE RISE OF SKYWALKER IS OUT! But get this, IT'S NOT GONNA BE PLEASING FOR LONGTIME FANS! Pardon my caps, I just want to get your attention. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you saw my post already, but it's obvious that Rise of Skywalker is not a good movie. And these are the biggest issues with it. Add more. SPOILERS BELOW OF COURSE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED TURN BACK NOW IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILEDJust think, he had a lot of years to build this up. Plus, it wasn't just Palpatine. It was Palpatine and all his followers. Plus, if he did it in the previous movies, people would become even more suspicious.
Why is it a problem? Because if he had THIS MUCH ABILITY TO DO SO, he could have conquered the entire galaxy with ease. Why wait until this state when he's hooked to some weird machine?
Leia is one of the most important characters in all of Star Wars. I am aware that they didn't have much to work with (may Carrie Fisher rest in peace), but throwing away her importance to just have her say "Ben" and die "bringing him back," as if it is her job to make her fully-grown son stop being a monster (RIP Han Solo), is poor writing.
It is no one's job to "give people chances" and "hope they can change," and to have multiple characters, let alone one of the last original trilogy characters, have their role reduced to plot devices for Kylo Ren to "learn from" is poor writing. If they really had to kill Leia, why couldn't it have been an actual sacrifice or for something worth fighting for, not a whiny-emo-Darth Vader-fanboy!
This makes NO sense, unless somehow he knew that Kylo Ren wasn't going to kill Rey. Basically, at the beginning, Kylo reaches Exegol and threatens Palpatine but is given the promise of ruling an armada and sent to "kill the scavenger." Of course, we find out that Rey ends up being the granddaughter of Palpatine, and when she comes, she is ordered to kill her grandfather. What?
Maybe because he knew Rey wouldn't kill him. Palpatine always has a plan. Maybe his plan was to kill Rey the whole time. For example, when Rey was supposed to kill Palpatine, maybe Palpatine was going to slow her down and steal her powers.

I'm pretty sure this item is on the Last Jedi list too, but Snoke turned out to be (spoilers) a puppet controlled by Palpatine. And the worst part is, it's only mentioned ONCE.
Snoke was meant to pretty much be Palpatine without actually revealing Palpatine.

Noticing a trend with the Palpatine-related items. He can summon an armada of Star Destroyers and can use extensive Force lightning to single-handedly cripple the Resistance fleet. Again, if he had the ability to do so, then why not sooner rather than later?
Remember, Palpatine took the Force from both Rey and Kylo. It is pretty justified in my opinion.

Leia's lines were all mostly non-sequiturs, which ruined all of her scenes. It's a shame too, because it's all they had to work with, but every line was absolutely awkward.
Entire plot = Rey, Finn, BB-8, Threepio, Chewie, and Poe go on a fetch quest.
Rey goes off on her own because of Force senses.
Conflict happens, usually involving Kylo Ren.
Finn screams "REY!"
More conflict happens.
Repeat this four times and you basically have the movie's plot.
Exactly. It's about stupid, bratty Rey leaving her friends, then fighting Palps. Done.

Basically, Hux, being the incompetent one in the First Order, turned out to be the Resistance spy out of nowhere. And his reasoning? He doesn't care who wins. He just wants Kylo Ren to lose. It's just pure jealousy. Of course, he doesn't make it out alive here.
Oh god, the Force healing is bad. For some reason, Force healing is here, yet it wasn't in any other film beforehand. Rey uses it twice, and Ben uses it at the end too. At no point do any of the other films use Force healing. I guess it's because some wounds are too fatal? I am unsure, but it leaves WAY TOO MUCH SPECULATION.
It was already a thing in the EU (although it isn't canon anymore) and The Mandalorian. Just letting you know.

Alright, C-3PO was one of the best things in the movie, but Poe is right in the sense that how come C-3PO can translate over a million languages, yet his original programming is forbidden from translating Sith language? They had to wipe his memory in one of the sadder moments of the film (he does get it back, and is still a nice comical character), but this part is kind of dumb.
It's Ancient Sith. It is forbidden to speak. It's like saying Voldemort's name in Harry Potter.
The Newcomers
Think about this: Two major blockbusters that provide closure to the main characters of the main sagas of two big-name movie franchises. What Avengers: Endgame really succeeded in, The Rise of Skywalker decided to copy, and it was not that great.
Evidence to follow:
Poe Dameron is in some sort of last stand in the final battle, against insurmountable odds and seeming hopeless, seeing his comrades die. Then, the big Resistance fleet comes in. What does this remind you of? Captain America being the last one standing during the initial fight of the battle of Earth vs. Thanos, just as his army comes in and the resurrected heroes arrive. What made this better than TROS has to be the many established characters returning. While the TROS fleet was impressive, there aren't a lot of names known that audiences can go "yeah! That's a character I like!" You have Lando, Poe, Finn, Jannah, and Chewie, but the rest are redshirts.
Second case: the final death of Palpatine in this movie, with the dialogue "I am all the Sith!" and Rey's "I am all the Jedi!" coupled with Palpatine dying even at Rey's sacrifice. Compare this to "I am inevitable" and "I am Iron Man" with Thanos vs. Tony in Endgame. Tony had a great comeback line showing how far people have known him for what he is, plus his sacrifice was permanent and a complete dismemberment of Thanos's entire army. In TROS, Rey defeats Palpatine and crumbles the Sith Temple, but the other members of the fleet are the ones to finish off the destroyers above her. Plus, Rey's lineage is still an issue.

Oscar Isaac's real name is Oscar Isaac Hernandez. When choosing a stage name, he dropped his last name due to only being offered gangster/drug dealer roles. In Star Wars, initially, he was the son of former Rebels. Then they threw it away and made him a spice runner, i.e., a space drug-dealer, i.e., a Hispanic stereotype he changed his name to avoid.

Rose is probably one of my favorite characters created in the sequels, while for the fanboys she is so hated that her actress, Kelly Marie Tran, got harassed multiple times on social media. If you want proof that Star Wars 6's lesson that anger and hate lead to bad things was a failure, this is it. It's like the time Steven Universe's fanboys harassed an artist who made a drawing where Pink Diamond was a bit less fat than usual, even though the series teaches you countless times that being mean to people is not a solution to problems.
And of course, Rose only appears for 2 minutes, even though there is no reason for her not to join the main crew. I want to remind you that this list is about bad things and disappointing things in Star Wars, and that yes, this is not a flaw of the movie, but just a disappointment.
When I saw this, I slumped in my seat and said, "I think that just ruined Star Wars for me."

When I saw the scene in The Last Jedi where Kylo killed Snoke, I knew this movie was awesome. This was unexpected in a good way, and this led the sequel of this movie in an interesting path, since now, the tormented and uncontrollable villain that is Kylo Ren had taken control of the First Order. It would be the first time where the sidekick of the villain in Star Wars is now the main villain, which is interesting. Sadly, Palpatine was back, and now Kylo is a sidekick again, meaning that killing Snoke was absolutely useless in Star Wars 8!
That was the most disappointing way to kill off one of the most beloved film villains in history.

You know when I said that I knew Star Wars 8 was awesome, when I saw Kylo killing Snoke? Well, the fanboys were disappointed that we don't know where he comes from. But, the reason Snoke didn't reveal his origins is because he was supposed to be like Palpatine in the original trilogy. People tend to forget that there was a time when the prequels didn't exist, and we didn't know anything about Palpatine either. Even then, the prequels didn't show a lot about Palpatine, because he is just a guy that wants to take over the world. Nothing more, nothing less.
And that's how Snoke was before Rise of Skywalker. He is just a guy that wants to take over the world. The authors let people imagine the origins of Snoke instead of revealing his identity to have fewer possibilities for the imagination, just like they let you imagine the origins of Phasma, or if we go back in time, the origins of Palpatine, the Clone Wars, Han Solo, and many others. But of course, because the fanboys were angry, they revealed Snoke's origins, and it's absolutely ridiculous. Seriously? Palpatine created Snoke?! Come on!
You'd think he was going to say that he loves her, but actually, he was going to tell her that he is Force-sensitive. We can see that when he senses Rey's death.
Finn deserved better! John Boyega deserved better! FN-2187 deserved better! Finn deserved BETTER! Why would they market him like he was important and then throw him away?! Why didn't he get to be a Jedi who helped defeat Palpatine/the main baddie with Rey instead of, hmm, I don't know... THE SERIAL KILLER!