Best Angra Songs

Angra is a Power Metal band from Brazil. Members:

Eduardo Falaschi - Vocals
Kiko Loureiro - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Rafael Bittencourt - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Felipe Andreoli - Bass, Backing Vocals
Ricardo Confessori - Drums

The Top Ten
Carry On - Angels Cry

Certainly superior to Nova Era, Angra's signature song. I think this top ten suffers from too many Angra newcomers... Nova Era is definitely an incredible track, but Carry On is Angra.

The best song by Angra, by far, and probably one of the best songs in melodic power metal ever made. The highest range of vocals ever reached.

This is a total epic! Insane guitars, insane vocals, insane bass, insane drums - insane song! There ain't no comparison!

Carolina IV

I'm shocked. I thought the top 10 would be filled with "Holy Land" and "Angels Cry" songs, but there's nothing?

"Carolina IV" is frankly one of the best metal songs to come out of the '90s. I know that's not saying much because the '90s weren't a great time for metal, but this song is beautiful, adventurous, catchy, and emotional. It has a charm that metal songs don't often have. It combines a Brazilian folk sound with metal, resulting in something wonderfully unique. Give this song, and all of "Holy Land," a listen!

This song is truly a work of art. An epic piece that takes you on an emotional journey with its different elements of sound and variations in intensity. Each time you listen to it, you'll discover something new. A masterpiece. It's a shame it is ranked so low. It appears Angra fans are missing out.

Nova Era - Rebirth
Metal Icarus - Fireworks

My favorite vocal performance by Andre Matos. The way he hits the high notes in this song gives me chills. One of my all-time favorite power metal songs.

It's like a fireworks explosion! It's amazing how Angra can put so much emotion into their music.

Z.I.T.O. - Holy Land
Spread Your Fire - Temple of Shadows

This album, especially this song, strikes the perfect balance between power metal and progressive!

Oh my God, it's number 2!
It's much better than Nova Era and Carry On.

Lisbon - Fireworks
Nothing to Say - Holy Land

An absolute masterpiece in every sense of the word. Not only their best song but also one of the best power metal songs I've ever heard. And I live for power metal. Please listen to this song before voting. You'll be doing yourself an enormous favor.

Unique song: The rhythm section is impeccable, with perfect guitar playing featuring incredible riffs and a solo.

13? In my opinion, this should be in first place without question, followed by Carolina IV, Make Believe, Carry On, and Evil Warning.

The Temple of Hate - Temple of Shadows

Come on, people, how is this song #7? This song is a lot better than Heroes of Sand and The Shadow Hunter. It's a little bit better than Arising Thunder.

Maybe it's not the best, but #7? This song has one of the best melodies and riffs. Let's not forget that the creator of power metal and one of the best musicians of all time, Kai Hansen, sings on this track.

It's not only Angra's best song. It's the best one in heavy metal history. There are great solos, and riffs... It is a lesson in technique for musicians.

The Voice Commanding You - Aurora Consurgens

The Newcomers

? Holy Land - Angra

Angra songs have a way of making you wait eagerly for that moment in the song which is your favorite part.

For this song, it is the last 1 minute and 14 seconds.

? Never Understand - Angels Cry
The Contenders
The Shadow Hunter - Temple of Shadows

This song has it all. It starts with an eerie flamenco-style intro and then transitions into an epic power metal anthem. The chorus has such a powerful melody that it will be stuck in your head for days. The interlude features a beautiful solo, showcasing how well-written this song is. Finally, the track concludes with one of the most epic "movie credits" endings I have ever heard, making you want to raise your fist to the sky until the last lingering harmonies fade away. Definitely their best song, followed by "Acid Rain."

Rebirth - Rebirth

This is by far the best tupiniquim rock song. I believe this track should be on a top 100 list of power/heavy/progressive rock songs. Its lyrics, melody, and percussion are outstanding. A great song from what I believe to be the best Angra album.

Epic song that definitely sets the tone for later Angra tracks!

Heroes of Sand - Rebirth

Great lyrics and even better guitar work. Kiko Loureiro is the best at this.

Angels Cry - Angels Cry

Injustice! Angels Cry certainly belongs in the Top 5 of Angra's songs. Please, no questions - it's my opinion.

Come on, people! This masterpiece should be in the Top 5 at least.

Angels Cry is the signature song of its album, and it shows. It's the best song on one of Angra's best albums.

Bleeding Heart - Rebirth

This is the best Angra song without any doubt.

Waiting Silence - Temple of Shadows

The first Angra song I heard and the one I love the most...

Fireworks - Fireworks
Angels and Demons - Temple of Shadows

This song is awesome, with a catchy and memorable riff, along with a very technical shredding guitar solo!

Late Redemption - Temple of Shadows
Running Alone - Rebirth

This song has a great mix between slow, sad sections and fast, powerful riffs that make me ascend to another plane of existence.

The Icarus-like, angelic guitar solo and soaring chorus make this an unforgettable epic.

Evil Warning - Angels Cry

Angels Cry is the best album, and this song is one of the reasons. Deep lyrics with a wise message. Very powerful song.

Make Believe - Holy Land

I can't believe this hasn't been chosen yet. This song reminds me of Silent Lucidity by Queensrÿche. Somebody please vote this up!

Arising Thunder - Aqua

Whoa, this is the most recent music from the album Aqua. It has solos and riffs that get stuck in your head and make you want to listen again and again.

Acid Rain - Rebirth

"The acid rain is burning right into your eyes."
An iconic line!

This song faces tough competition on the "Rebirth" album, but I think it pulls through and manages to be the best track. Overall, it's one of my favorite songs ever!

Wuthering Weights - Angels Cry
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