Top 10 Best Ensiferum Songs

The Top Ten
Victory Song

It's an awesome song with cool and melodious music. It deserves to be in the top among the Ensiferum songs. Best folk metal song.

I discovered Ensiferum right after Wintersun. What can I say? This song is epic as hell! I'm ready to fight for my kingdom.

Just give me a sword and a shield, and I'll go fight for my kingdom. This is epic as hell. Made me love folk metal.

One More Magic Potion

Victory Songs was the first album to feature Petri Lindroos on vocals, and it turned out great. And I can't say I've ever heard a better song about beer. Classic.

In My Sword I Trust

This song isn't even in the top 10?! You have got to be kidding me. This is one of their best songs. I got into folk metal because of Victory Songs and In My Sword I Trust. Just awesome...

Right, Victory Song and In My Sword I Trust are simply the best, classics already.

This is from their new album Unsung Heroes. Just an amazing song with great music, rocking... And the best chorus... Try it.

Rum, Women, Victory

Great song from their newest album. This is probably their best album as well.

One with the Sea
Heathen Horde
Twilight Tavern

I know everyone says this, but this song should definitely be higher. The whole song is just a smorgasbord of awesome riffs and melodies, with an epic chorus to boot. I love the way it continuously accelerates up to the finish before the final note.

After hearing the live version of this song, I immediately bought the album.

Get blown away by the epic intro, then epic voice, and then epic chorus work.

Run from the Crushing Tide
The Defence of the Sampo

The Newcomers

? For Sirens
? Seafarer's Dream
The Contenders
One Man Army
Lai Lai Hei

Lai Lai Hei! Haha, it's such a catchy song and powerful! It starts off with soft Finnish verses but transitions to heavier sections in English. For the last section of the song, they chant LAI LAI HEI to an incredibly memorable guitar line. Jari's vocals are top-notch and occasionally hit extremely high notes - pure bliss. By far, Ensiferum's best work.

The brilliant mix of folk and metal, calm and explosive, English and Finnish, soft and rough, and overall catchiness with great songwriting and a solo makes this the best Ensiferum song I've heard.

For Those About to Fight for Metal
The New Dawn

Great song that starts fast, then goes to an awesome headbanging part in the middle with a typical Petri solo, and returns to the intro riff in the end.


When first suggested by a friend, I had no idea this song would be so mind-blowing. There is no word that can describe the emotions and imagery the soft music in between puts in the mind of the listener. It speaks of the Wanderer's memories and emotions.

How is this song not higher? The song kicks in beautifully after an awesome intro. The chorus is one of the best I've heard, and it's fairly long but progresses fantastically! Needs much higher recognition!

How come this song is number 12? This song is totally awesome, especially the starting music of the song.

Battle Song

I feel like I am in a fantasy world full of adventures. I always love melodious metal music. The Battle Song is my favorite. I can just put on my headset, close my eyes, imagine a fantasy story, and listen to it. It's very great to do!

From Afar

The song that got me into Ensiferum and still one of the best songs of this genre I have heard today.

I am a big fan of speed metal, and this song is a little faster vocally than most of their songs!

This should be at least fifth! And Token of Time should be just above it. Great song with awesome lyrics and melody.

Smoking Ruins

So far the best, more balanced song between melody and guttural voices.


First song (maybe the best) I listened to from Ensiferum. I always listen like one time, never get old.

Nice intro and beautiful song. True, it is not the best, but it's worthy to hear.

Sword Chant

Best song! Should be at least in the top 5.

One of the best songs they made!

I could listen to this song for every hour left in my life and regret nothing.

Warrior's Quest
Token of Time

Brilliant guitar solo. If this song had clean vocals, it would have been very popular even in the mainstream media.

The best of them all, starts slow and folky and rages into epicness after just a few minutes.

Into Battle

Wow, awesome Viking band and song. It must be number 1. It's 120% energy while I do my work in my office. Wow, what energy they have!

This song thus far is my favorite, especially the awesome flute part of the song, with Token of Time.

When I heard this song, I grew a beard and my dog became a mighty war-hound.

Blood is the Price of Glory

Jeez, only twenty-seven on the list? This song is just so fast-paced and aggressive, and the scream following right after Ad Victoriam is probably one of the most memorable things from Victory Songs.

The breakdown, the chants, and the chorus are all so good. I can't believe this placed lower than Wanderer and Eternal Wait. Blood is the Price of Glory deserves to be in the top five if you ask me.

Badass! No axe stayed in your weak hand!

Heathen Throne
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