Top 10 Best Device Songs

If you're a fan of driving synth-rock with a dark, industrial edge, chances are you've already discovered the sonic punch of Device. Fronted by Disturbed's David Draiman, this project delivers a unique and powerful experience that stands apart from his other work.
The Top Ten
You Think You Know

I have never worn out a song as much as this one. The first day I heard it, I listened to it over and over again. I just couldn't get enough of it.

It's got one of the best choruses ever, and the main riff is fantastic. I still listen to this song all the time, and it still sounds fresh.

My hat goes off to Device for crafting possibly the most addicting song to ever grace the Earth.

You Think You Know is a great song. The choruses are gripping and great, melodious choruses.

When this song was released, I knew right away that this song is going to hit the charts.


Vilify was the first song I, and most, heard of Device, and while it is reminiscent of Disturbed, it has a new direction which I believe makes this song the best on the album. I think this was an excellent choice for the single.

Out of Line

Amazing song. I don't want to take anything away from Vilify or Haze, which are also great. Aside from the great riffs, the lyrics are really what grabbed me. Awesome delivery and charged content make for the absolutely brutal feel that I grew to love with Disturbed (listen to Indestructible and The Animal) and am happy to see taken in a new direction with Device.

"Their Machiavellian minds concoct their wicked designs."
This song is my favorite and, to me, their best. Serj and David's duet is incredible, and it really delivers an interesting message. Great song. To me, the blend of Disturbed and System.


Absolutely amazing song, along with M. Shadows, just makes it even more epic.

This song gives you chills, and Shadow's vocals are an amazing bonus.


The overall feel of the song is great, not to mention the vocals.

This should be No. 1.

It's pure sex for the ears. David's voice is awesome on this one. He overdid himself with this one.


Most 'Disturbed' song on the album and pretty damn awesome in its own right. Vilify and You Think You Know are the top 'Device' tracks, no doubt, but as a Disturbed fan, I love this track.

Being a Disturbed fan, this song is very similar to Disturbed songs. Love it!

War of Lies
Close My Eyes Forever

Both David Draiman and Lizzy Hale sounded fantastic as this song was an excellent cover.

Through It All

This song not only has Glen Hughes singing along but yet is meaningful.


Is this list based on popularity because this song is the best from Device?

The Contenders

This one's better than half the ones on this list. How could it be last! Give it a try!

Dude, my third favorite song from them after Hunted and Opinion.

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