Top 10 Best 3 Doors Down Songs

The Top Ten
Here Without You

This has been my favorite song for almost 13 years. It's a close call between this and Kryptonite, but I have to give it to Here Without You.

Well-written, beautifully played, and this song just never gets old. Ask anyone about this song. Almost anyone will say they love it and that it is a solid song! No surprise it is number 1!

There was too much airplay of Kryptonite (which I never liked) on a lot of radio stations. Let's hope Here Without You stays on top, even if rock stations didn't give it enough attention.

Life may be difficult when it changes, and love may never die. I felt like I lost close friends who never spent time together.


This is the only song I like from this band. The rest of their songs aren't that impressive to me, but this one I like for some reason. Maybe it's because this was one of the songs I remember hearing at a young age, and I liked it when I was younger.

The best song should be placed in the first position. It rocks, and it's a song that is entirely different from other songs. It's like magic. I love that song very much. I hope you people also love it as much as I do. Thank you, 3 Doors Down. We love you.

Amazing song. This is what got me into 3 Doors Down. When I was a kid, this was always on the radio, and I just accepted it into daily life. It should be number 1, but it's good at number two.

When I'm Gone

This is probably one of my favorite songs, and it is also one of the first 3 Doors Down songs I've heard. This is a tribute to our US Armed Forces. This should be number 1 or 2, not 3.

It has to be up there, no doubt. It is the best song. It deserves the crown. Number one song on my list. Full points to the song!

This is the best song by 3 Doors Down by far. It is very moving and an awesome tribute to our US Armed Forces.

It's Not My Time

This song has so much meaning. You can relate it to your life. Songs like this make 3 Doors Down AWESOME!

The music video breaks my heart because all the band members are together.

The best. First song I heard by 3 Doors Down.


I love this song. It's my favorite also. Can't wait for their new stuff. I will be getting it, but I like the CDs then I can rip it myself and know that the CD will be stored perfectly.

Loser ROCKS! Everything is amazing about this song: the lyrics, the melody, the video. It's the best 3 Doors Down song without a doubt.

The melody is a masterpiece, and the vibe is worth it! This song is a rocker! One of my favorites by them.

Let Me Go

This song is just amazing. There's no other way to put it. After listening to it just once, you'll want to hear it again. This, with great lyrics and everything being perfect, makes this a great song.

Okay, I understand that Here Without You and Kryptonite are 3 Doors Down's best two songs.

But when I think of Let Me Go, both the regular and rock versions, I ask the question: Why is this song so underappreciated? Let Me Go is a great-sounding song, easy to sing along to, and all in all, a great song!

A really nice song with strong lyrics that make me feel really close to these guys. I guess each one of us has faced the situation that is in this song.

When You're Young

I enjoy listening to how it goes from a silent verse to an amazing chorus. The lyrics are simply original.

It's the best song by 3 Doors Down. Nice song. I love to hear it as many times as I can. It's really a great song!

I love Here Without You and Behind Those Eyes, but this is their best song.

Away from the Sun

This is definitely one of my favorite songs. In fact, this is the song that single-handedly got me addicted to 3 Doors Down.

I found out about them through When I'm Gone but didn't start listening to them constantly until I heard this and It's Not My Time. But this should be so much further up in the listings. Vote, vote, vote!

One of my favorite songs by 3 Doors Down. The music is nostalgic in its own way, being over 20 years old, and it is still a great rocker!

I prefer the original version over the remastered version because it was mixed better and had an extended ending I wanted.

Be Like That

Anybody can relate to this song. The whole thing is just beautiful!

I would definitely pick this track ahead of four out of eight tracks on the list.

This deserves the number one position. One of the most awesome songs!

Duck and Run

An amazing song in general. Great musical buildup, and the song is just plain riveting. Awesomely energetic, but not too over the top. It delivers a strong message while still making you feel the awesomeness.

The Newcomers

? Living in Your Hell
? Inside of Me
The Contenders

This is a great song by 3 Doors Down. I'm very upset that this song isn't in the top five as it deserves to be. This is by far one of 3 Doors Down's best songs. You should listen to this song and vote for it!

One of my favorite lines from this song is, "On that day when you need your brothers and sisters to care, I'll be right here. Citizen soldiers holding the light for the ones that we guide from the dark of despair. Standing on guard for the ones that we sheltered, we'll always be ready because we will always be there."

Easily one of the best 3 Doors Down songs. It at least deserves a top ten if not a top five.

I believe Kryptonite and When I'm Gone should hold the top two spots respectively, followed by Here Without You, and the list can go on from there.

Let Me Be Myself

This song resonates with me, much like my situation with my parents. I really wanted to change careers back in 2016 and asked my dad to help me pursue a technical trade, but he ignored me because of a behavioral problem from 2012. I get a lump in my throat whenever this song plays on my sound system.

I first heard this song on an old Geico commercial about a caveman. Let Me Be Myself sounds very epic and emotional, but it always makes me laugh because it always reminds me of the commercial.

Really, the position is unbelievable!

Landing in London

Great song, with a different rhythm than usual 3DD music. Should be in the top 10, if not top 3. It's a slow song, with a lot of depth and meaning behind it. Good for people who miss someone.

It's much better for me and should be in the top 3. It's slow and really different from other soft rock. The lyrics are great too. It's really an underrated song.

I've never heard such depth in their music before, especially with the cellos. It made me cry much more with the melody and bass. Seriously, I don't cry.

Behind Those Eyes

Oh my daisy, this song has an opening riff that reminds me of The Eagles' song "Witchy Woman." Enjoy being transported by this beauty.

14? Seriously? Come on, guys, this song has an amazing beat!

It's the Only One You've Got

This song is one of my favorite songs by 3 Doors Down, and it's so underrated. Listen to the AOL Session of this song and then tell me that this song isn't amazing!

Time of My Life

The sounds in this song are just awesome. A typical 3DD winner song, with strong vocals from Brad. It's a pretty cool song overall.

Gives you a great feeling every time you listen to it.

Going Down in Flames

This song is awesome. It has been heard in most of the pubs and rock lounges. I have come across a lot of people who love this song. This song should be in the top five.

It's so awesome! Going Down in Flames should be number one!

Awesome. Great music, nice lyrics, overall great.


The most underrated song! It deserves to be in the top 3. People who have not heard this, just give it a try. I never get tired of listening to this.

Very underrated. I have always listened to 3DD, but I just heard this tonight and I can't get enough. This is actually my favorite by them now!


It's the best song from the new album. That place is just too far from the position this song deserves!

Life of My Own
Round and Round

The best song on the new album, in my opinion, even with stiff competition from When You're Young. Top 5 at least.

It's Not Me
My Way

Pretty good song. I don't know why it's 31. It has an extra feel attached to it.

Should be in the top five. If you want slow songs, don't pick 3 Doors Down!

Not Enough

Great song, hands down. Can't believe it hasn't been added yet.

In the Dark
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